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PZC Minutes 06-08-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Mark Abrahamson, David Sorenson, Tim Moriarty, Viney Wilson and Elizabeth Kuehnel in at 8:00.

ALTERNATES PRESENT:      Mario Marrero, William Carroll (arrived at 8:26 PM)
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning
                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer

Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The secretary read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Friday May 27 and Thursday June 3, 2010.

  • Appl. 10-26P, Ratilal L. Garala—request for Special Exception to Section 4.1.1.A and site plan of development for a redemption center for recycling of cans and bottles at 65 Mascolo Rd, I zone.
Ratilal Garala presented the above mentioned application.  The applicant will be collecting redeemable cans and bottles.  Their will be no crushing of bottles; the cans will be picked up by the distributor once a week.  If approved by Planning & Zoning the applicant will go before DEP for a permit.  

Lipe had the following Planning report.  
Request for Special Exception to Article 4.1.1.A of the zoning regulations to allow a redemption center in the existing building at 56 Mascolo Road, I zone. The redemption center will occupy about 2,400 sq ft. There are no physical changes proposed to the exterior or the building or site.
Special exception criteria include:
  • The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • The application has met the requirements of the zoning regulations.
  • The land is physically suited to the proposed use.
  • Minimal, if any, adverse environmental impacts are created.
  • No traffic or other hazards will be created.
  • The impacts on the capacity of the present and proposed utilities, street, drainage systems, sidewalks, and other elements of the infrastructure will be minimal.
  • There will be minimal or no adverse effects on existing uses in the area.
  • Surrounding property values will be conserved.
  • The character of the neighborhood will be maintained or minimally disrupted.
  • The general welfare of the community will be served.
  • There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs.
  • Historic factors are adequately protected; or due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.
  • The overall physical appearance of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood/corridor.
  • The architectural design is aesthetically pleasing and blends well into the surrounding area.
The Commission may impose additional conditions in accordance with these regulations in order to ensure that all applicable criteria enumerated above and/or within a particular use category are satisfied.
The applicant proposes to collect, sort and store empty cans and bottles until they are picked up by the distributor.  These items will be picked up on a weekly basis.
The public will also be able to drop off bottles. The hours of operation will be from 8Am – 5Pm, Monday through Saturday
The applicant is proposing to accommodate his trash within small containers and will have a drum available if there are any liquids.  The applicant does not anticipate any problems with anticipate rats or other vermin, but will consult with Terminix if necessary.  The town sanitarian has reviewed the plans and has indicated that he agrees there won’t be a problem if bottles etc are kept clean.
The parking requirement for manufacturing use is 1 space for 700 sq ft, or 3 spaces. The applicant does not anticipate a significant number of vehicles visiting the site.
The site is served by public water and a septic system.  There are no floor drains on the building.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept requests no additional approval modifications.
Doolittle had no comment.  There was no public participation.  
Commissioners had comments and questions as follows. Responses will be in italics.  
  • Will the drop off be similar to a supermarket?
Mr. Garala responded that once people drop off the bottles they will be collected manually and will be reimbursed for the bottles.
  • Commissioners asked about parking spaces.
The applicant responded that there is plenty of parking on site.
  • Is the rest of the building being occupied or will it be a lease?
The applicant responded that a portion of the building is currently occupied by Suburban Landscaping; it’s also leased to a garage for storage of vehicles.  
The public Hearing closed at 7:40 PM.
  • Appl. 10-27P, Homes by Guarino, LLC Subdivision – request for a 4 lot major subdivision including a special exception to 3.2.2 for an interior lot on 2.6 acres, on property located on the easterly side of Griffin Road, westerly side of Abbe Road (South Windsor)/Miller Road (East Windsor), A-20 zone
Tim Coon, Engineer with JR Russo Associates, presented the application.  The site is located at the intersection of Griffin Road and Abbe Road.  The property is in both South Windsor and East Windsor.  The entire lot is 6.33 acres, 2.61 acres are in South Windsor.  It is currently a corn field and the topography slopes towards the west to Griffin Road.  The proposal is for 4 lots in South Windsor.  The lots will be served by sanitary sewer and the sewer will be extended to serve all four of the properties.  A WPCA conceptual approval was obtained April 6, 2010.  All of the lots will be served by public water.  Proposing a shallow detention basin, the basin will discharge to a proposed basin on the edge Griffin Road.  The homeowner would be responsible for the maintenance of the detention basin.  The driveway will be raised and sloped to act as a berm to prevent any run off from affecting the properties to south; instead it will divert the run off around the houses to the detention basin or the catch basin in the street.  Proposing to extend the existing curb and bring it up to the driveway about 50 ft so that any run off does not go into the yards.  
The plantings are proposed along the southern property line to serve as screening from other properties.  On Abbe Road lots 21-1 and 21-2 will have individual driveway since there is 4ft elevation difference between the two houses.  A traffic count was taken on June 8, 2010 between 4-6 PM.  The results were that 267 vehicles traveled on Abbe Road and 146 vehicles during peak hours and 91 vehicles traveled on Abbe Road, 52 vehicles during peak hours.  Based on the traffic counts it is considered a minor collector and the individual driveways with turnarounds should be adequate based on the amount of traffic on the road.  
Comments from the tree warden regarding changes to the street tree type will be incorporated into the plan.  The tree warden also requested that the 46 inch oak tree on the Abbe Road property be protected and preserved.  The applicant located the tree on the property and it is 60 ft off the edge of pavement where the proposed house will be located.  The tree will be difficult to preserve, most likely it will be removed when the house is built.  When the driveway is installed it will have to be raised to provide site distance back to the south and the tree will end up in a hole in the front yard.  The comments from CROG have been addressed.  The development meets the goals for sustainable development according to the guidelines.  The applicant feels that the subdivision meets the requirements of the subdivision regulations.  The interior lot accomplishes the best use of this land and it meets the interior lot requirements and it produces minimal impacts to the neighborhood

Lipe had the following Planning Report.  
Request for approval of a Subdivision and Special Exception to 3.2.2 to create one interior lot and three conventional lots on property located on the easterly side of Griffin Road and the westerly side of Abbe Road, A-20 zone. This property also extends into East Windsor and the applicant has shown an additional three lots in East Windsor.
The requirements for conventional lots in the A-20 zone are 20,000 sf lot size with 100 feet of street frontage.  The lots range in size from .4 ac to 1.5 ac.  All lots meet the 90 X 90 buildable square requirements.
The requirements for interior lots in the A-20 zone include: 60,000 sf minimum lot size and 150 feet minimum lot width. The proposed interior lot would be approximately 1.5 ac in size and 150 feet in width.
The criteria for approval of interior lots include consideration of the following:
the subject area’s boundary configurations, topography, soils or other natural resource characteristics;
proximity to neighboring properties and dwelling units;
restriction of existing views;
proposed buffering/screening;
potential drainage, traffic & environmental impacts
driveway locations, slopes & sight lines
utility service capabilities
property value impacts; and
future land use alternatives.
Griffin Road and Abbe Road are both considered minor arterial roads; therefore shared drives are required, unless a waiver is granted by the Commission requiring only turnaround drives (Subdivision Section B.4). The applicant is showing a shared drive for the two houses on Griffin Road; however are proposing individual drives with turnarounds on the lots along Abbe Road.    
Access to the interior lot is proposed to be a common 15’ wide paved drive off of Griffin Road. The Fire Marshal has reviewed the plans and is satisfied with the emergency access provisions and driveway width.
All lots are proposed to be served by public sewers and public water. WPCA approval is required.  
There are no sidewalks proposed with this development. There is no open space required with subdivisions less than 6 lots.
There are no regulated wetlands on the new lots.  The application received conservation approval for erosion and sedimentation control on 6/2/10 by the IWA/CC.
There is screening proposed between the proposed drive on Griffin Road and the existing houses to the south.
There is a 10’ wide street tree easement shown along the Abbe Road and Griffin Road frontage in which the applicant is proposing ten 2 1/2” caliper red maples.  
Karl Reichle, the town’s tree warden has requested that the trees should be of Oaks, Hickories, Beech or Sycamore’s variety to be more in keeping with what is already growing on this property. (Read Karl’s memo if necessary)
CRCOG and the Town of East Windsor were both notified of the pending application.  CRCOG issued the following report: (See Exhibit A)

Doolittle had the following Engineering report.  
The Drainage report needs to state the drainage area for this development on page 2.  
  • I think the pre and post development flows need to be adjusted.  The Hydrocad analysis uses a CN of 81 for row crops that assumes they are planted perpendicular to the contours or up and down the hill.  Aerial photographs show this area was planted in rows with the contours and therefore this CN should be adjusted down to a lower value (like 75).  Also, the area used for pavement, parking and roofs in the post development analysis should be based on the maximum allowable impervious area.   I ran an analysis with the rational method using areas and Tc from this drainage report and coefficients and rainfall intensities from the South Windsor Public Improvement Specifications and my results show an increase in the runoff as a result of this development.  Therefore, I believe adjustment of the drainage report will show an increase in the runoff as a result of this development.  
  • There is also a history of drainage problems in this area, from this property.  The Town has received complaints in the past from properties at 751 Griffin Road, 48 Thomas Street and others of flooding from runoff from the parcel proposed to be developed.  There has also been reports of flooding in Griffin Road as a result of runoff from this property and reports of catch basins down gradient of this property being overtopped during some rain storms.  
  • Measures need to be included in this (or any other) proposed development to reduce the stormwater runoff from this site because of the issues raised above and because this property is in the upper part of the drainage basin.  We appreciate the inclusion of infiltration but these are not enough to mitigate the stormwater issues and may not function well for long without good soil conditions and proper maintenance.  I think there needs to be a series of swales along Griffin Road and the Town line to collect surface water and channel it to one or more detention basins in the south west corner of this site.  The lots and house locations will need to be adjusted to make room for these swales and detention basin and lots 3 and 4 may have to be combined into one lot.  A new catch basin needs to be installed on Griffin Road in front of lot 4 (by the driveway shown to lot 3) to collect stormwater from this site.  This would be piped into the existing catch basin in front of 751 Griffin Road or all the way to the existing storm manhole by Thomas Street.  Without detention, a hydraulic analysis of the entire downstream drainage system needs to be completed to show this development will not cause any adverse drainage impacts on down gradient system and properties.  Previous analysis of this area indicate the downstream drainage system may need to be upgraded and improved.  
  • The plans call for infiltration units to be installed to collect runoff from roof leaders. It should be noted that there were no test pits dug in the areas were the infiltration units are proposed. Test pit data for the entire subdivision indicates mottling @ 27+ inches on average, with somewhat compact soils although percolation rates appear reasonable. The detail for the infiltration unit shows an average depth to the bottom of the chamber of 28 inches which puts the bottom of the unit into the “somewhat compacted” soil layer which means the infiltrators need to be set lower. Show the required invert elevations for any infiltration units.  
  • The southern boundary of this site needs to be graded with a berm to prevent stormwater from flowing onto adjacent properties.  Any proposed driveway in this area should be sloped to the north with a shallow swale down the north side toward new detention/drainage facilities by Griffin Road.  A driveway may also need to have bituminous curbing placed on the south side to prevent surface runoff to the south and direct it to a new catch basin on Griffin Road.  
  • Proposed SMH No. 1 should be centered in the existing roadway if possible to allow room for installation of a potential storm sewer extension on the east side of Griffin Road to pick up runoff from the proposed driveway.
  • The plans need to show sight triangles for the new driveways proposed on Griffin Road and Abbe Road to demonstrate that the minimum required sight distance can be attained.  Also, any clearing or improvements that may be necessary to achieve and maintain adequate sight distance need to be shown.  Turn around areas need to be provided in these driveways so vehicles do not have to back into the roads.  
  • The driveway on Lot 3 as proposed needs to have a turn around large enough for a fire truck or emergency vehicle.  This can be a circular or hammer head turn around.  
  • Show details for any drainage facilities needed for this development
  • WPCA review and approval is needed for this development.   
There was public participation as follows.
Ginny Miller, 751 Griffin Road, is in favor of the application. She was concerned with the water run off on the property and feels that this will improve when the subdivision is built.  The resident asked about the privacy and wanted to know if a fence could be installed instead of bushes.
Bob Warren, Abbe Road has concerns about the frontage of the lots; since it seems to be different than what was previously acceptable and required when he built his home.  Another concern is traffic going at high rates of speed on Abbe Road.  Warren mentioned that several accidents have occurred in accident one in which a vehicle struck a telephone pole and another one where a vehicle rolled over.  Lots 21-1 and 21-2 driveways will have a blind spot and will not be able to see traffic.
Another concern is a fox then that is on the property and may be disturbed by construction.
Commissioners had comments and questions.  Responses will be in italics.  
  • Commissioner asked about run off from the East Windsor properties and how that would be handled.  
The applicant responded that currently the drainage from the East Windsor portion of the property runs south in to Griffin Road and down in to South Windsor.  The proposed basin will pick up any run off from both East Windsor and South Windsor.   
  • What is the condition of the oak tree in question?
The applicant responded that he was not sure of the condition of the tree..  
Lipe mentioned that according to the tree warden the tree was a nice 46 in. white oak tree and he felt it was worth saving.
  • Commissioners would like to see the tree preserved if it isn’t a burden on the developer.
  • Commissioners asked about the traffic concerns that the resident mentioned in regards to the two proposed driveways for lot 21-1 and 21-2.
The applicant responded that the sightlines were calculated for both of the driveways and the requirements are 200 ft and they do meet those.  
  • Commissioners asked Mr. Warren to come forward and point out the location on the site plan where the fox den is.  
The resident pointed to the intersection of the tree line and the Town line.  
  • Has DEP been asked any questions about the foxes on the site?
The applicant mentioned that DEP has not been contacted on this matter.
  • Commissioners asked if the turnaround meets the specifications if a vehicle is parked in the driveway and an emergency vehicle needed to get through.
Doolittle responded that most likely it would not be enough room however staff does not account for vehicles being parked in the driveway when determining the turnaround for a fire truck.

  • Commissioners asked if their was another possibility for the shared access driveway for lot 24-1 and 24-2.
The applicant responded that due to the elevation change and the size of the lots the houses are so close together that to make up the 4 ft. difference would be difficult.  
  • Commissioners asked if the two lots would be clear cut completely.
The applicant does not plan to clear cut the two lots, some trees and vegetation will remain.
Lipe mentioned that the developer can plan not to take the trees down, but once the lot is sold with out any protection of the trees the owner can decide to clear cut the lot.  Their may be some consideration of a tree easement for that treed area and the fox then.   
  • Commissioners felt that it would reasonable to do that.  
  • Commissioners asked if it is typical to substitute bushes for fences
Lipe said it could go both ways, with an interior lot we typically see vegetation but the regulations mentions screening and that can be fencing also.  
  • Commissioners asked if the applicant would be willing to install a fence for screening on the first lot rather than plantings.
The applicant does not have a problem with installing a fence for screening instead of the proposed plantings.
The hearing was closed at 8:25 PM
  • Appl. 10-28P, Town of South Windsor Community Center expansion- request for special exception to Article 3.1.1 and site plan modification to construct a 10,000 square foot addition to accommodate an expanded Senior Center, on property located at 150 Nevers Road, RR zone
Galen Semprebon, Civil Engineer w/Design Professionals presented application.  The applicant is the Town of South Windsor.  The proposal is for a 10,000 sq ft addition on the north-west side of the building.  The parking lot will remain in the same location however the handicap spaces will be relocated to accommodate the senior center and a few more spaces will be added.  The applicant requested for a waiver of the interior landscaping requirement and the applicant understands that this is not something that can be granted by the Commission.  The applicant is very close to meeting the requirements and can easily enlarge a landscape island to meet the requirements.  The Town Staff comments will be addressed.  

Lipe had the following Planning report.

Request for Special Exception and site plan modification for a 10,000 sq ft senior center addition to the Community Center at 150 Nevers Road, RR zone. The Community Center is located within the boundaries of the 140 +/- acres of Nevers Park, and meets zoning requirements for setbacks and impervious coverage.
Parking requirements are a bit difficult to apply due to the multiple uses within the park. Our parking formula applied to the Community Center results in a requirement for 12 spaces. There are 182 formal parking spaces shown within the boundaries of the parking lots, and additional informal parking occurs when, where and as needed outside the boundaries of the parking lots.
The application includes modifications to the existing parking lot to create more spaces, move the bus parking to the more remote lot, and make the aisle widths uniform.
There are pedestrian crosswalks from the two entrances to the existing building, and a refuge place for crossing pedestrians just west of the crosswalk from the Recreation Dept entrance. It is our understanding that parents and children cross through this area frequently, using the previous landscaped island as a refuge place, thus the need for the refuge area.
The architecture matches the existing building, including the appearance of the peaked roof. Rooftop mechanical equipment is nicely concealed within the roof. Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this application on May 20. They were pleased with the design and felt it would compliment the existing building. They did suggest that the Town locate any new light poles a few feet away from the parking area to ensure vehicles do not back into them
The existing outdoor lighting is nonconforming to current zoning requirements, and there are very bright areas under the light fixtures, with much darker areas between light fixtures. This is one of the situations PZC addressed when the Commission adopted lighting regulations with uniformity in 1999. The uniformity provisions ensure that the difference between the maximum amount of light and the minimum amount of light on site is not excessive. In this situation the difference is excessive. The addition is big enough that site lighting needs to be brought into compliance with current lighting regulations, including full cut-off fixtures, and more uniformity in light levels.
Parking lot landscaping is required. Tree Warden Karl Reichle reviewed the plan and has several modifications to the landscaping. Those modifications will be included in the final plans.
There is a 50’ buffer requirement along the north property boundary. The required buffer was established when the Community Center was originally built in 1992.
There are no regulated wetlands on this site. The erosion & sediment control plan is pending with IWA/CC.
South Windsor Police Department and the Fire Marshal have reviewed the plan and have no issues.
The site is served by public water and sewer. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is not required.
There are no new dumpsters proposed. The existing dumpsters are on a concrete pad and screened as required.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept requests the following modifications:
  • Site lighting must be brought into conformance with lighting requirements. Lighting plan must be completed in accordance with Section 8.6.2.B.18 (average, maximum & minimum lighting levels).
  • Parking lot interior landscaping must be brought into conformance with zoning requirements and the Tree Warden’s review comments.
  • Correct the “dumpster pad” label near the southeast corner of the existing building to depict the shed that is actually there.
Doolittle had the following Engineering report.  
  • On the Demolition Plan there is a 10” Oak tree east of the Community Center Sign that will need to be removed.  There is a controller for the sprinkler system within the footprint of the proposed building expansion that needs to be relocated along with any sprinkler system parts in this area.  The flower bed on the west side of the existing paver patio will also need to be removed or relocated.
  • On the Site Plan there is a leader and arrow from the south to the middle of the existing parking lot that does not have any note attached.  There is also a note for an 8” PVC INV 173.74 that points to the proposed building expansion and should be removed.  
  • The existing parking lot is not symmetrical in that the aisle closest to the building is 25-27 feet wide, the middle aisle is 38 feet wide and the aisle closest to the road is 26 feet wide.  The double row of parking spaces closest to the street should be shifted east to reduce the size of the middle aisle and make all the aisles 26-30 feet wide.  This would also pull the proposed bit curb for the new row of parking spaces closest to the street away from the sanitary sewer manholes.  
  • The northern tree and brush line needs to be cut back to allow for the proposed building expansion, utility relocation, grading and drainage on the north side.  
  • The areas of the existing pavement to be saw cut, removed, regraded and repaved are not practical.  These are small irregular shaped areas and leave small areas of old pavement between areas of new pavement.  The areas of pavement to be cut and removed should be combined into one larger rectangular or L shaped area (this could roughly follow the proposed temporary chain link fence) and be tied into the new paved parking area.  The entire parking area in front of the building has old distressed pavement that needs to be removed and replaced.  
  • The existing catch basins in the parking lot area that is being repaved need to be inspected and repaired and have the tops replaced as needed prior to paving.  The new pavement needs to extend at least 2 feet all around these catch basins.  
  • The proposed parking area near the street needs to be moved east or modified so there is no new curbing over the sanitary sewer manholes.  
  • The existing crosswalk from the south part of the building will lead to a parking spot in the new parking spaces.  This crosswalk and/or the proposed parking layout needs to be relocated so the crosswalk connects to a cross hatched pedestrian zone to the existing concrete walk in the parking lot and the main parking lot.
  • Provide more grading contours and spot elevations in the area to the north of the proposed addition to make it clear water will drain away from the building and into the existing swale and new drainage system.  
  • The proposed yard drain should be changed to a type “CL” catch basin so it is large enough to take the water from the east.  Provide a detail for this drain
  • What is the rectangular area shown on the proposed sidewalk in front of the two Van accessible spaces?  
  • The proposed 5% ramp into the new addition is not clear on the plans.  There are overlapping lines that need to be clarified and labeled.  A detail would help.  
  • The proposed soil stockpile area is too small and is too close to an existing tree.  This needs to be moved and made larger.  
  • The Utilities plan is very busy and difficult to read.  Items that are to be removed as part of this project (such as trees) should be deleted and existing conditions should be removed or left as a faded background.  
  • The landscape plan shows a row of new Pear Trees between the parking area and the street.  These are too close to the existing sewer line in this area and need to be moved toward the street.  They need to be placed mid way between the proposed parking are and the existing sidewalk so there are at least 15 feet from the sewer line, water lines and any other utilities.  
  • The Town’s Typical Sidewalk Detail should be used.  We call for asphalt expansion joints with dowels every 15 feet.  
  • The Light Duty Bit Concrete Pavement Detail calls for 10 inches of gravel sub-base.  Why 10 inches of gravel subbase?  The Town Typical Roadway section only calls for 6 inches of gravel subbase.  If there is good gravel material on site that meets the specifications, this can be used as subbase material.  
  • Include a general note that all site work shall conform to the Town of South Windsor Public Improvement Specifications.  
There was public participation as follows.  
Bob Warren, 494 Abbe Road, spoke in favor of the application, he feels that the expansion is needed to better accommodate the seniors.

Barbara Reichle, 247 Abbey Road, spoke in favor of this application.  The number of seniors is growing in Town and they need the recreation and the expansion would benefit them.  

Carol Flagg, 140 Mcgrath Road, spoke in favor of the application. She feels that the partition that divides the Recreation Department from the senior area is not enough to contain the noise from the day care next door.  
Commissioners had comments and questions.
  • Commissioners asked if the applicant was planning to add truncated domes to the new handicap walkways.
Mr. Semprebon responded that the truncated domes where added as required per the regulations in the areas where the proposed improvements would be in but not all the crosswalks have truncated domes.  
Doolittle commented that it is prudent to add truncated domes in all the locations where the crosswalks are located.  
Public hearing closed at 8:40 PM.
  • Appl. 10-26P, Ratilal L. Garala—request for Special Exception to Section 4.1.1.A and site plan of development for a redemption center for recycling of cans and bottles at 65 Mascolo Rd, I zone.
Wilson made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.  
Hours of operation are 8 Am – 5 Pm, Monday through Saturday.
In the event that concerns are raised related flies or other vermin, the applicant must contact appropriate pest controls professionals to address the problems.
If there are buildings, structures, signs or other items that require a building permit or other Town approvals/permits, all such approvals or permits must be obtained prior to construction or use of the site. All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
Sorenson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl. 10-27P, Homes by Guarino, LLC Subdivision – request for a 4 lot major subdivision including a special exception to 3.2.2 for an interior lot on 2.6 acres, on property located on the easterly side of Griffin Road, westerly side of Abbe Road (South Windsor)/Miller Road (East Windsor), A-20 zone
Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.  
This approval is for 4 lots, numbered 24-1 through 24-4.
Drainage and construction for this subdivision is subject to the approval of the Town Engineer.
All lots shall be serviced by the Town of South Windsor sanitary sewer system and are subject to the approval of the Water Pollution Control Authority.
Water shall be supplied to this subdivision by public water.
Street lighting shall be installed on streets, at intersections, and on cul-de-sacs in accordance with the policy established by the Chief of Police. Street lighting is to be coordinated with the Chief of Police (copy enclosed).
Street names and locations of fire hydrants are subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal of the Town of South Windsor. Street names and supporting posts shall be installed by the developer in conformance with the standards of the Town of South Windsor, at no expense to the Town.
A liability insurance policy shall be submitted to this Commission naming the Town of South Windsor as an insured, with a combined single limit for bodily injury and/or property damage in the amount of $1,000,000.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission.
Prior to commencement of any site work, a preconstruction meeting must be held with Town Staff.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
All easements for conservation purposes, drainage or utilities, that may be required in connection with the approval of this subdivision, must be submitted on standard Town easement form where appropriate, to this Commission prior to filing the mylars and issuance of building permits. All deeds for open space, public improvements and roadways must be submitted prior to request for Town acceptance; all deeds must be in accordance with the policy for accepting deeds and must be approved by the Engineering Department and Town Attorney.
Footing drains are required for each house. Prior to the building of any structure on a lot, a topographic map, drawn to a scale of 1" = 40', shall be submitted for each lot in the subdivision, showing proposed contours, elevations and the location of the footing drains. No building permits will be issued until the proposed contours, floor elevations and location of footing drains have been approved by the Town Engineer.
If, for any reason, finished grading and other individual lot site work is not completed, the Town Engineer shall determine the amount of a cash bond to ensure final grading and site work. This cash bond must be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Quantity estimates must be submitted to the Town Engineer (on the enclosed form) for the purpose of determining subdivision bonding. All bonds shall conform to the enclosed bond policy and shall be posted prior to filing the final plans in the Town Clerk’s office.
If the developer chooses to submit a Letter of Credit for a one year term, said Letter of Credit must be renewed on a yearly basis until completion of the development. If a new Letter of Credit has not been received within 30 days before the expiration date, the Commission may, at its option, call the Letter it is holding.
A drainage assessment fee in the amount of $200.00 shall be submitted to this Commission.
The Town Engineer’s review comments dated 6/8/10 must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
No building permits will be issued until all modifications have been complied with, and the final plans have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
The approved location of the house, garage, driveway and proposed on Lot #24-3 are an integral part of this special exception in order to preserve existing trees and provide screening. If modifications are proposed subsequent to this approval, a site plan modification must be submitted.
Street trees must be of a variety suggested by the Tree Warden. Trees within the street trees easement and any other trees on land that is currently or will in the future become Town-owned land are to be planted in accordance with the enclosed Tree Planting Specifications.
A waiver is granted to Section B.4 of the Subdivision Regulations to allow driveways with turnarounds off of Abbe Road.
21. A Conservation easement in favor of the Town of South Windsor is to be placed over the remaining treed area on lot 24-3.
Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl. 10-28P, Town of South Windsor Community Center expansion- request for special exception to Article 3.1.1 and site plan modification to construct a 10,000 square foot addition to accommodate an expanded Senior Center, on property located at 150 Nevers Road, RR zone
Kuehnel made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.
  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • The Town Engineer’s review comments dated 5/24/2010 must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
  • Site lighting must be brought into conformance with lighting requirements. Lighting plan must be completed in accordance with Section 8.6.2.B.18 (average, maximum & minimum lighting levels).
  • Parking lot interior landscaping must be brought into conformance with zoning requirements and the Tree Warden’s review comments dated June 4, 2010, must be addressed to the Tree Warden’s satisfaction.
  • Correct the “dumpster pad” label near the southeast corner of the existing building to depict the shed that is actually there.
  • Truncated domes should be added to all existing ramps.
Abrahamson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl. 07-69P, Dzen Tree Farm- request for a six month extension in transferring open space A to the Town of South Windsor.
Moriarty made a motion to approve the above mentioned request.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Pacekonis made a motion to release the $2,000 landscaping bond for Appl. 06-08P, AMK Welding.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Pacekonis made a motion to release the $1,000 landscaping bond for Appl. 07-06PX, Maneeley Banquet Facility.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Pacekonis made a motion to release the $ 5,000 landscaping bond for Appl. 08-06P, Maneeley –Commerce Way.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Pacekonis made a motion to release the $2,000 landscaping bond for Appl. 04-51P, Metals Testing.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Pacekonis made a motion to release the IWA/CC bond in the amount $5,000 for Appl. 02-06P, Stone Crossing Ph II.  Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Pacekonis made a motion to release the IWA/CC bond in the amount of $3,000 for Appl. 06-08P, AMK Welding.  Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Pacekonis made a motion to release the IWA/CC bond in the amount of $5,000 for Appl.06-08P, AMK Welding.  Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
Pacekonis made a motion to release the $5,000 IWA/CC bond in the amount of $5,000 for Appl. 04-51P, Metals Testing.  Kuehnel seconded the motion the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Appl. 10-31P, Hometowne Auto Sales LLC dba Drive Auto Group – request for Used Car Dealer license and Site Plan approval for property located at 713 John Fitch Boulevard, GC zone

Appl. 10-32P, Castahno & Cloutier Development, LLC - request for a Special Exception to Section 3.2.2 of the zoning regulations to create one interior lot on property located on the northerly side of North King Street, westerly of John Fitch Boulevard (rear of 736 North King Street), A-40 and FP zone

App. 10-33P, South Windsor Auto Parts Site Plan – request for site plan approval for a 4,800 sf garage on property located R007 Crow Park Road, RR zone  
The March 23, 2010 minutes were approved by consensus with minor corrections
Pacekonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
The meeting ended at 9:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted

Approved by PZC 7/27/2010
D. Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary