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PZC Minutes 10-26-2004

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Timothy Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Patrick Kennedy, Sue Larsen, Cliff Slicer and Bart Pacekonis

                                 Gary Bazzano
                                 Marc Finer sat for Suzanne Choate

STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer


Chairman Wentzell opened Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. Larsen read the legal notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Appl 04-58P, Emerald Green, request for 3 lot resubdivision of 15 acres for property located on the easterly side of Ellington Road and northerly of Quarry Brook Drive, RR and A-20 zone

Attorney Atherton Ryan, representing the applicant had the following comments to his presentation:

It is proposed that the applicant will return to PZC for a special permit application for an SRD project on the property referenced above.
Approval was gotten from IWA/CC.

Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc. and representing the applicant had the following comments to his presentation:

JMJ is the applicant for the Emerald Green project.
2 acres were acquired from Unity Church.
Zoning to the east, south, and west is A-20; zoning to the north is RR.
Site layout consists of a new street (Church Way, 725’ long, cul-de-sac) it will serve 2 new single family house lots, 1 acre in size each. also the 2 acres acquired from Unity Church, and lot #3 (large field surrounded by a hedgerow) – 12 acre parcel.
Proposed driveway to Unity Church; this provides a second means of ingress and egress to Unity Church, to and from Church Way and also vehicle access through the Church site by means of an easement from the cul-de-sac to Route 30.
Some neighboring homes can utilize the proposed new street.
Neighbors were informed of the future application for an SRD project.
Proposed Parcel A is located on the west side of Lot #1.
Property contains 2 small isolated pockets of wetlands.
There is no 100-year floodplain on the property.

Rebecca Meyer, Project Engineer, Design Professionals, Inc and representing the applicant had the following comments to her presentation:

The 2 proposed lots will be serviced by sanitary, water, and gas connected from Ellington Road.
The sanitary main will be extended from a manhole just north of Quarry Brook Drive along Ellington Road.
Sewer and water laterals will be provided to adjacent lots.
A proposed sanitary easement will allow Unity Church to access the Town sewer proposed in Church Way.
A proposed drainage easement in favor of JMJ to allow their drainage to continue to flow into Unity basin as it does under natural conditions.
A proposed utility easement to allow potential connections as Unity Church may require in the future and the 2-acre conveyance.
The site contains agricultural land and deciduous woods.
Grades range from 5 to 20% throughout the site.
It drains in 2 directions (divided in the center) eastern portion drains towards Mill Pond and the western to the Unity Church site.
The proposed Church Way basin has been designed to retain the increase in runoff from the developed site resulting from the proposed impervious coverage.
6.6 acres of the developed site will drain to the proposed basin via overland flow, storm drainage in the street and yard drains in the 2 residential lots.
Swales are proposed to direct water into the yard drains to avoid cross lot flow.
Soil tests in basin revealed well draining sandy soils.
A 6” pipe will connect the basin to the Unity Church basin in high intensity storms.
Unity Church basin is designed to handle 10 acres of runoff and maintain discharge of 1.49 CFS to Lakewood under a 10-year design storm.
The proposed basin has been designed to retain 6.6 acres of developed runoff, discharge into Unity basin then Lakewood.
Final discharge to Lakewood during a 100-year storm will be 1.46 CFS and continue to remain under the required 1.5 CFS.

Richard Boston, Landscape Architect, Design Professionals, Inc. and representing the applicant had the following comments to his presentation:

As many trees as possible will be saved.
19 street trees (flowering pear, red oak, sugar maples, green ash) will be added within the 20” street tree easement.
The Tree Warden from South Windsor is not fond of the green ash however it can be worked out as a condition of approval.
Additional screening (spruce & white pine) will be provided between Unity Church and lot 3.
3 different grass mixes (depending upon the complexity of the soil) proposed for the basin.
Slopes will be planted with tall fescues.
No fertilization will be added within the basin area.
There is an existing large beech tree and an 18” oak tree within the 20’ easement along the property owned by JMJ.  It is proposed to add 2 red oaks outside the canopy of the existing beech.

DeMallie summarized the traffic report submitted by Bubaris Traffic Associates.  The follow comments were presented:

Review of the Study Approach, Background Traffic, Site-Generated Traffic, and Evaluation.
Sight line Analysis was accomplished along with Accident Experience.
Conclusion resulted in that the proposal should not adversely impact traffic operations on the surrounding roadway network in 2005.
Development will consist of age-restricted seniors, 55 and older; this type of development is a very low traffic generator.
Site drive intersection at Podunk Ridge/Ellington Road will operate at level of service A for northbound left turn movement and at a level of service C for eastbound movements exiting the site.
Sight line to the north will be approximately 520’ to the north and 700’ to the south for the prevailing speed of traffic on Ellington Road.
Accident experience does not show a recurring pattern that needs to be corrected nor will it be exacerbated by the proposed development.
The proposal consisting of 25-age restricted units for 55 years and old and 2- single family residences (Emerald Green) will be a low traffic generator producing 19-21 trips per hour.
Operational Analysis demonstrates that the proposed site drive at Ellington Road will operate at satisfactory levels.
An Encroachment Permit Application will need to be submitted to the CDOT for approval to construct the proposed site drive intersection on Ellington Road (Route 30).

Banach provided the following Planning report:

She reminded the Commission that this application is for 3 single-family house lots.  An SRD is not being considered at this meeting.

Request for approval of a subdivision to create 3 lots with a new public street from Ellington Road, RR zone. The site size is 15 acres.
Minimum lot size required in a RR zone subdivision is 40,000 sf. The minimum lot size proposed is about 43,600 square feet. Minimum required frontage is 175 feet; minimum proposed is 189 feet. Lot 3 is about 12 acres in size; the applicant has indicated that he intends to apply for a Senior Residence Development on this lot.
The proposed road is a cul-de-sac from Ellington Road. Proposed road length exceeds the town’s 600’ cul-de-sac length requirement, so a Commission waiver would be necessary to approve the length. The subdivision regulations authorize the Commission to grant a waiver of the length requirements if the Commission deems it desirable due to adverse topographic or environmental conditions, difficult site configuration, or if no potential outlet would be available to serve the area, subject to the following conditions:
The commission shall determine that the subject property cannot be reasonably served by any other public street (existing or future) due to site constraints (environmental or topographic), accepted engineering standards, and/or prohibitive cost.
The Commission shall determine that the proposed extension conforms to the goals and objectives of access management.
The Commission shall conclude that the proposed street extension will function as a residential local street, rather than a collector or arterial highway.
Underground utilities must be provided.
Sidewalks must be provided on both sides of the street.
The plan shows a driveway interconnection to Unity Church.
There is no open space requirement for this subdivision because there are only three lots.
Any information being heard regarding traffic for an SRD is not relevant to the discussion of 3-single family lots.
There is a small amount of regulated wetlands on the property.  The application was approved by IWA/CC on Oct 20, with a $5,000 bond for erosion & sediment control, and a bond for $5,000 for establishment of the stormwater basin.
There will be no new driveway curb cuts for houses onto Ellington Road. The existing driveway at 887 Ellington Road will be relocated onto the new subdivision street. Sidewalks are shown on one side of the street, but the waiver provision requires sidewalks to be provided on both sides of the street.
The site will be serviced by public water and sewer. WPCA approval is required.
Street trees are shown on both sides of the new street, but are sporadic until about the midpoint of the cul-de-sac. The proposed detention basin interferes with some of the street trees, which suggests that perhaps the basin needs more room. The property at 658 Ellington Road is also owned by JMJ, so should have regularly-spaced street trees. The applicant may also want to approach the owners of 887 Ellington Road about adding street trees to their property.
Karl Reichle, Superintendent of Parks has reviewed the proposed street trees and has made the following comments: The Town’s street tree specs should be utilized and so reflected on the plans; and he has suggested that the proposed green ash tree be changed to beech trees.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept has no additional approval conditions other than those items already noted.

Doolittle provided the following Engineering report:

The disposition of Parcel A located to the west of Lot 1 needs to be labeled on the plot plan and topographic plan.  
The elevations of the houses on Lots 1 and 2 appear to be unnecessarily high.  This is especially true for Lot 2 and results in a driveway grade greater than 10%.  This driveway will need an alternate pull off area with this grade.  I suggest these houses be lowered
Address lot-to-lot drainage between lots 3, 2, 1 and the existing lot at 887 Ellington Road by including yard drains, underdrains and drainage swales as necessary to collect the surface water and direct it into the storm drainage system before it crosses the lot boundaries.  
It appears that the detention basin is part of Lot 3.  Please confirm this and state who will be responsible for the maintenance of this basin.  
Why is the inlet elevation to the detention basin 4 feet lower than the outlet elevation?  This will result in the basin having water up to 4 feet deep at times.  Suggest the inlet and outlet elevations be changed to reduce the potential depth of water ponding in this detention basin.  
The drainage report is not complete.  Appendix A, is missing and Appendix H does not appear to be as listed in the Table of Contents.  Pipe flow calculations, a gutter flow analysis and headwater analysis needs to be completed and submitted as part of the drainage report for this subdivision.
Add a note specifying galvanized frames and grates for the catch basins.
There should be a structure/stub for future connection to the storm drainage system just as there is a stub for a future connection to the sanitary sewer.  Additional catch basins are needed in the cul-de-sac.  
Show the proposed sewer main all the way to the existing manhole in Ellington Road.
Why is the slope of the sewer main less than the minimum slope of 0.5%?
Provide sewer laterals for the existing houses on adjacent properties at 887, 658, and 909 Ellington Road.
Why is the sewer main so deep upstream of MH3?  This main could be much shallower and/or have a steeper slope than 2%.  
Will the proposed sewer or storm drain system affect existing shallow wells on adjacent properties?  There should be provisions made to connect these properties to the public water system.  
Why are utilities shown for Unity Church from the proposed road when their approved plan shows utilities coming directly from Ellington Road and an on-site septic system?
Show any potential impacts and/or proposed improvements to the two existing lots adjacent to the proposed road, 887 and 658 Ellington Road.  This should include utilities, access, clearing, grading, lighting, etc.  
WPCA review and approval is required for this site.
A permit is required from the ConnDOT for the construction of this new road off Ellington Road.

Wentzell called for input from the public:

Tim Friend, 887 Ellington Road, spoke in favor of the application.

Rachelle Clark, 909 Ellington Road spoke in opposition to this application.  Her concerns centered on the location of the detention basin being close to her well.  She has requested that JMJ hook them up to city water.  She is in favor of a sidewalk being placed on Ellington Road.

Paul Otterway, 26 Pintail Circle in Lakewood, spoke in opposition to this application.  His concerns centered on the trees that will be removed and the water flow at the circle where it abuts the Unity Church; proposed drainage system into Lakewood; agreement upon the easement; and also the Town’s position with regard to putting water from a Town road into a private system where no easement has been granted.  He submitted a photo.  (Exhibit A)

Lorna Mutty, member of the Board of Directors for Lakewood, spoke in opposition to this application.  Her concerns centered on the engineering issue not being resolved, and a pending legal issue

George Menut, Co-Chairman of the Unity Church Expansion Committee, stated there has been an ongoing dialogue with the neighbors. The Church intends to continue to be good neighbors.  Concerns that have been raised are legitimate concerns.  He would like to see them worked out to everybody’s satisfaction.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics.

Public comments.  Applicant will work with residents to resolve issues.
Length of cul-de-sac. There is no potential alternate access point to this property other than the access point to Route 30.
Headlights from access drive. Conversations, regarding mitigation of headlights are being held with the Landscape Architect and Unity Church.
Clarification of sidewalks on Church Way. Sidewalks cannot be accommodated because of the 50’ width.  The developer is being held to elevations on either side thus required grading for the town right-of-way to provide drainage away from the high point would be the property line.  Sidewalks will be on one side only.
Concerns with the proposed drainage system and easement – needs to be resolved.
Requirements of buffer along the border of the Church property.  No. There is no requirement.
Elimination of 4 parking spaces for the Church.  There was excess parking approved for the Church.
Lakewood sidewalks should be connectable along Ellington Road for school children.

Kennedy made a motion to continue the Public Hearing for application #04-58P, Emerald Green to November 23, 2004.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.



Chairman Wentzell opened the Regular Meeting.


A letter was read from Virginia Macro, Chair of the Historic District Commission, regarding the zoning regulations that affect potential development on Main Street and the Historic District in particular.  A meeting will be scheduled for PZC to meet with the Historic District to discuss this issue. (Exhibit C)


Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

Appl 04-64P, Marselli Precision Automotive, request for site plan approval for an automotive business at 179 Commerce Way, I zone

Jesse Marselli came before the Commission proposing an automotive repair center at 179 Commerce Way.  Parking issues were addressed indicating Marselli spoke with building owners if additional parking was needed.

Banach provided the following Planning report:

Application for site plan approval for an automotive repair use in the back portion of an existing industrial building, approximately 2,300 square feet, for property located at 179 Commerce Way, I zone. Site size is approximately .8 ac. There is no new site work proposed; however the applicant will be delineating 3 parking spaces in the front of the property specifically for his exclusive use.  

The automotive repair use is being proposed under Section  This section relates to permitted uses in the industrial zone and states: any other industrial uses except those specifically regulated as Special Exception uses under section 6.1.3, when authorized by the Commission.  In determining the appropriateness of the use, the Commission shall consider the criteria listed under section 6.1.3.
Criteria include:
The goals and objectives of the Plan of Development are met;
Adverse traffic impacts are not created;
Negative impacts on property values are not created;
The land is physically suited for its proposed use;
Adverse environmental impacts are not created;
There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community need;
Present and proposed utilities, streets, drainage system, and other improvements have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use
Historic factors are adequately protected; and
The overall physical appearance of the development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood.
The applicant appeared before the Commission on June 22 to request the Commission’s input regarding this location for this use. It was the consensus of the Commission that this is an appropriate use for this location.
The required parking spaces based on this use remain the same. At the time of the original site plan approval, 7 spaces were shown as reserved parking in the event that additional parking was deemed necessary.  It appears that all other zoning requirements have been met. There is a reserve parking area in the rear of the site, in the event parking becomes an issue.
5.      The applicant received approval for a general repairer's license from the ZBA on October 7, 2004 with the following conditions:
Vehicles to be parked in the three designated parking spaces out front or inside of the building; and
Approval is contingent upon site plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

There is public water and public sewer available to the site.  WPCA approval is not required. Fred Shaw, Sup’t of Pollution Control questioned if there will be floor drains in the building.  If yes, a grease /oil separator will be required.

If this application is approved, the planning department has no requested modifications.

Doolittle had no engineering comments except if there is reserve parking in the back the steep embankment is acceptable for erosion.  Town Staff should be notified to assure that the embankment is stable.

No one from the public spoke in favor of or against this application.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics.

Issues with signs?  There are no issues.

McCann made a motion to approve with modifications application #04-64P, Marselli Precision Automotive with the following modifications:

All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
If reserve parking is constructed the applicant will need to work with Town Staff to ensure stability of slopes.
If floor drains are added an oil/grease separator will be necessary.

Kennedy seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl 04-66P, Stowe Kitchen and Bath, request for site plan approval for property located at 845 Sullivan Ave., GC zone

Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc. had the following comments to his presentation:

Present operation is located at 75 John Fitch Boulevard.
Proposed site will be the closed down “Sundae Afternoons”.
The applicant markets kitchens and baths and will feature a show room within the building.
Site contains approximately 84 parking spaces.
A miniature golf course, snack bar, and batting cages are located in the rear of the site.
The new design will be an aesthetic design.
The parking and the layout will not be changed.

David Holmes, Capitol Studio Architects and representing the applicant had the following comments to his presentation:

A rendering of the architecture and revision of the building was presented to the Commission.
It’s a 2-story, full basement, steel frame construction, new roof and new mechanical systems.
It is proposed to create an image (signature building) for the owners.
There will be no additional lighting; there will be recessed soffit lighting
Mansards will be removed and applicant will end up with a 1-story brick building.
The building will be wrapped in EFIS.
The windows will be replaced.
Doors and columns will be featured.
An arch will be featured over the front window facing Sullivan Avenue.
Colors selected will be the taupes, creams, and off whites.
Submitted a photo of the sign.  (Exhibit D)

Banach presented the following Planning report:

Request for site plan approval to relocate an existing business and open a showroom at 845 Sullivan Ave., GC zone. There are no site improvements, other than façade changes, proposed. The applicant is proposing to continue the use of the miniature golf operation to the rear of the site.
Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%. The plan reflects impervious coverage of 37% with building coverage of 2.4%; 30% allowed. Proposed height for the modified building is 16+ feet; 40 feet allowed. Lot size is 3.4 ac; minimum lot size required is 20,000-sq ft. Frontage is 200 feet; minimum required is 100 feet. Front yard setback is 81 feet, 35 feet required.
Parking requirements for the site are 13 spaces for the showroom/office and 36 spaces for the miniature golf course (totaling 49 spaces); 84 have been provided.
The applicant appeared before ADRC on October 22 to review the façade changes and proposed monument sign.  The committee was very pleased with the proposal and thought that it would set a great tone for building along Sullivan Ave.
The site is served by public water and sewer.
There is an existing dumpster behind the building that is already screened.
If this project is approved, the Planning Dept. has no modifications to request.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics.

Clarification of the miniature golf, batting cages, etc.  The miniature golf, snack bar and the batting cages would remain.
Clarification of deliveries and truck traffic with the family activities located in the rear of the site. Deliveries will be scheduled to eliminate conflicts with the activities located in the rear.  There is parking that is associated with the miniature golf etc.
The only reason for seeking approval is change of use.
Clarification of use of bulkhead.  Until the addition is put on this will be used as a way to the basement for storage.
Hours of operation.  8-30 to 5:00 Monday thru Friday and 9-4 on Saturdays.  No deliveries are expected on the weekends.  Truck movements are usually first thing in the mornings.
Use of building. Floor plan will take full use of the building for purposes of display, bookkeeper’s office, and storage.

Kennedy made a motion to approve application #04-66P, Stowe Kitchen and Bath with the following modifications:

1.      Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
2.      No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
3.      An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
4.      All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
5.      This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
6.      If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
7.      The building street number must be included on the final plan.
8.      Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.

Larsen seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was as follows: unanimous

Appl #02-38P, 280 Sullivan Avenue change order for display of Heartland Sheds

Tom Kuhn came before the Commission indicating he received correspondence from Heartland Sheds on September 30th, their tenant stating they would not be renewing their lease due to the need for outdoor display of their storage buildings.  Because their sheds are not displayed outdoors they have lost business and will not return to South Windsor unless they can have permission for outdoor display. Many businesses in this area and in surrounding towns have outside storage of sheds.   The site is the old site of the Rex Lumber. The applicant is coming forward to seek approval for outdoor display of approximately 8 Heartland sheds on property located at 280 Sullivan Avenue in an area of 40’ x 40’.  It will be located outside the wetland area, resemble a little village and have landscaping around them.  Size of the sheds will be from 8x10’s and 10x12’s with different roof designs.  Additional screening will be added for aesthetic value when the dealers are walking through.  Prospective customers do not see the business so therefore they are seeking more visibility of the sheds.

Banach provided the following Planning report:

A nice job was done on the landscaping.
The landscaping needs to be finished up which means the sewer work has to be finished.

No one from the public spoke in favor of against this application.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be Italics.

Clarification of the move.  The applicant is changing his scope of business for 2005- switching to a dealer network.
Concerns with display – control of all types of merchandise. Natural screening is on the property – long line of trees and fencing has been included.  Landscaping would include low-lying bushes, arborvitae, close to the building.
Screening issues were a concern. Applicant will return again if the Commission so desires.
Signage adequate? Yes signage is adequate but could be an issue because of the existing wetlands. There is an existing drainage ditch for Sullivan Avenue.
Intention of the screening. Sheds are one thing to be displayed; pipes/pile of valves would be another thing or scrap metal, which is not desired to be seen from the road.
Length time for temporary buildings. Usually one year. Buildings are sold and they are changed every year.  It would be possible to exhibit 1 or 2 sheds in the front and the village of sheds would be placed behind the screening.
Potential buyers can enter the parking lot and drive to the display.

Kennedy made a motion to approve application #02-38P, 280 Sullivan Avenue with the following modifications:

1.      Additional screening shall be provided.

Larsen seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Appl 04-62P, Wentworth Park, Request for site plan  approval for the construction of a 12 office condominiums, 3,000 sf each, (4 buildings containing 3 units each), on property located at 225 Oakland Road, RC zone

Appl 04-64P, Marselli Precision Automotive, request for site plan approval for an automotive business at 179 Commerce Way, I zone

Appl 04-66P, Stowe Kitchen and Bath, request for site plan approval for property located at 845 Sullivan Ave., GC zone


Kennedy made a motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.  Larsen seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,                 ____________________________
                                                        Date Approved

Phyllis M. Mann                                                 
Recording Secretary