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PZC Minutes 11-09-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, David Sorenson, Elizabeth Kuehnel, and Viney Wilson

ALTERNATES PRESENT:      Mario Marrero and Frank Bonzani
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner

Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
  • Appl. 10-50P, Avery Street Christian Reformed Church, request for a special exception to Table 3.1.1A for an office for Bethany Christian Services (a non-profit adoption and orphan care agency) on property located at 399 Beelzebub Road, RR zones
The secretary read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Saturday October 30 and Thursday November 4, 2010.

Kennedy appointed Bonzani to sit for Moriarty

  • Appl. 10-49P, Paul Lis dba Celebrity Nails and Spa– request for a 5-year major home occupation for a nail salon on property located at 1430 Ellington Road, RR zone
Paul Lis presented the application.
Lipe had the following Planning report.
This is an application for a of a 5-year major home occupation permit to operate a nail salon and spa at 1430 Ellington Road, RR zone. The applicant is proposing to continue operating a nail salon, established by the previous property owner, currently located on the premises.
The information submitted shows the nail salon as 681 square feet.  This is equal to approximately 20% of the total square footage of the house.
The hours of operation proposed are 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Friday and 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday.  
Besides family members, the applicant is proposing to have one non-resident employee.
Minor cosmetic improvements will be made to the exterior of the home including the removal of a large television antenna currently mounted to the roof. The applicant has proposed to finish paving the parking lot where there is currently crushed stone.
The applicant is also proposing a decorative privacy fence along the sides of the house and to the rear of the building, separating the front of the house / business from the backyard.
Additional landscaping proposals to improve the appearance and curb appeal of the site include seeding of lawn, shrubs, flowers and more to be performed by a local landscaping company.
The applicant expects garbage accumulation to be minimal and has proposed to transport the business garbage offsite each week to a dumpster the he pays for in Farmington.
The applicant is proposing a 2 sf, unlit, sign, resembling the chiropractor sign on Oakland Rd.
Public sewer and water serve the existing house.
If this application were approved, the applicant would also be required to return to this Commission for renewal upon expiration of the 5-year permit period.

There was no public participation.
Commissioners had no question.  
The hearing closed at 7:40 PM.  

  • Appl. 10-49P, Paul Lis dba Celebrity Nails and Spa– request for a 5-year major home occupation for a nail salon on property located at 1430 Ellington Road, RR zone
Wilson made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.  
The business must be operated by the homeowner.
The permit will expire on November 9, 2015, and will have to be renewed at that time.
Only one non-resident employee can be hired.
Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9:00 – 8 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am to 6 PM.
Refuse from the business cannot be disposed of with residential refuse. Adequate arrangements must be made for business refuse disposal.
Any new building, or alteration/additions to existing buildings, requires a building permit prior to start of construction.
Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Discussion with Matthew Galligan, Town Manager regarding proposed amendment to I-291 Corridor District-First Amendment to Project Plan
Matthew Galligan, Town Manager presented the above mentioned item. The I-291 Corridor Plan needs to be updated every 10 years.  Since CT Studios was approved the plan should be updated to include the type of buildings and lighting as well as sidewalks. (See Exhibit A for complete plan).  A copy of the plan was also sent to CROG for review.  As CT Studios goes forward this information can be posted on the Town web site to keep the public informed.  The Town Manager is looking for a consensus and any comments from the Planning and Zoning Commission before it goes forward.  
Commissioners suggested that the plan should reflect the most accurate information.  Page 4 might be re-worded to say “during the multiphase project” instead of “construction phase.”  
The Town Manager agreed that their were some typos that would be corrected and the suggestion for page 4 would be updated.
Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to find the following:
In accordance with Section 8-191(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes, the South Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission (the “Commission”) has reviewed the First Amendment to Project Plan, dated October 2010 (the “First Amendment”), amending and supplementing the I-291 Corridor District Municipal Development Project, Project Plan, dated May 2003, approved by the South Windsor Town Council on July~7, 2003 (as amended and supplemented by the First Supplement, the “Project Plan”), for the Connecticut Studios Project (as described therein).
The Commission hereby finds as follows:
        (a)     the Project Plan is in accord with the plan of development for the Town; and
        (b)     the findings made in the Project Plan are hereby approved, including (1)~the land and buildings within the Project Area will be used principally for industrial or business purposes; (2)~the Project Plan is in accordance with the Plan of Conservation and Development of the Town of South Windsor and the Regional Plan for the Capital District; (3)~the Project Plan was prepared giving due consideration to the State Plan of Conservation and Development and any other applicable state-wide planning program objectives of the State and State Agencies as coordinated by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management; and (4)~the Connecticut Studios Project will contribute to the economic welfare of the Town and the State, and to carry out and administer the Connecticut Studios Project, public action under Chapter 132 of the Connecticut General Statutes is required.
Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Discussion regarding proposed minor corrections and updates of the Zoning Regulations
Lipe discussed minor corrections. (See Exhibit B) Commissioners agreed to send it to CROG and hold a public hearing on the changes.
Commissioner Kennedy announced that Commissioner Abrahamson has resigned from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
  • Preliminary discussion with Suzanne Choate regarding potential residential development of properties located at L020 Long Hill Road and R044 Ellington Road RR Zone
Commissioner Wilson and Commissioner Kennedy recused themselves from the discussion regarding L020 Long Hill Road and R044 Ellington Road.  

Suzanne Choate, licensed professional engineer representing Saint Francis Assisi Church discussed the above item.  The church is planning to develop 7 acres of the property and is considering rezoning the property to get a higher density. The property has frontage on both Ellington Road and Long Hill Road.

Choate presented to concept plans – an A-20 conventional subdivision yielding about 9 lots and a DRZ development which could yield as many as 16 units.  Choate mentioned that the property abuts the church on one side and Pleasant Valley School on the other side. There are no immediate abutters that would be impacted by the change.  Any road designed would have access from Long Hill Road.

Commissioners asked about the dirt road that currently access the ball fields at Pleasant Valley School would be open for public use.  

Jim Claydden, officer and trustee of the Arch Diocese of Hartford for Saint Francis of Assisi Church responded that the existing access road into the ballfields currently has a loose agreement with the Town for the use of the road.  About a year ago the pastor drafted a new document to allow access there; it is not a legal document yet, but will be presented to the Town Manager in the future.  

The Commissioners discussed the proposal.  The Town Planner mentioned that Pine Woods and Oak Meadow are examples of residential developments that were built under the DRZ.  

Commissioners asked if the church would keep ownership.

Ms. Choate responded that the Church is planning to sell the land and the developer who purchases the land would still have to comply with DRZ regulations.  

Lipe mentioned that Choate should take a look at the Zoning Regulations for the recreational requirement in DRZ developments and also the setbacks for public versus private roads in these types of developments.

Commissioners agreed that this seemed to be a reasonable proposition for the land.

Kuehnel made a motion to release the $5,970.00 subdivision bond for Appl. 07-10P, Poulin Interior Lot. Pacekonis seconded the motion, the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Pacekonis made a motion to release the $5,000 IWA/CC bond for Appl.08-28P, Colonial Point Christian Church.  Kuehnel seconded the motion, the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The minutes dated 10/26/2010 were approved by consensus.

Commissioners discussed plans for the upcoming Planning & Zoning Holiday Party and decided to schedule it on December 15, 2010.

Commissioner Wilson updated the Commission about the activities with Open Space Task Force.  

Michele discussed a possible recreational use on an existing building on Rte 5.  Commissioners gave positive feedback.
Sorenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

The meeting ended at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted

PZC Approved on 11-23-10

D. Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary