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PZC Minutes 11-22-2011
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Elizabeth Kuehnel, William Carroll and Viney Wilson
ALTERNATES PRESENT:  Frank Bonzani, Kevin Foley
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner
                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer
CONSULTANT:             Heidi Samokar, Planemetrics

Appl 11-38P, Buckland Commons LLC – request for site plan approval for two commercial buildings, 2,000 sf bank and 17,232 sf office/retail building,  on property located at 350 Buckland Road, Buckland Road Gateway Development zone
Appl 11-39PX, Encore Optics - request for a site plan modification for a parking lot expansion on property located at 140 Commerce Way, I zone

1.      Annual Meeting
a.      Election of Officers
b.      Review of By-Laws
c.      Other Business
Carroll made a motion to nominate Patrick Kennedy for Chairman, Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. Wilson made a motion to close the nominations.  Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Carroll made a motion to nominate Bart Pacekonis for Vice Chair, Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  Wilson moved to close the nominations.  Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Carroll made a motion to nominate Wilson for Secretary, Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  Kuehnel made a motion to close the nominations, Foley seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Review of By-Laws- There was no proposed changes to the By-laws.

2.      Appl. 11-37P, A A Landscaping Site - request for a site plan of development for a 4,000 sf building
for a landscaping contractor on property located at 223 Nutmeg Road South, I zone

Karen Isherwood, Isherwood Civil Engineering presented the application as follows. The site is located at 223 Nutmeg Road South; it is a 1.36 acre site.  The applicant is proposing a landscaping, tree removal, snow removal business.  The applicant is proposing to construct a 4,000 sq ft pre-fabricated metal building about 40 ft x 100 ft with 4 garage bay doors on the west side and a small office area with a rest room.  The inside of the building will be used for storage of smaller equipment such as leaf blowers and chain saws.  No fertilizer will be stored on site.  The applicant is proposing 7 parking spaces.  Hours of operation are proposed 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM.   The site will have a gravel storage yard that will be used for storage of vehicles and bucket trucks.  The site will have 2 large dumpster that he can bring on and off the site for use with his customers.  The site currently is an overgrown light forest and, there is a culvert on the adjacent property that picks up the drainage from the site.   The applicant will maintain what is currently on site; the drainage that comes in from the gravel area will go into a small vegetative area.  Ultimately the applicant will approach the neighboring property owner for an easement.  An 8ft fence is proposed to be installed with a rolling gate and everything will be screened from Nutmeg Road.  The trees on the site will be salvaged as much as possible and replanted.  A small landscaped area in the parking will meet the 5% landscaping requirement for the parking area.  For lighting on the site the applicant is proposing 3 fixtures 2 will be 13 ft in height with full cut off lighting and one mounted 18 ft in height.  The height of the building is 19 ft.  

Lipe had the following planning report.  
1.      Request for site plan approval to build a 4,000 sq ft building on property located at 223 Nutmeg Road South, I zone. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%, 61.9% proposed. Proposed building height is 24 feet; 40 feet allowed. Lot size is 1.4 acres; minimum lot size allowed is ½ acre. Front yard setback is about 57 feet, 35 feet required.
2.      As explained, there is outdoor storage including heavy construction equipment as well as material bins proposed on the site plan. Outdoor storage is allowed with PZC approval and appropriate screening.  The applicant is proposing to screen this area with a 3 foot berm, landscaping and a 8 foot high slatted fence along the Nutmeg Road frontage.
3.      The parking requirement for this building is 6 spaces, 7 have been provided.
4.      There are several overhead doors along the side of the building that will be screened from Nutmeg Road by the proposed fencing.
5.      Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this site on November 17th and were satisfied with the proposal as presented.
6.      New lighting will consist of three full cutoff wall paks that will illuminate the parking area.  There is no lighting proposed in the storage yard.
7.      There are no regulated wetlands on this lot. IWA/CC approved the erosion and sediment control plan on November 16 with a $2000 bond to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures.
8.      The site is served by public water and sewer. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required.
9.      They are showing the dumpster behind the building and will be screened by the fencing and building.
10.     If this application is approved, there are no other approval modifications requested.

Doolittle had the following Engineering report.  
1.      The surface grading of this flat site looks adequate, although the swale on the north and east side of the site slopes at only 0.3%, which appears unavoidable without additional fill.
2.      Currently water drains by sheet flow from the undeveloped site onto the property to the east.  The proposed building and swale will increase the peak flow and concentrate the flow to a discharge point.  A drainage easement should be obtained on the property east of the site.  The discharge point should be shown on the grading plan.  The receiving drainage inlet should be checked to determine if it is adequate to receive the calculated flows without erosion.
3.      The direction of flow of the 24” drainage pipe on the property east of the site should be shown on the grading plan.
4.      The proposed drainage pipe in the southwest corner of the site should be described.
5.      The dotted line for the drainage swale should be labeled on the grading plan.
6.      The dashed line parallel to and 25’ west of the building should be labeled on the grading plan.
7.      Bar scales should be shown on the site plan and the grading plan.
8.      The correct property line and building line types should be shown in the legends on the site plan and the grading plan.
9.      A detail of the drainage swale should be provided.
10.     A detail of the sewer chimney connection should be provided.
11.     The title for the bituminous concrete lip curb detail should be expanded to include the bituminous pavement cross section.
12.     A drainage area map, including labeled sub-drainage areas, should be provided.
13.     The Stormwater Management Plan should include a summary table of the before and after development flows at each discharge point for the 2 through 100 year storms.
14.     If the post-development flows are significantly greater than the pre-development flows, the receiving drainage systems should be checked to determine if they have adequate capacities for the increased flows.
15.     The impervious area calculations should be provided.
16.     An explanation should be provided as to why only 0.3 acre was used in the water quality volume calculation instead of the 1.36 acre site area.
Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.
1.      Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
2.      No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
3.      This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of $2,000.
4.      A landscape bond in the amount of $2,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
5.      All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
6.      An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
7.      All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
8.      This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
9.      The building street number must be included on the final plan.
10.     Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
11.     All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
12.     If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
13.     Engineering comments dated 11/16/11 must be incorporated into the plans.
Carroll seconded the motion, the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
3.      Discussion Item- Scoping Session of Issues with POCD Consultant Heidi Samokar

Heidi Samokar, consultant from Planimetrics participated in an issue scoping exercise with commissioners.  Commissioners gave input on various topics that would help the consultant with the Plan of Conservation and Development update.  Ms. Samokar reminded Commissioners to invite people to the November 30 work shop so that we have as much input from the public and the other commissions as possible. (Exhibit1).

Ms. Samokar encouraged commissioners to discuss the following topics that have come up in the community regarding the following:
Natural Resources
Commissioners mentioned the following:
•       Revitalization of the CT River in South Windsor
•       Noise pollution, light pollution
•       Fear of Industrial being developed
•       Walk & Wheel ways looking for linkages for biking
•       Issues with small open space lots that the Town owns and how the space should be utilized.  
•       The maintenance of the trails & the challenge of maintaining them
•       Can private companies maintain the OS in exchange for advertisement?
Describe community character.
Commissioners mentioned:
•       Historic, preserved
•       Rural Character
•       Tobacco
•       Close to retail shops
•       Safe & Convenient
•       Best place to grow up
•       Community loyalty
Describe things that threaten the community.  
•       School system going down, buildings getting older, test scores getting lower
•       Overdevelopment –pushing the farm owners out
•       Diminishing open space
•       Loss of businesses- Empty shopping plazas
•       No downtown area (town green), no walk ways to get around town.

Describe housing and residential area trends:
•       Running out of developable land
•       Have reached the cap on elderly housing
•       No opportunities for rentals for young people
•       Concern with future development of large pieces of land on Main Street
•       Where to allow multi-family housing in Town
Business Economic Development
•       The gateway zone was set apart for prime re-development
•       Clear regulations & friendly staff
•       Stimulate redevelopment
Community Services & Facilities
•       Senior center is too small
•       Facilities not being utilized to their full capacity
•       The town does not have a community facilities committee
•       Access management plan was set
•       More side walks ( burden to residents that have to maintain them)
•       Other forms of transportation needed (buses)
•       Safe routes to school
•       Bike & Wheel ways did a review of possible linkages around town
•       Leasing space for new cell towers
•       Everbridge –great communication tool
•       Water/sewer on Chapel – residents have none
•       Clean water monies-DEP has tied the Town to a plan that limits where the sewer can go
•       Solar farms are up and coming-alternative energy
Ms. Samokar mentioned that 2 meetings will be set up where other Commissions will have an opportunity to give input.  These meetings will be held on January 17 and February 6.  
MINUTES:  10/11/11
The above mentioned minutes were approved by consensus with minor corrections.  
Commissioners set  the Holiday Party for December 20 at Mill on the River.  
Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to adjourn at 9:30 PM. Commissioner Carroll seconded.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted:PZC Approved on 12/13/11

Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary