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PZC MInutes 2-17-04
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Timothy Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen, Suzanne Choate, and Cliff Slicer

STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning



Chairman Wentzell called the special meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


There was no public participation for items not on the agenda.


Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following

PZC meeting with the Architectural Design Review Committee

ADRC members that were in attendance: Dave Goslin, Charles Regalbuto, Louise Evans, and Marshall Montana. The PZC Commission met with members of the ADRC and had general discussion regarding the following:

Establish a formal correspondence procedures to communicate to PZC the ADRC’s findings on the individual site plans they review as well as changes that have been requested and any changes that  the applicant is willing to do
Review the architectural guidelines Simsbury has regarding their architectural design review to possibly update the current zoning regulations
Discussion of signage being reviewed by the ADRC
Complete application (with all required architectural information) should be submitted prior to being scheduled on an agenda.
Concern over the inflexibility of corporate design of buildings
Need for building expansion plans to complement the existing building rather than detract from it
Create better design standards in certain zones
ARDC making recommendation to the Chamber of Commerce to pick  ”new design of the year” for recognition
Distribute PZC minutes to each ADRC member

PZC meeting with the Zoning Board of Appeals Commission

The following ZBA members were in attendance:  Steve Walker, Tom Bernstene, Sandra Jeski, Ron Banks, and Terry Dickey-Gaignat.  

The PZC met with members of ZBA to discussion any concerns of the Commission members as follows:

General discussion regarding the zoning regulations, hardships, taking hardships, economic values, and non-conforming uses
ZBA noted that they are seeing many variances to setbacks, particularly in areas of town where the housing stock is older and houses were built prior to requirements of garages, etc.  or to accommodate Handicap regulations
ZBA would like more feedback from PZC as to the types of variances they are granting
ZBA to modify their checklist to include notification to direct abutters
Discussion of possibility of a liaison between ZBA and the PZC
PZC members suggested that a couple of ZBA members review of the types of variances over the last few years to see if there are any zoning requirements that should be evaluated
Increasing number of sign variance for multi-tenant buildings
Location of signs on sites to attract new businesses (particularly on corner lots)
PZC minutes should be distributed to the ZBA members and ZBA minutes to PZC


Motion to continue the special meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. was made by Commissioner Choate.
Seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Motion to adjourn at 10:15 p.m. was made by Commissioner Slicer.  Seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelli Koehler
Recording Secretary