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PZC Minutes 03-10-2009

MEMBER PRESENT: Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Mike Sullivan, David Sorenson, Louise Evans, Bart Pacekonis

ALTERNATE PRESENT:      Daniel Van Horn sitting for Tim Moriarty

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning
        Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer


Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

The Secretary read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on February 26, 2009 and March 5, 2009.

  • Appl. 09-04P, Zimnicki Accessory Apartment – request for Special Exception to Section 7.1.2 for an accessory apartment at 96 Lawrence Road, RR zone.  (Continued from 2/10/09)
Kennedy reported that this application is being continued at the request of the applicant.

  • Appl. 09-05P, Corinnes Studio – request for renewal of a 5-year major home occupation for a hair salon at 518 Graham Road, A-20 zone.
The applicant was not in attendance; Michele Lipe reported the following:

  • This is an application for a renewal for a 5 year major home occupation permit for a hair salon at 518 Graham Road, in the A-20 zone. The applicant converted the room between the garage and house.  It was a 12’ X 14’ size room turned into a salon with one sink and one chair.
  • The applicant has indicated that there have been no changes to her operations.  She works approximately 15-20 hours a week and has 1 to 2 clients at a time.  
  • The information submitted at the time of the application appears to meet the physical criteria for the major home occupation. The salon proposed will be about 168 sf. which is approximately 14% of the house. There is no sign.
  • The applicant did submit the petition in front of you which was signed by the applicant’s clients indicating the salon is well kept.  The staff has not received any complaints during the last five years related to this application.
There was no public participation or questions from the Commission.  Kennedy appointed Van Horn to sit for Moriarty.  The public hearing closed at 7:35 p.m.

  • Application 09-07P, Carmon Funeral Home Accessory Apartments – request for Special Exception to Section 4.1.8.B of the zoning regulations to allow two accessory apartments at 419 Buckland Road, RC zone.
The applicant was not in attendance; Michele Lipe reported the following:

  • This is a request for special exception to Section 5.7, Mixed Uses in Commercial/Office zones for the approval of a second apartment in the existing funeral home on property located at 419 Buckland Road, RC zone. There is an existing three bedroom apartment currently on the second floor and the intent is to divide that three bedroom apartment into a two bedroom apartment.
  • The stated purpose of this regulation is to increase the supply of affordable rental dwelling units in South Windsor by allowing construction of dwelling units in commercial buildings in certain commercial/office zones as a Special Exception use.
  • The Commission can approve a Special Exception for mixed residential/commercial use only if it finds that the following criteria are satisfactorily met:
a.      There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs;
b.      The existing/proposed commercial/office uses are not incompatible with residential uses;
c.      The internal traffic circulation pattern is designed to minimize safety hazards for residents, particularly with respect to access into and out of the building;
d.      Site design adequately reflects that residents’ needs are accommodated as an integral part of the site design (e.g., recreation, parking, storage, access) such that the site functions as an integrated site;
e.      The proposed mixed use furthers the purpose stated in Section 5.7.1;
f.      Present and proposed utilities, streets, drainage system, and other improvements have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use;
g.      There is no undue concentration of high-density residential development in any area/neighborhood.

The Commission shall grant all approvals subject to such conditions and safeguards as will carry out the expressed purpose of these regulations.

  • Water Pollution Control Authority approval is not required for this application.
  • The Fire Marshal has reviewed the apartment and all fire codes are met.
  • This is a commercial use and the owner must provide for trash collection.
If this application is approved, the Planning Department requests that the applicant file the appropriated special exception form on the land records.  There are no engineering comments on this application.

There was no public participation.  Kennedy asked Evans to read for the record a letter in support of this application (see Exhibit A.).

Sullivan stated that he has no overall concern about this application, but in the letter the applicant sent to the Commission, before the closing of the letter they say that they “have met virtually all of the 13 points of the design criteria of 4.1.8 for the special exception that mix use.”  He asked if there was any conflict with any of the criteria’s.

Lipe indicated the proposal did not include any recreation provisions; however with only two units it would not be necessary.

With no further questions from the Commission, the public hearing closed at 7:40 p.m.

REGULAR MEETING:  called to order at 7:40 p.m.

“Complete the Streets” - Presentation by representatives from CRCOG
Sandy Fry and Brenda Watson, both Transportation Planners with CRCOG, presented a power point presentation on Complete Streets and how South Windsor might start a dialogue on such a policy.  (see exhibit B).  Complete streets could be a very good way to bring all the enthusiasm together and make the community a safer place for the pedestrian, as well as the bicyclist. Research has shown that one of the best ways to pursue a complete street policy for your community is to first form a task force.  Final thoughts to think about; is the time right for South Windsor to think about complete streets,  taking a look at  what the town’s goals may be and the benefits the program would bring to the community. CRCOG has some resources available and there are some good reference websites (provided in the power point).

Kennedy asked for any comments or questions on the presentation.

Steven Wagner from the South Windsor Walk and Wheelways group offered his experience in other countries and how they have approached the street environment.

Ginny Hole, also a member of the SWWW introduced the members present and briefly explained the goals of the group.  She indicated their support for such a program in South Windsor

Discussion ensued among the Commission with the following comments and concerns:

  • The presentation was excellent and there is support for the concept of reestablishing sidewalks and bicycle/pedestrian networks throughout the Town.
  • Another concept would be to look at bus turnouts – this would encourage more people to ride the bus.
  • Sidewalks, bicycle/pedestrian networks cost money plus maintenance costs continue; Town needs to embrace this concept in order to make it successful.
  • It might behoove the Commission to have some representatives from ‘Walking Wheel Ways’ to provide comparisons of South Windsor to other Towns making recommendations.
  • Involvement of CRCOG.
  • Availability of other funding sources.
  • When the Plan of Conservation and Development is revised it would be wise to include a Plan of Conservation and Development for Future Use of complete streets.
Replies to the Comments and Concerns were as follows:

  • A bus pass is being investigated, but not turnouts.
  • CRCOG is advisory, does not tell Towns what to do.
  • Funding is available for the pedestrian project being proposed; legislation would create a complete street program to save; language is needed to push the importance of complete streets and address the need i.e. more specific funding for bicycle and pedestrians.
Appl. 09-05P, Corinnes Studio – request for renewal of a 5-year major home occupation for a hair salon at 518 Graham Road, A-20 zone.

Pacekonis made a motion to approve Application 09-05P, Corinnes Studio with the following conditions:

  • The business must be operated by the homeowner.
  • Only one non-resident employee can be hired.
  • The permit will expire on January 25, 2014 and will have to be renewed at that time.
  • Refuse from the business cannot be disposed of with residential refuse.  Adequate arrangements must be made for business refuse disposal.
  • Any new buildings, or alteration/addition to existing buildings, require a building permit prior to start of construction.
Sorenson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Chairman moved to Item 1 under New Business.

  • Preliminary discussion regarding the location of indoor batting facility at Nevers Road Park.
Craig Zimmerman from the American Legion baseball league and Councilor John Pelkey were present to discuss the proposal; Zimmerman had the following remarks.

  • Change has occurred in the indoor building which involved placement of the batting cage to the right of the first base sod (instead of along third base as originally discussed.)
  • If the cage was placed as suggested, then a walkway from the stairs that is currently in front of the building would be extended approximately 30’ to the right of the building which would allow access throughout the year.
  • The bathroom that is located at the rotary at the press box will be heated.
  • There are fewer wires, pipes, and other things in this part of the field; thus making for better placement.
  • The location will be cheaper in the long run and the recommendation came from Town Staff.
  • Inside:  Basically is parallel to the dugout on the first base but will provide ample room in between.
  • It basically will start at the beginning of the dugout and goes towards the right field line.  The door will be placed as far north on the building as possible – this will eliminate people walking in right to the batting cage.
  • Proposed are two cages with 2’ in between; cages have easy access entrance and access on either end.
  • Two mounts will be placed, one in each net; two plates in each net to allow for softball distance which is different from baseball regulation distance.
There were no planning or engineering comments

Discussion ensued among the Commissioners with the following comments and concerns:

  • Construction of the interior floor surface and how often it will be replaced.
  • New location is a prime foul balls territory for a metal building – comments?
  • Drainage
  • Relocating from a third base side to the first base side, closer to the press box, not a dramatic increase; no inclusion of a second bathroom interconnectivity with the existing building.
  • Path or sidewalk?
  • Water service to bathroom and concession – winterized?
  • Construction of bathroom being delayed, questioning why at a different point and time.
  • Parking and if facility will be opened year round.
  • People driving up to area.
Replies to the above comments and concerns:

  • Fake grass will be used and an agreement will be written up between the Town and the baseball groups which will be responsible for replacing it.
  • Placement is closer to the field but in between two fields - cheaper location and will be used more where it is proposed to be placed; 15’ from home pate to the dug out; this will cut out the number of foul balls, not necessarily negating being hit by foul balls.
  • Placement of the cage will be near a big fall off, site is flat; in front of the press box there is a fall off.
  • Decision was made to locate a bathroom in the building in the previous location; a second one is not needed; people will be there for ½ hour to 1 hour; also it isn’t necessary to incur the addition of building a path all the way to the building which would be approximately 350’ from this building to reach the existing walk way.
  • Sidewalk.
  • No, water service will not be winterized; it would involve moving the pipes 15 – 20 feet; there is a switch in the ground which would be dug up and move the piping again; a year may pass with no bathroom, it depends on the final cost.
  • Goal is to do all at once however we might have to give up something for the first year to get the building, erect the building then install bathroom at a later date.
  • Parking will occur in the parking lot; pedestrians will use the stairs then the walk; snow is shoveled off appropriately.
  • People won’t drive far because a barrier is placed for the walking trail.
Discussion ended at 8:34 p.m.

4.      Appl 09-07P, Carmon Funeral Home Accessory Apartments – request for Special Exception to Section 4.1.8.B of the Zoning Regulations to allow two accessory apartments at 419 Buckland Road, RC zone

Lipe stated that there are no other conditions other than filing of the Special Exception Form.

Pacekonis made a motion to approve with the condition of Special Exception being filed.  Sullivan seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Evans made a motion to set the bond for Appl 08-48P, City Vista Subdivision, at $32,900 for subdivision improvements.  Sullivan seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Sullivan made a motion to approve the following IWA/CC bonds:

Appl 06-60P, ALDI’s – wetland mitigation, $40,000 bond reduces $23,700 to a remaining balance of $16,300.00.
Appl 04-74P, Riverwalk SRD E & S, $5,000 bond released.
Appl 04-74P, Riverwalk SRD – wetland mitigation, $10,000 bond released.

Evans seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Minutes were approved with minor changes by consensus of the Commission.


Kennedy reported that the Statewide Planning & Zoning Commission dinner will be held on Thursday, March 19th.  If anyone is planning on attending this dinner, please notify Town Staff.


Sorenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

___3/24/2009__________________          ________________________        
Date Approved                                  Respectfully submitted
                                               Phyllis M. Mann
                                        Recording Secretary