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PZC minutes 08/21/2007 PRESENT:        Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Gary Bazzano, Bart Pacekonis, Cliff Slicer, Louise Evans, Suzanne Choate (arrived at 7:40 PM), Mike Sullivan
ALTERNATES PRESENT:  Viney Wilson and David Sorenson

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning
        Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer


Bazzano read the legal notice into the record as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Thursday, August 10, 2007 and Thursday, August 17, 2007.

1.      Appl 07-38P, Edward King Zone Change—request for zone change from Rural Residential to General Commercial for 1.52+/- acres at addressStreet542 King Street and zone change from General Commercial to Rural Residential for 0.24+/- acre at addressStreet40 John Fitch Blvd.

Peter DeMallie of Design Professionals presented the application as follows.  Mr. King owns two parcels that extend to route 5.  The larger parcel is partially in the general commercial zone and the rest of it is in the RR zone.  We are proposing to extend the General Commercial Zone to the South towards addressStreetBurnham Street.  We need to change 1.52 Acres that is currently RR zone to Commercial Zone, 7.42 acres will be RR and 4 acres in General Commercial zone.  There are utilities along the frontage (Route 5) and storm drainage.  The soil is suitable for septic but no sewers are located anywhere in this area of placeSouth Windsor. Gravity flow sewers would be suitable for this area but it would need to be a combined effort from the regulatory people of the Town of CityEast Hartford along with placeSouth Windsor and MDC.  No negative impact on surrounding properties.  No flood plain on the property.  We are not extending the commercial zone toward addressStreetKing Street.  
Lipe had a planning report as follows.
Request for zone change from Rural Residential to General Commercial for 1.52+/- acres at addressStreet542 King Street and zone change from General Commercial to Rural Residential for 0.24+/- acre at addressStreet40 John Fitch Blvd.
This site abuts general commercial land to the north, south and east and rural residential zone to the west.
The Plan of Conservation and Development proposed land use map shows this area as an “Economic Development Area” which are characterized by a mix of older and newer commercial/industrial buildings. The plan goes onto say, “The most appropriate uses are and will continue to be commercial and industrial uses that are in conformance with the Guiding Principles and Objectives of this plan.”
Minimum lot size in a GC zone is 35,000 square feet; minimum lot size in the RR zone is 40,000 square feet. The property is currently vacant.  
Uses allowed in the GC zone include:
Commercial, Professional offices; retail stores; personal service shops; restaurants; retail and wholesale sales; etc., and other uses deemed appropriate after public hearing. A copy of the use chart out of the newly adopted zoning regulations is being handed out for your use.
There should be no traffic impacts from this zone change.  
Public water and sewer are currently servicing the site.
There are no regulated wetlands shown on the Town’s wetlands map.
These properties are subject to a 50 foot buffer which must be included on any site plan proposal.
If this zone change request is approved, the applicant would have to return to this Commission for approval of site development plans.

Engineering had no comments.  

Public input was requested.  

Craig Stevenson, Town of placeCitySouth Windsor Economic Developer, spoke in favor of this application.  No negative impact on surrounding properties, it is consistent with the town’s plan of conservation.  It is in the town’s best interest for this application to be approved.

Thomas Russo, addressStreet561 King Street spoke against this application. Initially his concerns centered on the two zone changes that were posted for public hearing.  He was concerned that a RR zone was going to become a commercial zone.  addressStreetKing Street is very narrow and winding road and it is heavily used by pedestrians, and children, which causes a concern with the residents. There are concerns with increase in traffic to a RR area.  Would like to know what main access route will be used for vehicles coming in to the commercial area.  The majority of that land is a big vacant parking lot and there is a concern with what type of businesses are being proposed for that area.  

Peter DeMallie responded that access to commercial could not be through addressStreetKing Street property it would have to be through route 5 or a commercial driveway.  

Bob Wassack, addressStreet545 King Street, spoke against this application.  His concerns centered on  the possible resale of property that would cause more of the RR zone to be changed to commercial and continue to move closer to the residents of addressStreetKing Street.  

Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning stated that there would be a 50 ft buffer required on either side of the zone line in addition to the set back requirements.

Steven Livingston, addressStreet479 King Street, spoke against this application.  Concerns with the increase of traffic entering addressStreetKing Street and the trucks that are turning onto addressStreetKing Street from addressStreetBurnham Street that are causing a public safety issue.  He had concerns with commercial buildings that will have dumpsters and air conditioning units facing addressStreetKing Street which will change the quality of life for the residents in this area.  

Kathy Sandborn, addressStreet611 King Street, spoke against this application.  She felt that the big corporations would be making money at the expense of the small homeowners.  

Letters in support of the zone change were read into the record. (Exhibit A)
Petition against the proposed zone change was read into the record (Exhibit B)
Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns:  Replies will be in italics.

·       Concerns with the creation of land lock situation with access to the site.  Once we approve the zone change how do we protect it from somebody coming in and wanting to build a road from addressStreetKing Street to get to it?  The plan shows that there are two separate parcels; the commission should look to have the two parcels combined in order to have access to route 5.  This would avoid the land lock situation.
·       Regulations have changed, the dumpsters are required to be screened and there is a noise ordinance in place, this development will not be the same as a development that would have been permited twenty or thirty years ago.  
·       Clarification of lot numbers on key map is needed.  
·       Is the land currently vacant?  It’s all vacant land, the residential land is a field and the commercial land is also vacant.
·       Regarding the comments that were made from the people that are in opposition to the zone change, the commission can’t make a decision based on what might happen in the future, the commission has to make a decision on the application that is before them.  The applicant is attempting to straighten a zone line where there is an existing cut off peace that does not match up with existing property line.  As far as the concerns with the back of the properties and the dumpsters, per our Zoning Regulations that would be adequately addressed by those buffer requirements between the RR zone and the commercial zone once someone comes in to actually build.  
·       Petition that was presented, is this a super majority vote?  The petition came so late in the day that we have not evaluated that;  determination will be made.  
 Peter DeMallie:  Along the line their will be a full 50 ft buffer as required by the planning and zoning regulations to fully protect the neighbors on King Street.
The public hearing closed at 8:25 PM.
2.      Appl 07-39P, 376-404 CityplaceHebron Ave. LLC—request for zone change from Industrial to Restricted Commercial for 4.3 +/- acres at addressStreet1049 John Fitch Boulevard (northwesterly corner of addressStreetJohn Fitch Boulevard and Governor’s Highway) POSTPONED

3.      Appl 07-50P, Wapping Fair—permit for a five (5) year period commencing in 2007 to hold the annual Wapping Fair on property known as Evergreen Walk, located on the west side of Buckland Road, west of LA Fitness, GD zone (see attached)
Paul Petrillo of the South Windsor Jaycees presented the application as follows.  The applicant is requesting a 5 year permit to host the Wapping fair on the west side of addressStreetBuckland Road west of LA Fitness.  The fair consists of a variety of attractions, animals, clowns, fireworks etc.  We secured parking with Evergreen Walk and LA Fitness along with the area across addressStreetCedar Ave.  Manchester Police Department along with South Windsor Police Department has been contacted to help coordinate the traffic.  South Windsor Fire Dept has reviewed the layout to make sure that it meets requirements.

Lipe had a planning report.  
Request for renewal of Wapping Fair’s 5-year permit granted in 2003 for the fair that runs for 4 days each September (Thursday – Sunday after Labor Day each year).  The location of the fair is changing and will be held on the property of Evergreen Walk LLC behind the LA Fitness facility.
The proposed permit conditions include safeguards as set out in an agreement between Evergreen Walk LLC.  You have received a copy of the “Obligations, Rules and Restriction” document, along with the Wapping Fair’s proposal and suggested approval conditions.
We would note that the license agreement includes provisions related to required liability policies, workmen compensation policies and includes the requirements for an $8,000 bond to ensure restoration of Evergreen Walk property to its pre-fair condition.
The Police Department has met with Paul Petrillo, from the South Windsor Jaycees, prior to this meeting to discuss revisions to the approval conditions based on the new location. The parties have agreed to modifications that include: an executed agreement with the property owner; an agreement with the Police Services as to how the property will be policed; and a statement that Jaycees working on site will be easily identifiable.
Public participation was requested.

Vicky Margiott, addressStreet32 Sele Drive, has concerns centered on the noise from the fair and how it will affect her.
Bazzano read a letter from SWPD regarding the police coverage for Wapping Fair. (Exhibit C)
Engineering had no comments.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns:  Replies will be in italics.

·       Need clarification on the exact location of the fireworks.  The fireworks will be between the proposed detention basin and new office
·       Have any studies been done on noise levels?  No.
·       Any complaints on file?  None with the Planning Department..
·       In the beginning when Wapping Fair was held on addressStreetRye Street there were complaints mostly due to the fireworks.  There were concerns about parking which have been addressed very well over the years.  There is a concerne with giving approval for five year right away.  Can the planning department take care of deciding how long the permit will be for?  Michele:  We can do a one year approval and then a staff approval without any complaints.  
The public hearing closed at 8:35 PM.

Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order.
Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:
1.      Appl 07-24P, Stevenson Amendment- request for amendment to Section and 10.2 of the zoning regulations to increase the maximum permitted height of buildings from 40 feet to 65 feet in the Industrial zone subject to certain criteria; and for a waiver provision in the Industrial zone to increase the maximum permitted height of buildings to 90 feet if certain criteria are satisfied.

Commissioner Sorenson was appointed to sit for Commissioner Choate.

The Commission discussed the amendment and clarified the height proposal based on Planning Department recommendations, and added Architectural and Design standards for the taller buildings similar to the requirements found in the I-291 corridor development zone.  Foregoing does not apply to inflatable structures, inflatable domes are prohibited.  

Evans made a motion to approve Appl 07-24P Stevenson Amendment with the above mentioned modifications.  The following is the approved text.

The maximum building height is 50 feet/4 stories for any building that is at least 350  feet from a public street right-of-way and from any residential zone boundary, provided, however, that any portion of such building located within 350  feet of the public street right-of-way or any building located in its entirety within 350  feet of the public street right-of-way shall have a maximum height of 40 feet/2 stories.

The applicant may request and the Commission may grant a height waiver to increase the
building height to 75 feet/5 stories for a building or portion thereof located at least 350  feet from any public street and from any residential zone boundary, if the Commission determines
that the site is suitable for a taller building and that the character of the Industrial Zone is enhanced rather than diminished by a taller building. In order to qualify for a height waiver, the
applicant must demonstrate that the taller building conforms with the following criteria:

1.      The taller building does not unduly disrupt the character of a residentially-zoned neighborhood.

2.   Relationships to land uses in abutting zones and adjacent developments within the zone (compatibility) are important considerations that will be critically reviewed by the Commission. Concerns in this regard will include view sheds, buffers (vegetative and architectural), building scale/massing/configuration /height, light spill, emissions (noise), use intensity/frequency, light/air obstruction, and signage.

3.      A 5% reduction in maximum impervious coverage is required for each additional floor
above 50 feet/4 stories. The additional green areas are to be distributed around the taller building, not isolated in a portion of the site with low visibility in relation to the subject building. This 5% reduction is applicable to the impervious coverage assigned to the tall building based on the applicable formulas for the minimum required lot size.

4.      Service areas and loading docks must be screened from public streets and residential areas.

5.      All membrane structures are prohibited.

The effective date of the Zoning Amendment is 8/25/07 upon publication in the newspaper.

Sullivan seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to move the Wapping Fair Application to number 2 on the agenda. Sullivan made a motion to approve the change. Bazzano second the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

2.      Appl 07-50P, Wapping Fair—permit for a five (5) year period commencing in 2007 to hold the annual Wapping Fair on property known as Evergreen Walk, located on the west side of Buckland Road, west of LA Fitness, GD zone
Choate made a motion to approve the above request with the following conditions.  

Acknowledge this is private property; notwithstanding any requirements set forth in this letter, all activities and site modifications require the property owner’s approval.

Police Services shall be the responsibility of Jaycees as agreed to by the South Windsor Police Services at the annual pre-fair meeting.

Parking & “No Parking” to be coordinated with property owners & SWPD. No parking along addressStreetEvergreen Way, Tamarack, Hemlock, Cedar.

All parking areas shall be clearly marked.

A minimum of nine portable sanitary facilities shall be provided.

Adequate trash receptacles & removal

The fireworks area is to be condoned off per Fire Marshal’s requirements

A list of Jaycees Wapping Fair Committee contacts and phone numbers shall be provided to the Town.  A reciprocal list of critical Town contacts will be provided to the Jaycees Wapping Fair Committee.

The Jaycees Fair staff shall be readily identifiable as such while working the fairgrounds.

The Jaycees must contact the Planning Department each spring advising us of the dates for that year and any changes there may be from the original approval granted.

Dates are as follows:

                September 7, 2007               6:00 p.m. to ll:00 p.m.
                September 8, 2007               6:00 p.m. to midnight
                September 9, 2007               11:00 a.m. to midnight
                September 10, 2007              11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
3.      Appl 07-27P, Tuscan Hills – request for site plan approval for two new buildings, totaling 14,275 sf retail and 6,648 sf 2nd floor offices, for property locate at 206 and 218 Buckland Road, Buckland Gateway Development zone (action by 8/21/07)

Peter DeMallie from Design Professionals and his design team presented the application as follows.  Property is located at 206 and addressStreet208 Buckland Road the owners of the two properties are Lynn and Craig Kochansky and Gary Roundsville, Roundsville Trustees.  They are proposing to combine the entrance driveway between the buildings.  The building to the north has a driveway on the side where delivery trucks could park; trucks can also park on the back of the buildings.  Dumpsters could be served by trucks and not interfere with the customer parking.  It is a mixed uses building, retail on the first floor and office on the second.  Architecture was done the interior of parking lot along with the lighting  which was done by Richard Boston, landscape architect.  We will submit a sanitary sewer easement in favor of Town held in escrow signed by all parties to provide 20 ft. of sanitary sewer along the east side of Buckland Road that would bring the sewer to greater depth. (Exhibit 1)  The applicant met with town officials and discussed the proposed relocation of M & R Liquor’s offices to the second floor a portion of that will be for training staff.  There are twenty-eight parking spots; we are requesting a waiver of nine spaces for the building to the south to accommodate the office on the second floor.  We have received Wetlands approval on July 25th, with minimal wetlands impact.  

Galen Semprebon, director of engineering, Design Professionals, had the following report.  The site will have public water.  The applicant is bringing the sanitary sewer up from the south up to northern property line of the site at 13 to 15 steep.  Traffic study based on accepted methods, includes placePlaceNameDeming PlaceTypePlaza and traffic generated from our site.  There is a slight 1 or 2% change in the utilization of the overall use of the intersections.

Richard Boston, Director of Architecture, Design Professionals gave the following overview.  
o       The project has been reviewed by ADRC and accepted also it has been approved by IWA/CC.
o       The eastern portion of the site contains wetlands.  Proposing to save the large willows and plant some evergreens along with a shrub barrier adjacent to the back.  A vegetative island will be added within the threes.  Interior landscape parking requirements exceed the 12 % requirements of the gateway zone.  

o       There will be consistent flowering throughout the site with ornamental perennials, evergreens to create a boundary and screening of the parking area.  Some areas will have seasonal flower beds.  There will be a detention basin between the proposed sidewalk and the screening for the parking area.

o       There will be five water quality basins that will be planted with herbaceous plants.  The site has seven areas where they are proposing to have landscape berms between the sidewalks and water quality basins.  

Angela Cahill, architect with Shoen Heart Architects, gave the following overview.
Kochansky property located at addressStreet218 Buckland Road-First floor the concept is to have three individual retail tenants on the ground floor with a separate entrance that leads to a single office on the second floor.  The majority of parking for 218 would be in front of the building and some shared by the two tenants.  The three retail entrances are facing addressStreetBuckland Road.  
The Roundsville property located at addressStreet206 Buckland Road will be occupied by M & R Liquors on the ground floor.  M & R Enterprises will be the office use on the second floor.  Deliveries will be serviced by small trucks and occasionally by bigger trucks that will come in through the back area entrance.  The entrance to the upstairs office will be in the north-west corner of the building.

Extension of Meeting
Pacekonis made a motion to extend the meeting past 10 p.m.  Choate seconded the motion.  The motioned carried and the vote was unanimous.

Steve Schultz, Shown Heart Architects, gave an overview of the architectural design of both buildings.  

Peter DeMallie mentioned that the 206 side of the site is under extreme time constraints due to a State Liquor license that has been submitted.  The applicant needs to get into the facility by early summer of 2008.  
Lipe provided the following planning report.
Request for site plan approval to construct two new commercial buildings with a mix of office and retail uses at 206 and addressStreet218 Buckland Road, Gateway zone. . The minimum lot size for the Gateway Zone is 3 acres; however, pre-existing nonconforming lots are recognized as legal nonconforming lots in the Gateway zone. placeLot A is 1.12 acres; Lot B is 1.58 acres, for a consolidated lot size of 2.7 acres. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%, including a 5% bonus for creating a consolidated parcel from two nonconforming lots. Frontage is 219 feet for placeLot A, 160 feet for Lot B; minimum required is 200 feet. Front yard setback is 126 feet, 65 feet required.
Access management provisions are handled in several ways. There is a shared driveway straddling the property line. Currently the site is right-in, right-out only because of the median in addressStreetBuckland Road. The parking lot has been configured such that it can be extended to both the north and south when those sites are developed. The chart of easements on page 3 includes future construction and cross travel easements for the north and south properties.
The applicant’s traffic report indicates that the projected site traffic will not impact traffic operations on addressStreetBuckland Road. Staff did request that Traffic Engineer Jim Bubaris review the report to ensure that we are comfortable with the assumptions used in the traffic report. Jim Bubaris is here to review the findings of his review with the Commission and to answer any questions you may have.
Pedestrian access is provided with the inclusion of a sidewalk along the addressStreetBuckland Road frontage and individual sidewalks to each building with a crosswalk across the shared driveway.
The applicants’ most recent parking calculations indicate that the consolidated parking requirement is 9 spaces higher than the applicant is providing. The Planning Department has no issues with the waiver request, as the mix of uses plus the shared parking should result in adequate parking.
Loading areas for both buildings are located behind the buildings so should not be visible from addressStreetBuckland Road.
There will be no rooftop mechanical equipment on the M&R store; however, the applicant has indicated that there will be rooftop units on the smaller building. We remind the applicant that rooftop units cannot be visible from addressStreetBuckland Road. The Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this application on June 22 and provided a favorable recommendation on the site. ADRC has requested that the air compressor be located on the plan and screened, and has also requested that architectural screening be placed around the utilities.
All lighting has full cutoff fixtures. The light poles are 14’ poles with house shields on fixtures at the back of the site.
Parking lot landscaping requirements have been addressed, with 13-14% of the interior of all parking areas landscaped (12% maximum required).
Detention basins are located directly adjacent to addressStreetBuckland Road, which is a practice that the Commission has been trying to discourage due to the unsightly appearance of many basins. Potential may exist for underground detention rather than above-ground detention, and staff request that the applicant thoroughly investigate underground detention, to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction, before settling on above-ground detention.
There will be a free-standing, externally-lit sign at the site entrance that has only the name of the center on it. The applicant has indicated that tenant signage will be required to conform to specific criteria so that there will be uniformity among the signs.
There are regulated wetlands on the site. IWA/CC approved this application on July 25 with no unusual approval conditions and bonds in the amount of $7,500 to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures and $15,000 to ensure establishment of stormwater structures and mitigation.
The Fire Marshal has reviewed the plans; his concerns have been satisfied by the applicant.
Public water and sewer are available. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required. There are existing wells and septic systems that will need to be properly abandoned once their locations are discovered.
Proposed dumpsters are located behind the buildings, on concrete pads and screened.
If this application is approved, Planning Dept requests no additional approval modifications except as already noted.

Doolittle had an engineering report as follows.

1.       The sidewalk easement is still shown within the sewer easement, which will make it difficult to repair and maintain the sewer without damaging the sidewalk.  The sidewalk easement should be separate from the sewer easement.  

2.      The lateral building sewers are still shown connecting to the manholes well above the main sewer invert.  The lateral building sewer pipes should connect to a manhole, close to the sewer main elevation, with a constructed manhole invert.

3.      The inlet pipes to basin B are now show with a symbol that appears to be for an energy dissipater but they should be labeled as an energy dissipater.

4.      The existing catch basin on parcel A is within the sewer easement, close to the sewer pipe.  It should be removed and the adjacent catch basin in addressStreetBuckland Road should be connected directly to the proposed drainage manhole.  

5.      An additional catch basin appears to be needed on parcel B on the west side of the northern parking lot, south of the central island.

6.      Move all drainage structures and pipes (except for cross pipes) out of the proposed sanitary sewer easement.  

Public participation was requested.

Mike Leonatta, resident of placeSouth Windsor, spoke in favor of this application.

Dan Lavine, resident of placeSouth Windsor, spoke in favor of this application.

Louie Hitchgle, resident of placeSouth Windsor spoke in favor of this application.

Two letters in support of the Tuscan Hills application were read into the record (Exhibit 1, 2).

Viki Margiott Resident of addressStreet32 Sele Drive spoke in favor of this application.

Linda Cuttler, addressStreet58 Sele Drive spoke in favor of this application.  

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns:  Replies will be in italics.

·       Concerns with the traffic analysis and the possibility of vehicles making u-rurns after entering the site.  Most cars would not make that turn but there is a potential for some people to try and make a u turn.  There is not enough right- of- way width to accomplisht the widening without additional right away being obtained.  
Craig Kochansky, stated that Design Professionals and the Roundsvilles worked on this issue with the Town access management making sure that there is proper amount of room.  We should not be penalized for something that wasn’t done ahead of time.  It’s only a temporary situation we are in full agreement that eventually we will have access at the traffic light.  The applicant is requesting for some consideration in this matter.
·       Concerns with the SWPD research memorandum regarding the number of vehicle accidents due to Corn Crib operations as well as passing violations of vehicles coming in and out of site.
·       Concerns with the request for reduction of parking on site by the applicant.  Unable to locate sidewalks on plan, will there be adequate snow shelf on site?  
Doolittle responded that the sidewalks are directly behind the utility poles, which usually means that the sidewalk is further back that usual.  
·       Have you explored underground detention?  We have explored underground detention at the request of the client.  Underground detention is a significantly higher construction cost than surface detention.  
·       Concerns with a divided road that does not have a directional entrance.  Vehicles will tend to go left when they don’t have a directional island to force them to go right.
·       Concerns with the traffic issue, the town’s traffic consultant has reported that this is a serious traffic hazard.  It’s an illegal turn and a vehicle that is misguided might make that turn and there is the avenue to maneuver safely.  
Peter DeMallie commented that his client is amendable to the “pork shop” entrance if it is doable.
Galen Semprebon went over the accident records as follows:  there were a total of 26 traffic accidents 18 which were rear end accidents from following too close, congested roads, passing turning violations 5 accidents; and other violations 3.  Total with injuries were 6, no fatalities.  According to police observations there was in increase in the number of accidents on addressStreetBuckland Road in the past few years as a product of traffic volumes.  The number of severe accidents has declined as overall speed has decreased and the roadway design is better.  During that time period the Corn Crib was operating and several of the accidents were related to the vehicles entering that business.  
There is an avenue to do it safely, the signage is posted to prohibit the illegal turning, there isn’t sufficient right of away to create a safe u-turn situation, that needed to be done back when addressStreetBuckland Road was re-constructed.  
·       Can the median be extended to inhibit the u-turns from occurring?  
Doolittle responded that the median could be extended but that might not deter the vehicles from turning left on addressStreetCedar Street and L.A. Fitness.  I don’t think that extending the median is going to stop the u-turns.  Staff would need more time to see what other measures could be taken.
addressStreet·  Buckland Road was designed with access management principles in mind.  It’s overreaching to say that they should make improvements on those intersections that we designed for the future development of access management.
·       If there are ways to extend the median and it can be done with cost effectiveness it should be done to safeguard the public.  It is best to take precautions as opposed to a potentially hazardous fatal accident from someone that might make an illegal turn.  Kochanski stated tha it is a temporary situation and we are loosing focus by concentrating on people doing something illegal.
·       This is a site plan approval for permitted uses it is presumed that it can handle whatever volume of traffic comes through.  We can look at the design to make sure it’s safe, we can’t make any considerations beyond the site, based on the external traffic flow on the roadway, I don’t think we can deny or modify the application to that affect, we can force them to undergo expensive off site improvements to the roadway.  Eventually they will be hooked up at the light.

Lipe responded that if the concern arises from a proposed development you can require measures to make it safer.

·       Is the Corn Crib left turn a long term thing or will that change?  
Jeff Doolittle responded:  When other sites develop the turn lane will have to be lengthened.  
·       Choate stated that residents can’t safely make the turn that’s why it is illegal.
·       Sullivan asked town staff whether or not additional traffic measures could be installed to avoid burdening the applicant with additional expense, and according to town staff they would need more time to look at the options.  The applicants themselves stood up and said they might be able to provide such an area and they are being discouraged by staff and by chair.  Will the applicant consider providing an extension to the consideration of this application so that the town staff may be able to further evaluate what temporary traffic barriers can be provided to discourage illegal turning? How long of a delay would be needed?
Michele Lipe stated that the next PZC meeting is on September 11th and the applicant has the ability to give the staff an extension till September 14th.  The commission can also call a special meeting to discuss it.  
·       Commissioners inquired if the applicant would consider extending this application till the September 11 meeting?
        The applicant is willing to commit up to $10,000 to address the concerns of traffic that        have been brought up by the commissioners and also taking the considerations of the     town engineer and traffic consultant .  
·       Do we have an extension?  No
Doolittle responded that $10,000 was not enough to address traffic concerns on site and if the cost was higher he was not sure how that would be accomplished.  Has the applicant inquired with the Reichle’s property about access through their property?

Peter DeMallie responded that it was discussed.  It took two and a half months to negotiate sanitary sewers easements.  To go through their property and around the Corn Crib we don’t think it’s a doable thing.  
Sullivan made a motion to deny the application based on traffic concerns. Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion failed 2-5 with Sullivan and Pacekonis voting in favor of the motion and Kennedy, Bazzano, Slicer, Evans and Choate voted against the motion.

Bazzano made a motion to approve the above application with the following modifications.
Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of 7,500 to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures and $15,000 to ensure establishment of stormwater structures and mitigation.
A landscape bond in the amount of $5000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of placeCitySouth Windsor.
This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
A parking waiver of 9 spaces is hereby granted for addressStreet206 Buckland Road.
Rooftop mechanical units shall not be visible from addressStreetBuckland Road.
An amount of $10,000 is required to be submitted for addressStreetBuckland Road improvements associates with access to this site, as approved by town staff.
The entrance drive should be reconfigured with a “pork island chop” to direct traffic right in and right out only.
The future access area to the northern and southern abutting properties must be shown.  At such time as a site plan is approved for the property to the north or the south, an interconnection shall be constructed in the area shown on the subject site plan OR as agreed by the two property owners and further approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Failure to construct the site interconnection shall be construed as a zoning violation and shall be pursued via the remedies available to the Town of zoning violations.

Also, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.5.4E (formerly Section IIIA.2.e.3), the applicant shall record on the land records an agreement that remaining access rights along Buckland Road will be dedicated to the Town and that the temporary curb cut will be closed after the joint-use driveway is constructed.

Slicer seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was 5-2 with Kennedy, Bazzano, Slicer, Evans and Choate voted in favor and Sullivan and Pacekonis against the motion.

4.      Appl 07-47P, Central Imports Auto Sales – request for Used Car Dealer license and Site Plan approval for property located at addressStreet825 John Fitch Boulevard, GC zone (action by 10/25/07)

Joe Lawson presented the application.  No retail will be coming out of this sire.  This will be the headquarters for the whole sale business.  This is a good location and there are no foreseen problems for this location.  

 Lipe provided a planning report.

Request for site plan approval and used car dealer license for property located at addressStreet825 John Fitch Boulevard, GC zone. This new applicant is now requesting to reutilize the site for the wholesaling of used car sales- and will not be open to the general public. There are other businesses currently on the site.
The plan shows a total of 12 vehicle parking spaces; 9 behind the building and 3 spaces out front.
Site size is just over one acre. We note that, while the site plan shows delineated parking spaces, however the property is not line, and the areas in which vehicles are to be parked are for the most part indistinguishable from the remainder of the site.
There are no building additions or modifications proposed with this application other than the addition of signage. The new sign regulations allow both a building sign and a freestanding sign. The building sign would be allowed to be about 52 square feet, and the freestanding sign would be allowed to be 24 square feet.
There is no 100-year floodplain on this site. There are no regulated wetlands on site.
Public water and sewer currently service the site.  WPCA approval is not required.
If this application is approved, the Planning Department has no other requested modifications.

Engineering had no recommendations.

Bazzano made a motion to approve with the following conditions.
1.      All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
2.      All new site lighting must conform with zoning regulations.
3.      The line striping of the front parking area must be maintained.

Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

5.      Appl 07-14P, McGrath Subdivision - Requests two consecutive 90 day extensions from the original filing date for recording mylars.

Bazzano made a motion to approve the above request.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
6.      Preliminary Discussion with Metro Realty regarding Senior Apartments

Geoff Sager of Metro Realty discussed the proposal.  The applicant handed out a booklet. Gerber Scientific property on addressStreetKelly Road is for sale and they would like to build the same type of housing that was constructed at Watson Farm.  It would serve a good transitional use since the highway is near and the industrial area.  

The commission discussed the proposal and the possibility of re-zoning the Industrial area of Gerber Scientific to multi-family residential.  


BONDS: Callings/Reductions/Settings

Evans made a motion to set the engineering bond in the amount of $96,000 for Appl 06-54P placePlaceNameDeming PlaceTypePlaza.  Choate seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Choate made a motion to set the engineering bond in the amount of $10,100 for Appl 07-05P, Graham Road Subdivision (Kupchunos).  Sorenson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Evans made a motion to release the $1,000 landscaping bond for Appl 04-60P, Leonard Site. Choate seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Evans mad a motion to release the 4,000 landscaping bond for Appl 00-07P, Pleasant Meadows SRD.  Choate seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

MINUTES:  5/22/07, 6/12/07, 6/26/07, 7/24/07 Minutes were approved with consensus.

Pacekonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:11 p.m.  Bazzano seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted:

D. Maria Acevedo
Administrative Secretary