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PZC Minutes 2-09-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, David Sorenson, Elizabeth Kuehnel and Viney Wilson


STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning


Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

  • Appl. 10-02P, Chalikonda Major Home Occupation Renewal- request for a 5-year permit for a major home occupation dba Shree Skin Care on property located at 85 High Ridge Road, A-30 zone
Ms. Chalikonda requested renewal of her home occupation.  
Lipe had a Planning report as follows.
Request for a 5-year approval renewal for a major home occupation under Article 7 for a business known as “Shree Skin Care”.  Services provided include eyebrow threading, facials and waxing for ladies on property located at 85 High Ridge Road, A-30 zone.

The applicant was granted a one year approval last February and she is now requesting a five year renewal. She had indicated to staff that she would like to add two additional parking spaces close to the house.

The applicant complies with the regulations as she operates in approximately 130 sf on the lower level of her house.  A sign permit was issued for the sign.

There are no employees.  Clients come one at a time; and spend up to an hour at a time. She was originally approved to operate 10 am to 7 Pm Monday – Saturday by appointment only. She is requesting to start at 9AM. Our office has not received any complaints about this business.

If this application renewal is approved, the applicant will complete a home occupation permit form, which contains an acknowledgment that the applicant will abide by the criteria contained in the zoning regulations.  The applicant would also be required to return to this Commission upon expiration of the 5-year permit period.

There was no public participation.  
Commissioners had no questions.  
The public hearing closed at 7:25 PM.

  • Appl. 10-03P, K. F. Properties LLC, request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit for the Kebalo Electric Company office located at 175 Wheeler Rd, A-20 zone
Kennedy appointed Marrero to sit for Abrahamson.
Walter Kebalo presented the above mentioned application.  Changes have taken place since the last renewal; the applicant’s mother currently lives in the house.  Kebalo stated that they have purchased an industrially zoned property on Nutmeg Road however business is very poor right now in this economy and it would be a hardship to move the business to another location at this time.  
Lipe had a planning report as follows.  
Request for a two year temporary and conditional permit for an electrical contracting business at 176 Wheeler Road, A-20 zone.  Kebalo Electric has been operating the business from this location since about 1987. The commission originally approved a temporary and conditional permit on 10/31/00, and the most recent approval in 2007 expired on 5/22/09.
The applicant has submitted a history of the property, description of the activities on site associated with the operation of Kebalo Electric, floor plans and pictures of the property.  
The applicant’s narrative indicates that there are three part-time office workers and that there are no evening or weekend hours. Vegetation exists along the northern lot line providing for screening for the potential owner of lot 2.
The wording of the T & C permit regulation is that, “Temporary and conditional permits may be granted by the Commission for a period not to exceed 2 years. Such approval may be given after a public hearing if, in the judgment of the Commission, the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served, and the appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially or permanently injured, and traffic and other hazards will not result from such use.
If this application is approved, the planning department has no modification to request.
There was no public participation.  
Commissioner asked to see the last approval conditions.
The public hearing on this item closed at 7:40 PM.

  • Preliminary discussion with Alan Lamson, FLB Architecture & Planning, regarding proposed Evergreen Walk Town Square.
Alan Lamson, FLB Architects presented an overview of the latest conceptual plan for Town Square at Evergreen Walk.  The applicant proposes to maintain the Town square concept and the buildings uses to fit what is available in the market.  The proposal consists of commercial on the first floor with residential above. Some type of community building is a possibility.  Parking will exist within the Town Square for the commercial uses as well as for the residents.  An outdoor performing area is a possibility and business offices would be in the ground floors.  The site is being designed so that the project could be constructed in phases, e.g. the hotel piece could be built as a stand alone project.  
The Chair asked for Commission input.
Marrero asked if the new plan would be smaller or larger than the concept plan previously approved.
Lamson responded that the size has not changed from the original.
Kennedy mentioned that the revised plan preserves the concept of mixed use.  
Matthew Galligan, Town Manager gave some insight on the reasons why the plan was being modified and supported the latest proposal.
Robert Dickenson, 19 Birch Road inquired if the site would have bicycle paths.  
Lamson responded that the yellow lines on the site plan indicate the sidewalks for the site; however a full design of the walkways has not yet been completed.
Pacekonis commented that he would like to see accommodations for a bus stop for kids as well as pedestrian and bicycle friendly designed site.  
Peter DeMallie, of Design Professionals favored the plan.   

  • Appl. 10-02P, Chalikonda Major Home Occupation Renewal- request for a 5-year permit for a major home occupation dba Shree Skin Care on property located at 85 High Ridge Road, A-30 zone
Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.
The business must be operated by the homeowner.
The permit will expire on 2/10/15, and will have to be renewed at that time.
Only one non-resident employee can be hired.
Refuse from the business cannot be disposed of with residential refuse. Adequate arrangements must be made for business refuse disposal.
The applicant is required to obtain necessary building permits for work previously performed before conducting business from the home
Signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
Hours of operation are Monday – Saturday, 9 am – 7 pm.
Two additional parking spaces may be added subject to staff approval.
Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl. 10-03P, K. F. Properties LLC, request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit for the Kebalo Electric Company office located at 175 Wheeler Rd, A-20 zone
Sorenson made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.
The permit will expire on 2/9/12, and will have to be renewed at that time.
Refuse from the business cannot be disposed of with residential refuse. Adequate arrangements must be made for business refuse disposal.
the number of non-family member employees is limited to three (full- or part-time). There is no limit on the number of family employees.
Commercial vehicle parking on the street is prohibited.
Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
  • Appl. 04-80P, Mitchell Property Group LLC , request for renewal of a five year Site Plan Approval for property located at 90 Brookfield Street, GC zone
Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above mentioned application.  All previous approval conditions apply.  Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
  • Appl.09-24P, S.W. Stone & Landscape Supply- Change order request form to eliminate self storage buildings, add additional bins and hoop house
Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals presented the change order request.  The applicant is proposing to eliminate the self storage buildings and replace the one building in the front with additional storage containers.  The applicant is requesting two hoop style buildings which will be dark green or tan to cover additional bins proposed towards the rear of the site.  The hoop style buildings will be 16 feet in height and 20 X 20.  They will be accessible from the rear of the property.

Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning commented that staff is concerned about screening of the activity on site and would recommend that additional plantings be added along the westerly side of the  new bins being proposed.

Sorenson made a motion to approve the above mentioned change order.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  


The Minutes for 1-12-10 were approved by consensus with minor corrections.  

Kennedy read a letter from the Director of Facility Operations for South Windsor High School about a new sign that they want to place on the building.  Lipe gave some background information on the sign and how the regulations address flashing signs.  Commissioners agreed that the sign could be installed with the sign copy being changed only once a day (exhibit A).

It was also suggested that a text amendment could be drafted by Town Staff to address these types of signs on municipal buildings.  
Sorenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Wilson seconded the motion the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The meeting ended at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted

D. Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary