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PZC Minutes 10-11-2011
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, David Sorenson, Bart Pacekonis, Elizabeth Kuehnel and Viney Wilson
ALTERNATES PRESENT:  Kevin Foley & Gary Pitcock
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner
                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer
  • Appl. 11-33P, Duffer’s Indoor Golf—request for a special exception to Section 7.13 to operate an indoor golf facility at 21 Jeffrey Drive, I zone.
  • Appl. 11-34P, Nomad’s Adventure Quest – request for Site Plan modification to add a curb cut to John Fitch Boulevard for the indoor recreational facility on property located at 100 Bidwell Road, I zone.
  • Appl. 11-35P, Peter Gutska DBA Pete’s Carstar Inc. – request for a DMV General Repairer’s license to operate an auto body business on property located at 459 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone
  • Appl. 11-31P, John J. Halvorsen dba L.O.F.T. Golf - request for a 5- year Major home occupation for an on-line golf apparel company, to be conducted from property located at 79 Pierce Road, RR zone
John Halvorsen presented the application.  Mr. Halvorsen has an exiting accessory outside building and would like to use it as an office.  No retail sales would be handled through the home.  

Lipe gave the following Planning report.
  • This is an application for a 5-year major home occupation permit to operate an on-line golf apparel company at 79 Peirce Road, RR zone.  The applicant is proposing to utilize an existing structure on the property for their embroidery operation, inventorying and shipping of the products.
  • The structure to be used is located at the end of the driveway, and is shown to be 440 square feet.
  • The business would not be open to the public – so there are no specific hours of operation proposed.
  • The applicant does not sell retail, so no additional street traffic is expected.
  • Shipping is currently handled by the United States Postal Service (USPS).  They pick up outgoing shipments during their daily mail delivery.
  • Deliveries are received off-site and brought to the site via the company van, so no new truck traffic is expected.   There is no loading dock, forklift or other off-loading equipment on site.
  • Cosmetic improvements will be made to the structure, including tree removal, replacement of existing garage doors with a new overhead door, replacement of all windows and entry door, re-shingling of the roof and replacement of the existing siding.
  • Private well and public sewer serves the existing house.  No water service exists for the structure, and is not planned for the future.
  • If this application is approved, the applicant will be required to return to this Commission for renewal upon expiration of the 5-year permit period.
There were no engineering recommendations.  There was no public participation.  

Commissioners had questions.  Responses will be in italics.  
  • Commissioners asked if there were any noise issues with the machines that the applicant will be using for the embroidery.  
The machines used are very quiet, similar to sewing machines.  

  • Commissioners asked if there would be any deliveries to this site.  
Outgoing deliveries are made through the post office.  
The public hearing was closed at 7:35 PM.

  • Appl. 11-29P, Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) —request for a two lot minor subdivision of 60+ acres and a special exception to 5.4.3 and a site plan of development for the construction of a 64,300 sf school to be known as “CREC International Magnet Elementary School” on property located at L007 Long Hill Road (westerly side of Long Hill Road, southerly side of Chapel Road, northerly of I-291, easterly side of Ellington Road), I-291 Corridor Development Zone, Rural Residential/I-291 Overlay Zone and Rural Residential Zone
Attorney David Hoopes representing the applicant, introduced Dave Fresk, Project Manager, Denise Balushi, Superintendant for CREC, Tim Shepard, property owner, and Kermit W. Hua, Traffic Engineer with KWH Enterprise LLC.  CREC is proposing a magnet school on the corner of Long Hill and Chapel Road and is seeking a special exceptions and subdivision approval and site plan approval.
Don Walsh, Executive Director of CREC gave background information about the CREC school system.  CREC is an education cooperative and has numerous magnet schools in the area that provide quality and diverse education.  The State pays most of the tuition and the sending Town pays the rest.  Magnet students are chosen by a lottery drawing.  The international Magnet Elementary School is an international IV accredited school designed to create international students.  It was opened in East Hartford and they are now seeking a permanent location.  The goal is to open the school in September of 2013.  It is anticipated that 15 buses will be dropping off children and 75-80 parents will be dropping and picking up children.  

Fritz Morris, Project Architect with Perkins Eastman Architects presented the application.  The site is 14.5 acres and was historically used for farming.  Currently there is a main sewer that runs diagonally from Long Hill Road out to Chapel Road.  The topography has a 40 ft grade change from east to west that caused some restrictions to the use of the site.  The applicant is proposing to so some grading on the site and to build a retaining wall.  The applicant will save most of the existing trees on site.  Buses will use the Chapel Road entrance for drop off and pick up of children and the Long Hill Road entrance will be used for parent drop off.  

For the architecture the applicant is proposing to use the historic look of the Town as a basis for the design of the building.  The school is designed to mimic the look of a series of barn.  There will be a medallion on the center cast in stone.  The building is a light sand stone brick material and the roof line will be dark green.  The building naturally follows the grade of the land.  

Sid Burke, Landscape Architect went over the landscaping plan.  The site is rural and wooded.  The applicant proposed to use native trees and keep as many of the trees on site.  Meadow grasses will be used in the detention basin area.  The trees will be planted at the top of the hill and will be used to screen the parking lot.   

Kermit Hua, Traffic Engineer with KWH Enterprise LLC, gave a summary of the traffic study.  The traffic study looked at existing and future traffic conditions around the site.  The traffic study found that the current level of service is a, b or c and that after adding buses and parent drop off all intersections will remain at level a, b or c at the closest intersection.

Attorney Hoopes mentioned that the parking regulations require more parking than the applicant anticipates needing.  The school will employ 65 staff members and not more than 10 parents will be in the school at any one time.  There won’t be any special events during school time where more than 50 families attend at the same time.  Bigger events will be held off site therefore a reduction in the parking is requested.  
The site has good access to major roads and it is a good transitional use in the 291 corridor.  The design is compatible with the neighborhood since schools are an existing approved use in residential zones in town.  A study was done to address the noise issue.  
The applicant requested that the requirement to submit an A-2 survey of the site be waived and requested permission to submit a survey that was previously done in the 1980’s to meet the subdivision requirements.  
Lipe gave the following Planning report.  

  • Request for a two lot minor subdivision of 60+ acres and a special exception to 5.4.3 and a site plan of development for the construction of a 64,300 sf school to be known as “CREC International Magnet Elementary School” on property located at L007 Long Hill Road (westerly side of Long Hill Road, southerly side of Chapel Road, northerly of I-291, easterly side of Ellington Road), I-291 Corridor Development Zone, Rural Residential/I-291 Overlay Zone and Rural Residential Zone.  Institutional uses are allowed in both the RR and RR/I-291 Overlay Zone.
  • The site size is 60+ acres. The subdivision will create a 14.5 acre parcel in the I-291 RR/OZ which is the subject property for the school.  The remaining land will be left undeveloped at this time and exceeds the minimum requirement for a building lot in the I-291 Corridor Development zone.  The applicant has provided the breakdown for the zoning on the first page of the Subdivision plan.  
  • The proposed elementary school will be 64,300 sf and will be constructed in the southwest corner of the proposed site adjacent to I-291. It will accommodate approximately 435 students and offer classes for Pre –k through 5th grade.  Institution uses are allowed by Special exception in both the RR and RR/OZ.  In the design of this project, the applicant has adhered to the site appearance requirements related to landscaping, building and site design prescribed in the RR/Overlay zone which are designed to mitigate impacts on residential neighbors.   
As mentioned, this use is permitted by special exception. Applications for special exceptions may be approved if the Commission determines that:
  • The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • The application has met the requirements of the zoning regulations.
  • The land is physically suited to the proposed use.
  • Minimal, if any, adverse environmental impacts are created.
  • No traffic or other hazards will be created.
  • The impacts on the capacity of the present and proposed utilities, street, drainage systems, sidewalks, and other elements of the infrastructure will be minimal.
  • There will be minimal or no adverse effects on existing uses in the area.
  • Surrounding property values will be conserved.
  • The character of the neighborhood will be maintained or minimally disrupted.
  • The general welfare of the community will be served.
  • There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs.
  • Historic factors are adequately protected; or due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.
  • The overall physical appearance of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood/corridor.
  • The architectural design is aesthetically pleasing and blends well into the surrounding area.
  • The Commission may impose additional conditions in accordance with these regulations in order to ensure that all applicable criteria enumerated above and/or within a particular use category are satisfied.
  • Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 50%; 25.5.7% shown. Frontage is 455 ft along Chapel Road and 436 along Long Hill Road; minimum allowed is 175. Front yard setback for the school is 234 feet from Chapel Road, 50 feet required. The proposed building height is 34 feet; 30 feet allowed. The has increased in the height in accordance with Section 3.1.2.D which allows building height to be increased by 1 foot for every 2 feet from the side yard setback.
  • The parking requirement for schools is based on a square footage calculation.  Based on the size, the parking required is 257 spaces. The applicant is providing 146 spaces and is requesting a modification to the number of spaces required as allowed in Section 6.4.9 of the Zoning Regulations when it is determined to be in the best interest of the Town. The applicant’s documentation supports the reduction based on actual anticipated use of the site. Staff concurs that based on this information, a reduction in the required spaces is warranted.
  • The applicant has provided a traffic study. The traffic pattern for the school is to use the Chapel Road entrance as the bus entrance and the Long Hill Road entrance would be used for parent drop off and pick up. Chapel Road is a collector road and carries in excess of 2,600 cars on a daily basis.
  • This study did an actual count of the turning movements at the closest intersections to determine what impact the projected traffic would have. The proposed speed limit is 35 mph; however the 85th percentile was not calculated.
  • Site distances looking out of the two site drives exceed required distances once the vegetation in the ROW in front of the property is cleared.
  • The report concludes that this additional traffic during a low traffic usage time would be accommodated by the existing road network.  The most significant change would be at the intersection of Long Hill Road and Burnham Street.
Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed the plans on October 6. The committee had no concerns with the proposed architecture, landscaping and lighting.  
The lighting plan calls for 24 foot high poles, with full cutoff fixtures along the access drives and parking areas. Some smaller poles are shown along the school walk areas and building wall sconces are shown on the building. The average lighting level throughout the site is 1.1 fc. And there is no light spill off of the property.
  • The applicant has shown screening trees along the easterly boundary to screen the residential property and a variety of planting along the westerly boundary evergreen plantings along the easterly boundary.  The only required buffer per our regulation is along the northerly boundary abutting up to the residential properties along Chapel Road.
  • The plans also show two multi-purpose fields shown on the easterly end of the site.  
  • Signage allowances for this type of use include a building sign and two free standing sign; one primary sign up to 32 sf and a secondary sign of 12 sf along Long Hill Road.
  • There are no regulated wetlands on the property; however the applicant is proposing to discharge into a regulated wetland area adjacent to I-291.  The applicant received IWA/CC approval on September 21, 2011 recommending bonds in the amount of $30,000 to ensure compliance with E & S measures and $15,000 for construction of the storm water system.
  • There is public water and sewer available to the site. Water Pollution Control Authority approval was granted on 10/4/11.
  • The Fire Marshal and Fire Chief have reviewed the plans and is satisfied with the layout for emergency access.
  • There is a dumpster shown on a concrete pad and screened on the south side of the school.
  • If this application is approved, there are no other planning modifications requested.
Doolittle gave the following Engineering report.  
  • The crosswalk and handicap sidewalk ramps across the driveway off Chapel Road should both be moved south between the curb line of Chapel Road and the stop bar.  The ramps should face across the proposed driveway.  A second ramp will be needed for the crosswalk across Chapel Road.  
  • A keep right sign should be added to direct traffic one way around the island in front of the building.  I suggest signs be added to direct traffic coming down the driveway from Long Hill Road to only turn right onto the main driveway from Chapel Road at the island.  This will reduce conflicts with busses and other vehicles.  
  • Shouldn’t the fence along the top of the western retaining wall be 4 feet high?  
  • Should there be a concrete or stone dust path to the future play area to the south west of the building?  
  • Include handicap ramps where sidewalks end at driveways such as south of the building heading toward the dumpster pad, and east of the school where the sidewalk ends at the eastern most parking spaces.  
  • Add stop signs where the driveways from the parking lots meet the main driveway between Chapel Road and Long Hill Road (2 locations).  
  • Add signs on the driveway from Long Hill Road directing cars into the student drop off area
  • There appear to be spaces for about 5 cars in the student drop off area.  Where will other cars line up while they are waiting to drop off students so they do not block parking lots and traffic flow on the driveways?  
  • A narrative of the traffic flow through the site during drop off and pick up times should be submitted.  
  • The slope area that is shown between Chapel Road and the front parking lots should be regraded so water is directed to the west and not to the road by a shallow swale.  A low berm could be put in this area.   
  • Detailed submittals for the specific hydrodynamic separator selected for this site will have to be provided to the Town for review and approval.  Only hydrodynamic separators approved by ConnDOT will be acceptable to the Town for this site.  
  • What is the size of the drainage pipes between CB21, SDMH09 and the outlet into the sediment forebay?  What is the size and slope of the pipe between the sediment forebay and detention basin?  
  • it would be helpful to put the pipe slopes on the plans.  
  • A clean out should be installed in the 6” and 8” PVC underdrain pipes from the fields wherever they make bends that are not in drainage structures.  
  • At the southern part of the site, water discharges from the 8” underdrain pipe that is along the southern part of the fields.  It is not clear from the grading whether this water will flow directly into the sediment forebay or to the detention basin via the diversion swale shown.  The grading needs to be refined here to show a clear flow path.  
  • The drainage pipe design appears conservative.    A Manning’s “n” of 0.012 or 0.013 was used where 0.010 would be acceptable.  Even with the higher “n” values the 24” and 30” diameter pipes with slopes over 0.005 ft/ft are over sized and 18” and 24” pipes respectively would be adequate.
  • The plans call for 50’ and 100’ long riprap level spreaders.  A detail should be provided for the level spreaders.  The detail should show how the spreaders are to be built to maintain level spillways through the seasons with freezing and thawing conditions.  The Channel Reports for the level spreaders used the maximum pipe capacity of the pipes discharging to the level spreaders rather than a lesser, calculated flow for a selected storm frequency.  The resultant flow velocities are below 2 fps, provided that the flows are uniformly spread over the full 50’ or 100’.  If the flows concentrate over a shorter width, the velocities could increase significantly, even with lower, actual flow rates.
  • The precast outlet structure detail on sheet C7.9 shows a 24” by 36” weir opening over a 12” diameter inflow orifice in front of the 30” diameter outlet pipe.  The weir opening and the orifice should be protected to keep debris out and to prevent access by the curious – such as students.  The protection should be designed to reduce the risk of clogging.
  • According to the geotechnical report, the high ground water can be assumed to be within 5’ of the existing surface, which would result in portions of the building and the play ground being below the high ground water elevation.  Underdrains are shown throughout the play ground area.  A number of 8”  “SD” pipes are shown around the building.  It is not clear if the “SD” drains are for the foundation drains, the roof drains or both.  Some of the “SD” pipes also collect water from yard drains.  The foundation drains should be separate from other drains where possible to reduce the risk of clogging.
  • The road cuts in both Chapel Road and Long Hill Road should be made as small as possible.  Street excavation permits will be needed from the Town for the two driveways and for all utility cuts in these roads.  
  • The water and gas line extensions in the road could be shortened by bringing these utilities diagonally across the front parking lot just to the east of the proposed sanitary sewer, keeping a separation of at least 10 feet between these utilities.  This would result in less excavation and patching in Chapel Road, and shorter utility lines.  
  • The tel/data concrete manhole proposed in the driveway should be moved to either a front lawn area or to the front parking lot.  This is because any work on or in this utility manhole will disrupt traffic using the main driveway from Chapel Road.  
  • The sanitary sewer pipe lengths and slopes should be shown on the plans.  These pipes should have at least a 2% slope.  Also show the pipe invert elevations where they exit the building foundation.  
  • Eliminate the bend in the sanitary sewer line to the west of SMH02.  Sewer lines should only bend at manholes.  
  • Provide calculations for the estimated daily and peak sewer flows from this facility.  Also provide calculations for sizing the 2000 gallon grease interceptor tank.  Size the sanitary sewer pipes to achieve minimum cleansing velocities of 2.5 fps.  
  • WPCA review and approval is required for this site plan.  
  • The stabilized construction entrances should be at least 50 feet long.  
  • For concrete sidewalks the Town specifies Class F (4000 psi) concrete over at least 8 inches of processed aggregate base, and we place isolation joints every 15 feet.  These plans should follow the Town standard details.  
  • The Town uses processed aggregate base material and gravel sub-base material under road and parking lots.  These plans need to call out these materials.  
  • The Town curb details call for processed aggregate base under curbs and this should be shown on these plans.  
  • The handicap sidewalk ramps should have detectable warning strips per ADA.   
  • Town standard details for sanitary sewer and drainage pipe trenches, manholes, and catch basins should be copied on these plans.  
  • The Traffic Impacts Analysis needs to include the existing and proposed ADT and PHV for both Chapel Road and Long Hill Road near the proposed school driveways.  The last paragraph on page 1 should state that Route 30 intersects Route 5 at Exit 4 of I-291.  On the second page, Burnham Street is in East Hartford.   This traffic analysis needs to be signed and stamped by a Civil Engineer licensed in Connecticut.  
There was public participation as follows.

Michael Peruccio, 144 Muriel Drive lives near one of the entrances and is concerned with the impact of traffic on the neighborhood and noise pollution once all the trees are removed.  Mr. Peruccio would like to make sure that the applicant adheres to keeping the trees which would help with noise.  

Kip Tellvand, 647 Long Hill Rd, spoke in favor of the application asked if the applicant considered installing a berm along the access drive coming in from Long Hill Road.  

Jim Richardson, 10 Long Hill Road spoke in opposition, is concerned with the impact of traffic on the neighborhood stating Long Hill Road is a narrow road that cannot handle an increase in traffic.  

Jessica Warren, Long Hill Road is concerned with increased traffic, the danger to joggers mentioned that there are no fire hydrants on Long Hill Road.  
Steve Atkins, 39 Chapel Road is directly impacted by the application and opposes it.  Mr. Atkins requested that a chain linked fence be installed along the property line to prevent children from entering his property, has concerns with lighting on the property and the impact on property values.

Karen Vencus, former resident of Long Hill Road had concerns with traffic.

Correspondence in opposition was read into the record. (Exhibit 1)
A letter from Virginia Macro, Historic District Commission Chair was read into the record.  (Exhibit 2)

Commissioners had questions and comments.  Responses will be in italics.  
  • Commissioners asked what the buffer requirements were for the site.
Lipe mentioned 25 ft buffer in the RR/I-291 overlay zone and 50 ft on RR zone.   
  • Why did CREC choose South Windsor for the location of the CREC if the children that are attending this school are not from the surrounding towns?  
Denise Balushi, Superintendant of CREC Schools responded that South Windsor was chosen because of its central location.  Fifty percent of the children that attend are traveling from Hartford; this would cut the travel time for them.  
  • Who decided on the traffic flow of buses and parents?
Ms. Balushi responded that valey drop off has been successful at other CREC schools therefore they shared their experienced with the traffic engineer and the proposal was based on past experience.  
  • Commissioners questioned the traffic study
After adding additional traffic it will still flow properly.  
  • Commissioners agreed that the design of the building is spectacular.
  • Commissioners asked for clarification about the lighting on site
The athlete fields will not be lit and the poles will be lowered along the entrance and no light will  project up, some of the lights will be on timers.  
  • Will the fields and the playgrounds be available to Town of South Windsor residents?
Ms. Balushi responded that the facilities are amenities for the community and would be available to Town Residents.  CREC has agreement with Towns to participate in Town sponsored sports.  
  • Commissioners asked if there was a plan B for pick up and drop off.  
Ms. Balushi responded that all families were qued for pick up and drop off on staggered dismissal also parents could park their cars and walk children to the school.  There are enough parking spaces to allow that.  
Attorney Hoopes mentioned that the applicant is willing to work with Town Staff to make any changes to the pick up and drop off sequence and to remediate any traffic issues that may arise.  
  • Commissioners asked if the applicant was legally required to submit a new A-2 survey of the property
Lipe mentioned that she would have to contact the Town Attorney for a legal opinion of the A-2 survey
The public hearing was closed at 10 PM.
Pacekonis made a motion to extend the meeting past 10:00 PM.  Sorenson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

  • Appl. 11-31P, John J. Halvorsen dba L.O.F.T. Golf - request for a 5- year Major home occupation for an on-line golf apparel company, to be conducted from property located at 79 Pierce Road, RR zone
Sorenson made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.  
  • The business must be operated by the homeowner.
  • The permit will expire on 10/11/2016 and will have to be renewed at that time.
Only one non-resident employee can be hired
Refuse from the business cannot be disposed of with residential refuse.  Adequate arrangements must be made for business refuse disposal
  • Any new building, or alteration/additions to existing buildings, requires a building permit prior to start of construction.  
Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Appl. 11-27P, Jonathan Chuck – (Chuck Zoning amendment II) – request to amend the zoning regulations to add “Residential Care Home (Facility)” to Table 3.1.1.A Residential Zones as a special exception use in RR and A-40 zones; to add same use to Article 10 Definitions, amend Section 6.1.1 Applicability to add Residential Care Home (Facility),  amend Table 6.5.7A – Signs Permitted in Single Family Residential Districts and add Section 7.20 Residential Care Home (Facility)  (action by 11/30/11)

Pacekonis made a motion to approve the zoning amendment with modification that would restrict the use of major roadways.  Sorenson seconded the motion.  Commissioners discussed the application and agreed that although the applicant was offering additional housing options for the elderly they were not comfortable with this type of use in the historic district.  This type of use is better suited for properties that are on major roads.  Commissioners were not comfortable with passing a blanket regulation that would open up residential neighborhoods.  The motion failed with a 3 to 3 vote.  Kennedy, Pacekonis and Sorenson voted in favor.  Kuehnel, Pitcock and Foley voted against.  Commissioner Wilson had recused herself.  
  • Appl. 11-29P, Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) —request for a two lot minor subdivision of 60+ acres and a special exception to 5.4.3 and a site plan of development for the construction of a 64,300 sf school to be known as “CREC International Magnet Elementary School” on property located at L007 Long Hill Road (westerly side of Long Hill Road, southerly side of Chapel Road, northerly of I-291, easterly side of Ellington Road), I-291 Corridor Development Zone, Rural Residential/I-291 Overlay Zone and Rural Residential Zone
Sorenson made a motion to approve the subdivision application with modifications.  
This approval is for 2 lots.
Drainage and construction for this subdivision is subject to the approval of the Town Engineer.
All lots shall be serviced by the Town of South Windsor sanitary sewer system and are subject to the approval of the Water Pollution Control Authority.
Water shall be supplied to this subdivision by MDC.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission.
If, for any reason, finished grading and other individual lot site work is not completed, the Town Engineer shall determine the amount of a cash bond to ensure final grading and site work. This cash bond must be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
A drainage assessment fee in the amount of $100.00 shall be submitted to this Commission.
The Town Engineer’s review comments dated October 11, 2011 must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
No building permits will be issued until all modifications have been complied with, and the final plans have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
A-2 map of the property is required to be submitted with the final plans if determined required by the town Attorney.  

Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Pacekonis made a motion to approve the special exceptions, site plan for Appl. 11-29P, CREC with the following modifications.

Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of $30,000 to ensure compliance with E & S measures and $15,000 for construction of the storm water system.
A landscape bond in the amount of $20,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
In accordance with Section 6.4.9 and based on the information submitted by the applicant, a reduction in the required number of required parking spaces to 146 spaces has been approved.
The Town Engineer’s review comments dated 9/29/11, as revised 10/11/11 must be incorporated into the final plans.
The buffer line in the RR zone should reflect a 50 foot buffer in addition to the required side yard.
The applicant must return to the ADRC for approval of the proposed signage.
In the event traffic backups negatively impact the public ways, the applicant will have to take measures to mitigate the situation by staggering start times or changing the traffic pattern on the site.
The cross sections of the buffers required in Section 6.2.4.B.2 must be incorporated into the final plans.
The lighting details must be corrected on the plans to reflect the actual light fixtures proposed, including a cut sheet of the proposed lights.
Additional landscaping to be added to the entrance drives to provide additional buffering of the residences adjacent to he access drives.
It is understood that the Town of South Windsor will have access to the athletic fields.
Delivery trucks will be limited to using the Chapel Road entrance for deliveries.
Unnecessary parking lot and/or building lighting must be put on timers to limit light exposure in the evenings.
Wilson seconded the motion.  
Pitcock proposed and amendment that would require the applicant to re-design the traffic flows to lessen the impact on Long Hill Road.  

Kennedy reminded commissioners that it would be extremely unclear what is being approved with that type of condition. The commissioners should not attempt to re-design the site during deliberations.  If this site cannot be tweaked than the choice would be to vote against the application.

Commissioners mentioned that traffic could be mitigated through the PD and Town Staff if necessary based on the proposed approval condition.  

Commissioner Pitcock withdrew the amendment.
Chairman Kennedy called the original motion.  
Motion carried 4 to 3.  Kennedy, Pacekonis, Sorenson and Foley voted in favor.  Wilson, Kuehnel and Pitcock voted against.  
Sorenson made a motion to release the $30,000 bond for Appl. 07-67P, Redland Brick leaving the balance at -0-.  Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
MINUTES:  9/13/2011 & 9/27/11
The above mentioned minutes were approved by consensus with minor corrections.  
Commissioner Sorenson made a motion to adjourn at 11:20 PM. Commissioner Pacekonis seconded.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted:
PZC Approved on 11-22-2011

Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary