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PZC Minutes 9-14-04

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Timothy Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen, Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Suzanne Choate

                                 Gary Bazzano
                                 Marc Finer

STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning
                                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer


Appl 04-50P, Dean In-Law Apartment, request for a 5-year in law apartment permit for property located at 107 Trumbull Lane, A-30 zone

Andrew Dean presented the application to the Commission indicating an his in-laws would be residing in the apartment.  They are requesting a waiver to regulation to allow the in-law apartment to be 940 square feet.

Lipe reviewed the Planning Report:

Request for a permit for an in-law apartment at 107 Trumbull Lane, A-30 zone.  

2.      The PZC in-law apartment regulation has specific criteria for the
unit; and provides for a 5-year permit period. These criteria include:  

The in-law apartment cannot be larger than 900 sq ft or 40% of the gfa (whichever is smaller)

the entire structure must maintain the appearance of a single family dwelling;

off street parking for three vehicles must be accommodated;

adequate water and sewage disposal must be provided; and

the owner of the dwelling units must occupy either the in-law apartment or the main dwelling unit

The Commission may waive one or more of the provisions above (except the requirement that an
owner live in the apartment or house) after determining:

There will be minimum adverse impact on existing uses in the area;

Surrounding property values will be conserved and the character of the neighborhood will not be unduly disrupted;

Due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.

3.      The applicant is proposing to construct a third bay to the garage and include the in-law apartment on the second floor.  It is proposed to be 940 sq ft.  The applicant has provided an architectural elevation as well as a floor plan of the proposed apartment

If this application is approved, the Commission may grant approval for up to five years.  The applicant will be asked via letter to reaffirm ownership of the property every two years.  At the end of the permit period, if the family situation has not changed, the applicant may request renewal by staff.

There were no Engineering comments.  The public hearing closed.



Chairman Wentzell called the regular meeting to order.


There was no public participation for items not on the agenda.


Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

Executive Session regarding Planning & Zoning Fee in Lieu of Open Space – Town Attorney, Barry Guliano

Motion to into Executive Session at 7:45 p.m. was made by Commissioner Kennedy.  Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to come out of Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. was made by Commissioner McCann.  Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 04-50P, Dean In-Law Apartment, request for a 5-year in law apartment permit for property located at 107 Trumbull Lane, A-30 zone

Motion to approve with modification Appl 04-50P, Dean In-Law Apartment was made by Commissioner McCann.  Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 04-49P, Mitchell Property Group LLC, request for site plan modification to expand the existing building (to include an apartment) at 38 Indent Road, I zone

Chairman Wentzell indicated Appl 04-49P, Mitchell Property Group, LLC was postponed to a future agenda.

Appl 04-51P,  Metals Testing, request for site plan modification for an 12,900 sf addition (shown in two phases) for property located at 80 Kimberly Drive, I zone

Galen Semprebon, with Design Professionals, Inc., presented the application to the Commission and gave an overview of the site indicating the following:

Phase I would be a 5,400 square foot addition with 18 parking spaces
Phase II would be a 7,500 square foot addition with an addition 18 parking psaces
Drainage improvement are being proposed on the site
Proposing a 50 feet buffer along the rear of the property and throughout the site
The site will be serviced by public water and public sewer
Dumpster pad will be screened
Lighting on the building will be as staff requested
Addressed the Engineering concerns

Jim Aldrich, Aldrich Construction, submitted photos to the Commission showing site lines of the site.

Lipe review the Planning Report:

Request for site plan approval to build a 12, 900 sq ft addition in two phases at 80 Kimberly Drive, I zone.  The applicant is requesting approval of both phases with this plan.  Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%, 52.5% proposed (including both phases).  Proposed building height is 22 feet; 40 feet allowed.  Lot size is 2.3 acres; minimum lot size allowed is ½ acre.  Front yard setback is about 60 feet, 35 feet required.

There is no outdoor storage proposed on the site plan.  Outdoor storage is allowed with PZC approval and appropriate screening.

There is required 50’ buffer along the north property boundary abutting Fitch Meadow DRZ.  The applicant is proposing to supplement the existing trees with some evergreen plantings.

The parking requirement for this building additions is 19 spaces, 37 have been provided.

There is one additional overhead door included in the addition.  It faces away from the abutting residential properities.

Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this site on September 1.  They were satisfied with the proposal as presented.

New lighting will consist of full cutoff wal-pak units on the building.  There is one light proposed for the rear of the building that abuts Fitch Meadow DRZ.  Staff suggested that this light be placed on a motion sensor so that the light is not shining continuously.

There are no regulated wetlands on this lot.  IWA/CC approved the erosion and sediment control plan on September 1 with a $5,000 bond to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures.

The site is served by public water and sewer.  Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required.

They are showing the dumpster to be relocated and will be screened with plantings.

If this application is approved, there are no other approval modifications requested.

Doolittle reviewed the Engineering Report:

Move the proposed CB2 to the corner of the proposed parking are and eliminate the paved leak-off.  This will eliminate clogging of the paved leak-off and make the CB easier to reach for cleaning and maintenance.  

It looks like there will be utility conflicts with the proposed Baysaver location.  Check this and move the Baysaver as necessary.  

Install a Y connection and clean-out where there is a T in the proposed sanitary sewer lateral for the phase 2 building connection in front of the phase 1 building addition.

Reverse the pitch of at least part of the swale to the east of the proposed building expansion so the water in this swale flows toward the proposed yard drain.  As shown it is a long way for the surface water to flow north around the building.

In phase 2, include a yard drain at the north west corner of the building at the end of the storm drain pipe in front of the building.  Slope the curtain drain on the north side of the building toward this yard drain and pipe the curtain drain into this yard drain.  

There needs to be an easement shown for the grading and topsoil stockpile on Lot 11 to the east.  What is a “semi-permanent” topsoil stockpile?  This should be used on site or removed from the site.  

The steep slopes (3H:1V) proposed on the east and north sides of the property should be planted with Crown Vetch grass seed which will stabilize the slopes and require little maintenance.  Town staff can work out the details with the owner and landscaper.  

A stormwater management plan needs to be submitted with this site plan.  

WPCA review and approval is needed for this site plan.

A drain layers permit must be taken out from the Engineering Division prior to the installation of the piping for the sanitary sewer lateral.  A street cut permit and permanent patch fee will also be required to cut into the pavement on Sandra Drive.

A street cut permit is also needed for the driveway relocation and connection to the existing catch basin in Sandra Drive.

Motion to approve with modifications Appl 04-51P, Metals Testing was made by Commissioner McCann.  Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 04-55P, South Windsor Technology LLC, request for final subdivision approval for to create a 37 lot industrial subdivision on 80 acres to be known as South Windsor Technologies Center, on property located south of Patria Road and Schweir Road, east of Route 5, I zone

Galen Semprebon, with Design Professionals, Inc., presented the application and stated they are back before the Commission for final Subdivision approval.  It was indicated they are ready to market the site and cannot until the bonds are in place and the mylars are on file.

Lipe reviewed the Planning Report:

This is a request for a conditional subdivision approval for 37 lots located at the southern end of Patria and Schweir Road, I zone.  All lots appear to meet the zoning requirements.

The subdivision received conditional approval from this Commission on April 8, 2003 and the applicant is now requesting a final approval.  The plans have changed slightly from the original approval in that they have reduced the number of lots to 37 lots. The only work on site to date has been some harvesting of trees.    

Under the conditional subdivision approval the developer had the ability to construct subdivision improvements and file a subdivision plan in the office of the Town Clerk without posting a bond.  However, under this approval the subdivider could not sell lots and or obtain building permits.  Final subdivision is required for sale and construction of sites to occur. At the time of final approval, all bonds must be posted prior to filing mylars, and then the developer can sell lots and apply for site plan approvals.

The final subdivision approval is good for five years from the date of approval and can be extended for five years through approval form this Commission.

The applicant currently has IWA/CC approval and has WPCA approval. The required wetlands bonds have already been posted.

If this application is approved, the planning department has no new modifications to request.

Doolittle commented on the sidewalks on the site.

Motion to approve with modifications Appl 04-55P, South Windsor Technology, LLC, was made by Commissioner Kennedy.

This approval is for 37 lots, numbered 1-37.
Concrete sidewalks, built to Town specifications, shall be installed on one side of all new streets.
Drainage and construction for this subdivision is subject to the approval of the Town Engineer.
All lots shall be serviced by the Town of South Windsor sanitary sewer system and are subject to the approval of the Water Pollution Control Authority.
Water shall be supplied to this subdivision by public water.
Street lighting shall be installed on streets, at intersections, and on cul-de-sacs in accordance with the policy established by the Chief of Police. Street lighting is to be coordinated with the Chief of Police (copy enclosed).
Street names and locations of fire hydrants are subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal of the Town of South Windsor. Street names and supporting posts shall be installed by the developer in conformance with the standards of the Town of South Windsor, at no expense to the Town.
A liability insurance policy shall be submitted to this Commission naming the Town of South Windsor as an insured, with a combined single limit for bodily injury and/or property damage in the amount of $1,000,000.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including 3 bonds: $25,000 to ensure proper installation and maintenance of erosion controls, and stabilization of disturbed areas associated with the installation of the road and stormwater system; $50,000 to ensure the property installation and establishment of proposed created wetland areas for the purpose of mitigation of wetland disturbance; and $25,000 to ensure adequate and proper installation of stream stabilization materials.
Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
All easements for conservation purposes, drainage or utilities, that may be required in connection with the approval of this subdivision, must be submitted on standard Town easement form where appropriate, to this Commission prior to filing the mylars and issuance of building permits. All deeds for open space, public improvements and roadways must be submitted prior to request for Town acceptance; all deeds must be in accordance with the policy for accepting deeds and must be approved by the Engineering Department and Town Attorney.
If, for any reason, finished grading and other individual lot site work is not completed, the Town Engineer shall determine the amount of a cash bond to ensure final grading and site work. This cash bond must be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Quantity estimates must be submitted to the Town Engineer (on the enclosed form) for the purpose of determining subdivision bonding. All bonds shall conform to the enclosed bond policy and shall be posted prior to filing the final plans in the Town Clerk’s office.
If the developer chooses to submit a Letter of Credit for a one-year term, said Letter of Credit must be renewed on a yearly basis until completion of the development. If a new Letter of Credit has not been received within 30 days before the expiration date, the Commission may, at its option, call the Letter it is holding.
A drainage assessment fee in the amount of $1900 shall be submitted to this Commission.
No building permits will be issued until all modifications have been complied with, and the final plans have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
Note #9 on the plot plan must be modified to state: Roof runoff from individual sites must be directed via overland flow to adjacent wetlands.
Note #11 on the plot plan must be modified state that intensively maintained turf grass will not be allowed in upland review areas. Transition areas of native herbaceous or shrub species must be planted between developed areas and native vegetation.
Road sub-base requires 12 inches of gravel. The pavement section will be 4 inches of bituminous concrete, 6 inches of processed aggregate base, and 12 inches of gravel sub-base.
Include a note on the plans that each of the detention basins is sized for ____% or _______ square feet of impervious coverage for the entire subdivision. This information will be used for future site analysis as lots are developed.
A concrete sidewalk, 4 feet wide, is required on the one side of the existing portions of Patria Road and Schweir Road, from Sullivan Avenue to the beginning of the proposed extensions of the roads. Both ends must terminate with a ramp from the sidewalk to the street.
Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

Mannarino Builders informal discussion regarding Joseph Lane Subdivision Open Space

Rob Mannarino had an informal discussion with the Commissioner regarding a proposal to eliminate the open space for Joseph Lane Estates.  

Appl 04-44P, Collins, Frances Estate, request for a first and second 90-day extension for the filing of mylars

Motion to approve a first and second 90-day extension for the filing of mylars for Appl 04-44P, Collins, Frances Estates was made by Commissioner Kennedy.  Seconded by Commissioner Choate.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

BONDS: Callings/Reductions/Settings

Bond Setting

Engineering recommends a bond on the amount of $151,400 for Appl.02-76P, Summerwood SRD for the public improvements on Day Drive

Motion to set the bond for the above referenced application was made by Commissioner Kennedy.  Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

2.      Engineering recommends a bond on the amount of $202,840 for Appl 02-76P, Summerwood SRD for the private improvements in the Senior Residence Development Drive

Motion to set the bond for the above referenced application was made by Commissioner Kennedy.  Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Subdivision Bond

1.      Appl 02-76P, Summerwood (public)

Motion to reduce the above bond in the amount of $151,400 to a balance of $15,140 was made by Commissioner Pacekonis.  Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 02-76P, Summerwood (private)

Motion to reduce the above bond in the amount of $202,840 to a balance of $53,530 was made by Commissioner Kennedy.  Seconded by Commissioner Choate.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 04-06P, Joseph Lane Estates

Motion to reduce the above bond in the amount of $500,000 to a balance of $15,140.00 was made by Commissioner Kennedy.  Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

MINUTES: 6/29/04, 7/6/04, 7/13/04, 7/27/04, 8/10/04

OLD BUSINESS: See page 3


Appl 04-51P,  Metals Testing, request for site plan modification for an 12,900 sf addition (shown in two phases) for property located at 80 Kimberly Drive, I zone

Appl 04-52P,Church of the Living God, request for a special exception to 4.1.8.b and site plan modification for a 43,632 sf addition for property located at 199 Deming Street, Manchester, RR zone

Appl 04-53P, Haven Health Care of South Windsor, LLC request a site plan modification for an addition to the existing facility for property located at 1060 Main Street, A-40 zone   

Appl 04-54P, Fusco Horses, request for approval of horses on property located at 215 Main Street,  A-40 and FP zone

Appl 04-55P, South Windsor Technology LLC, request for final subdivision approval for to create a 37 lot industrial subdivision on 80 acres to be known as South Windsor Technologies Center, on property located south of Patria Road and Schweir Road, east of Route 5, I zone

Appl 04-56P, DDB Management, request for a zone change from RR to General Commercial for approximately 3.56 acre of land located on the northerly and southerly side of  McGuire Road



Chairman Wentzell read a letter into the record from Amy Olem resigning from the Architectural Design Review Committee (ADRC).

Michele Lipe inquired if there was any interest from the Commission to attend a seminar titled Effective Use of Your Zoning Toolbox on September 28, 2004.


Motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.
Was made by Commissioner Kennedy
Seconded by Commissioner Pacekonis
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

________________________________                _________________________
Kelli A. Koehler                                        Approve
Recording Secretary