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PZC Minutes 2-26-02
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Kevin McCann, Louise Evans, Marshall Montana, Susan Larsen, and Suzanne Choate

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Bart Pacekonis

STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning


Chairman McCann called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wentzell, Commissioner Cottle, and Commissioner Bazzano were absent

Commissioner Pacekonis sat for Commissioner Kennedy

Appl 01-48P, 420 John Fitch Blvd LLC, request for a Special Exception to
Article and Site Plan of Development for a 44,800 square foot Materials
Reduction Facility for property located on the easterly side of John Fitch Blvd
and northerly of Chapel Road, (420 John Fitch Blvd) I Zone

Attorney Scott Consoli, of Brown, Rudnick, Berlack, Israels, was present to represent the applicant and stated the application is being withdrawn without prejudice at this time in order to more fully address certain issues that have been raised concerning this project.  Upon addressing these issues the applicant anticipates filing a new application.


There was no public participation

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Choate.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelli Gaetano
Recording Secretary