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PZC Minutes 11-18-03
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Tim Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Patrick Kennedy, Suzanne Choate, Sue Larsen, Bart Pacekonis, and Cliff Slicer

                                Roger Cottle
STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                                Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer



Chairman McCann opened the Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m. and proceeded with the Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting

Election of Officers

Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to elect the following:

Tim Wentzell, Chairman
Kevin McCann, Vice Chair
Sue Larsen, Secretary

Seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Chairman Wentzell continued the Regular Meeting

Review of By-Laws

Motion to adopt the By-Laws was made by Commissioner McCann, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.   

ADRC Appointments

Motion to appoint Louise Evans and Marshall Montana to the Architectural Design Review Committee (ADRC) was made by Commissioner McCann, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was as follows: unanimous    
Other Business

It was decided that the PZC holiday party would be held on Saturday, December 13, 2003, at Tim Wentzell’s home.


The public hearing was cancelled due to the following changes.

Appl 03-67P, Podunk Farm Parking Lot, request for site plan reapproval for a parking lot with 75 spaces to service the Mill on the River on property located at 989 Ellington Road, A-20 zone –

Application was withdrawn
Appl 03-72P, J.E. Shepard – request for a renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit for a business office at 819 Main Street (formerly Bossen’s Store), A-40 zone

Application postponed to January 13, 2003

Appl 03-73P, J. E. Shepard - request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit to allow two apartments, known as Home Farm Apartments, on property located at 176 Windsorville Road, RR zone

Application postponed to January 13, 2003

Appl 03-74P, J.E. Shepard – request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit to allow a modular office at 185 Governor’s Highway, I zone

Application postponed to January 13, 2003

Appl 03-82P, J.E. Shepard – request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit to allow an office for the “Inspiration House Publishers” located at 1865 Main Street, A-40 zone

Application postponed to January 13, 2003


Motion to rearrange the order of the regular meeting was made by Commissioner Larsen,
seconded by Commissioner Choate.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

BONDS:  Callings/Reductions/Settings

Commissioner Kennedy disqualified himself from Appl 95-16P, Steel Tech bonds.  Commissioner Bazzano was appointed to sit for Commissioner Kennedy for this application.

Bond Setting
Engineering recommends a bond in the amount $1,875.00 for Appl. 03-55P, Gerich Interior Lot for subdivision improvements.

Motion to set the subdivision improvements bond for Appl 03-55, Gerich Interior Lot for $1,875.00 was made by Commissioner Choate, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the carried the vote was unanimous.

Landscaping Bonds

99-63P, Rockville Bank          $ 3,000     $ 3,000                  -0-
95-16P, Steeltech Site          $ 2,000     $ 2,000                  -0-        

Motion to release Appl 99-63P, Rockville Bank and Appl 95-16P, Steeltech Site landscaping bonds was made by Commissioner Choate, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Site Bonds

03-43P, Wapping Fair            $ 5,000      $ 5,000                  -0-

Motion to release Appl 03-43P, Wapping Fair, site bond was made by Commissioner Choate, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the carried the vote was unanimous.

Subdivision Bonds

02-16P, Kibbe Resubdivision             $ 1,000      $ 1,000                  -0-

Motion to release Appl 02-16P, Kibbe Resubdivision, subdivision bond was made by Commissioner Choate, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

IWA/CC Bonds

01-52P, Vintage Hills (detention                $ 10,000            $ 10,000                  -0-
basin establishment & plantings
95-16P, Steeltech Site          $  5,000            $  5,000                  -0-       

Motion to release Appl. 01-52P, Vintage Hills and Appl 95-16P, Steeltech Site IWA/CC bonds was made by Commissioner Choate, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


There was no public participation for items not on the agenda.


The minutes of 8/19/03, 9/9/03, 9/23/03, 10/14/03 were approved by consensus of the Commission.


Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

Appl 03-69P, South Windsor Realty Co., request for site plan approval of a 11,040 sf office building, on property located at 497 Buckland Road, RC zone

Richard Mahoney, South Windsor Realty Co., presented Appl 03-69P to the Commission.  The proposal is to construct an addition to the existing building at 497 Buckland Road.  The additional would be a 16,800 square foot office building. Mahoney reviewed the architectural drawings with the Commission and indicated that ADRC look favorably on the design of the proposed building.

Todd Penny, Fuss & O’Neill, gave an overview of the lighting that meets town requirements and the parking on the site.  The applicant is requesting a parking waiver of 10 spaces, 321 parking spaces required with 311 parking spaces being proposed.  The existing unsignalized curb cut that services 491-497 Buckland Road that will be removed.

There is a slight increase to the impervious coverage and the current drainage has the capacity to handle the runoff on the site.  The utilities will be provided sewer, water and underground electric.  Enhanced landscaping will be provided to the site.

Kristen Solloway, Traffic Engineer with Fuss & O’Neill, presented the traffic report for the site. It was indicated that the traffic generation from this site would have no significant impacts and the site would perform at a level B or better.  The traffic that would be generated from the Evergreen Walk development was included in this traffic study.

Banach read the Planning Report:

Request for site plan approval for an 16,000 sq ft addition to the existing office building at 491 Buckland Road, RC zone. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 60%; 46% provided. Proposed building height is 3 stories/35 feet; 45 feet allowed. Front yard setback is 68 feet, 65 feet allowed.
The Access Management provisions of Section 3A apply to this site. Accordingly, the existing driveway cut to #497 Buckland Road is being eliminated, and access will be through the existing signalized driveway. The driveway configuration shown on the plan, with the service drive paralleling Buckland Road, is very much in conformance with the access management plan for Buckland Road.
There are currently no sidewalks along this area of Buckland Road. Previous files for Terry Office Park show that the Commission required sidewalks to be constructed in conjunction with several earlier site plan approvals. Over time the sidewalk construction was postponed, and the Commission released the sidewalk bond in 1991 without requiring the sidewalks to be constructed. Now, with the most recent widening of Buckland Road for Stop & Shop, there is no room on the roadway bridge over Plum Gulley to install a sidewalk.
There is an internal sidewalk along the interconnection between Town Center and Terry Office Park that extends up to building #465 and ends about 150 feet away from Buckland Road. There is also a walkway across a wooden bridge over Plum Gulley Brook. The Commission may want to consider having the applicant construct a sidewalk link between the bridge and the existing sidewalk, along the back of the rear parking lot for #465.
The parking requirement for office use is 4½ spaces per thousand square feet, the requirement for medical offices is 4 spaces per treatment room plus 1 per employee or 1 space per 200 square feet, whichever is larger. Both the existing medical office building and the proposed addition have parking calculated on building square footage, not on treatment rooms and employees. Some stand-alone medical offices have had inadequate parking when constructed under the typical “1 space per 200 feet” formula. In the subject case, there is additional shared parking in the office park. The Commission had previously granted a waiver of 19 spaces, so the current request for a waiver of 10 spaces is actually a reduction in the site parking waiver.
Architecture and Design Review Committee reviewed the proposal in April. ADRC was pleased with the proposal as presented.
Light pole will be16 feet in height, with full cutoff fixtures.
The parking lot landscaping requirement is 5% of the interior parking area, and 1 tree for each 10 spaces. The applicant has indicated that the proposed plan meets this requirement.
There are no regulated wetlands in the vicinity of the redevelopment; thus no IWA/CC permit is required.
Public water and sewer are available. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required.
The applicant has indicated that an existing dumpster behind #481 will be used by the occupants of the new addition.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept requests the following modifications:
Correct data table to reflect 65’ front yard setback, not 50’
Plans must state that light fixtures are full cutoff fixtures
Doolittle read the Engineering Report:
The proposed storm drain pipes and cleanout on the west side of the proposed addition are shown under the sidewalk which means they will be inaccessible for maintenance. The cleanout at the south west corner of the building needs to be moved so it is accessible.

The proposed sanitary sewer lateral pipes are all shown with slopes below our typical minimum of 1-2%.  We need to know the expected flows in the sewers and have the minimum cleansing velocity of 2 fps confirmed for these sewers.  

An application for this redevelopment plan must be submitted to the WPCA for their review and approval.  

The Commission had the following questions/concerns:

Commissioner Choate commented on the sidewalk connectivity of the site and is essential and she does not see a problem with the parking waiver.  Would like to see the parking lot re-stripped.

Commissioner McCann indicated the following:

Favors the architecture of the building and the use of access management
Concerns with the amount of parking if there is medical office space

Mahoney explained the medical use on the site currently and the proposed medical use expected.  The applicant feels there should be no parking conflicts due to the mixed use of the site.

Commissioner Cottle inquired why the Oakland/Buckland intersection was not included in the traffic study and feels there would be traffic generated from that intersection.  Solloway explained the traffic study conducted for this parcel and it was indicated the with the various intersection Buckland Road there should not be a problem entering and exiting the site.

Commissioner Larsen had a real concern with the traffic study proposing a level of Service B for the traffic and mentioned that the Stop & Shop traffic studies indicated a level of Service F.

Ted DeSanto, Full & O’Neill, explained the metering effect of the congestion to the north.  Only so much traffic can travel down through the intersections and this metering allow access to and from the site.

Commissioner Bazzano would like the lighting to be consistent.  Mahoney indicated some of the light would be upgraded to be consistent throughout the site.

Chairman Wentzell inquired if the linking of the two building would be similar roofing shingles.  Mahoney indicated the roofing would have common architectural features.

Motion to approve Appl 03-69P with modifications was made by Commissioner Kennedy.

Light fixtures must be full cutoff fixtures, and the lighting plan detail must indicate this.
Zoning data table must be corrected to indicate that front yard setback is 65 feet, not 50 feet.
Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
A landscape bond in the amount of $3000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
The Town Engineer’s review comments dated November 14, 2003, must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
The internal sidewalk must be extended to connect the existing sidewalk from the footbridge to the existing sidewalk just north of building #465. Details of the connection to be finalized with Town staff.
Seconded by Commissioner McCann.

Motion to approve the parking waiver of ten spaces was made by Commissioner Choate, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The original motion carried and vote was unanimous.

Appl 03-68P, Symes Horses, request approval under Section 4.1.10 to keep up to ten horses for personal use, on property located at 402 Main Street, A-40 zone

Matt Symes presented the application to the Commission requesting approval for the personal use of horses on their 22 acre parcel.  No new structures are being proposed on the property and new fencing will be installed.

Banach read the Planning Report:

Request for approval under Section 4.1.10 to keep horses on property at 253 Main Street, A-40 zone. The site is about 22 acres in size.
There are two separate categories in the zoning regulations for keeping of horses. Section 4.1.9 allows horses for personal use only, and restricts the total number of horses to four. Section 4.1.10, under which this applicant is applying, allows commercial horse activities including boarding and training stables, breeding stock farms, and private club riding stables. There is no limit on the number of horses. Therefore, though the applicant has indicated the horses are for personal use, he is applying under Section 4.1.10.
General criteria for keeping horses for other than personal use include due consideration to the conservation of property values; the general character of the neighborhood, and the general welfare of the Town. In addition, there are specific criteria that apply, including:
A minimum of ten acres is required. The land must be fenced, in whole or in part, to contain the horses within the property. Riding trails are not required to be fenced.
All parking needs must be met on site.
Housing/stabling of horses is restricted to the rear yard of the premises. The accessory buildings used to shelter or feed the horses must be located at least 125 feet from the street, 40 feet from any side or rear property line, and 100 feet from any dwelling located on an adjacent property. Outside feed troughs must also meet these setback requirements. The existing barn (designated as “current barn” on the map) appears to meet the setback requirements. There is a barn designated as “future horse barn” that does not meet the 40-foot side yard setback.
The use of public address systems and other spectator activities must be modulated and continuously controlled to avoid becoming a nuisance to neighbors. All public activity must cease at 8:00 p.m. and cannot begin before 7:00 a.m. There is no public address system nor lighting proposed.
Manure shall not be allowed to accumulate to cause any health hazard, and shall be subject to inspection by the Health Officer. Fly control measures shall be required; and
There shall be no outside storage of feed or bedding material.
There are regulated wetlands and, 100-year floodplain to the rear of the property; however, there is no activity that would impact the wetlands, thus no wetlands permit required.
If this application is approved, the Planning Department has no modifications requested.
There were no Engineering comments on this application.
The Commission had the following question/concerns:
Clarification was given regarding the number of barns on the property
The Commission was in agreement that the use fits the site

Motion to approve Appl 03-68P with modifications was made by Commissioner Kennedy.

The property must be fenced, in whole or in part, to contain the horses within the property.
All parking needs must be met on site.
Housing/stabling of horses is restricted to the rear yard of the premises. Use of trailers for stabling horses is not permitted. The accessory buildings used to shelter or feed the horses must be located at least 125 feet from the street, 40 feet from any side or rear property line, and 100 feet from any dwelling located on an adjacent property. Outside feed troughs must also meet these setback requirements.
Manure shall not be allowed to accumulate to cause any health hazard, and shall be subject to inspection by the Health Officer. Fly control measures are required.
There shall be no outside storage of feed or bedding material.
Seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Appl 03-81P, Ace Cutter Grinding, request for renewal of a five-year major home occupation for a tool sharpening business operated from the garage at 488 Strong Road, RR zone

Appl 03-82P, J. E. Shepard, 1865 Main Street, request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit for the office of “Inspiration House Publishers” at 1865 Main Street, A-40 zone

Appl 03-83P, Berry Patch II, Metro Realty Group LTD and South Windsor Housing Authority request for special exception to Article 4.1.11 and and site plan approval for an additional 94 units and a waiver to allow up to 196 units for properties located on the easterly side of Buckland Road, southerly side of Oakland Road, and northerly of Deming Street, AA-30 zone, Buckland Gateway Development zone, and Floodplain zone



Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm. was made by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner McCann.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Kelli Koehler
Recording Secretary