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PZC Minutes 2-19-02
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Kevin McCann, Louise Evans, Marshall Montana, Tim Wentzell, Susan Larsen were present, Suzanne Choate and Patrick Kennedy were absent

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Roger Cottle was absent, Gary Bazzano sat for Suzanne Choate, Bart Pacekonis sat for Patrick Kennedy

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning
                        Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer


Chairman McCann called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.   Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Bart Pacekonis was appointed to sit for Commissioner Wentzell until his arrival at 7:33 p.m. and then re-appointed to sit for Commissioner Kennedy.  Gary Bazzano was appointed to sit for Commissioner Choate.

Appl 01-45P, Stone Crossing - Phase I (Mannarino Builders, Inc.) request for
Special Exception to Article 10.3 and subdivision of 44 acres to create a 8 lot
open space subdivision on the easterly side of Avery Street northerly of
Cornerstone Drive, RR Zone

Appl 02-06P, Stone Crossing - Phase II, (Mannarino Builders, Inc.) request for
special exception to article 10.3 and resubdivision to create 16 lots located
southerly of Sweet Meadow Drive and westerly of Vernon town line, RR Zone

Engineer, Skip Alford, of Alford Associates was present to represent the applicant, Mannarino Builders, Inc., and gave an overview of the property and the engineering aspects in Phase I and Phase II.  Since the previous public hearing, the roadway for Phase I was moved 50 feet to the west away from the wetlands.  Alford Associates is consulting with the Town Engineer in creating a sidewalk along Avery Street and addressing drainage.  Alford indicated that the project had been granted wetlands approval.

Chairman McCann inquired if the conservation easement has changed.

Alford responded the easement changed to allow the open space to be continuous from one development to another (Cutler Ridge II, Chase Orchards, and Stone Crossing).

Michele Lipe read the Planning Department Report:

This hearing is a continuation of Phase I's hearing as well as the hearing for Phase II.
As required by the regulations, the applicant has submitted a concept layout for a
conventional subdivision on this site. The conventional subdivision layout determines
the maximum number of lots that can be approved within an open space subdivision.

The applicant requested and received a waiver to the cul-de-sac length on January 22.
The waiver allows the cul-de-sac for Phase II to be up to 1500 feet in length. The
proposed cul-de-sac is about 950 feet, measured in accordance with our requirements.

Lot sizes in Phase II range from 20,000 sq. ft to 1.5 acres. Minimum lot size required is
20,000 sq. ft.

The IWA/CC approved this application on February 6 with bond of $10,000 for erosion
& sediment control, $25,000 to establish biofilter and plantings. They also limited the
size and placement of the house on Lot 10 to that shown on the plan.

The open space for this subdivision was configured with the Phase I submittal.

Lots 18 through 21 border Vernon's Special Economic Development District,
specifically a multifamily development known as "The Mansions," partially shown on
the last sheet of the plans for Phase I. The closest multifamily building is about 65 feet,
parking lot about 40 feet at its closest points, which are in the vicinity of Lots 18 and
19. The Commission has required a 50 foot easement with screening on similar
subdivisions to the north, however, there was nothing built in Vernon at the time. The
applicant proposes to address this issue by the provision of a 50 foot conservation
easement along the rear of lots 20 and 21, a 25 foot conservation easement at the rear
of lot 19, and no buffer to the rear of lot 18. Lots 19-21 are wooded. Lot 18 has a slim
tree row along the back boundary. The Commission should consider whether it is
appropriate to have varying conservation easement widths along the Town boundary. If
lot 18 has a 50 foot conservation easement, the buildable area would be substantially
reduced, by about ¼ acre, due to the configuration of that lot. With Lot 18, at least, the
buyer would be aware of the Vernon development since there are very few existing trees
to screen the view.

If Phase II is approved, the Planning Dept requests that the plot plan reflect th
limitation on house size and placement for Lot 10.

Jeff Doolittle read the Engineering comments that were forwarded to Skip Alford and Mannarino Builders, Inc.

Relocate the 50 foot ROW previously reserved for Stone Crossing so the road,
sidewalks, snow shelf, and grading fits within the ROW.

Relocate the foundation drain from the house on Lot 8 so it runs into CB #1.  This is a
shorter, more direct route.  This drainpipe needs to be 10-inch diameter within the
ROW and it can be reduced to the size of the foundation drain within this lot.  We
recommend a clean out be installed by any reducers in this pipe.

CB # 5 can be changed to a standard type C CB with a 4 foot sump.  

The sidewalk from Cornerstone to the crosswalk on Avery Street and the proposed CB
on Avery Street need to be relocated as shown on the attached sketch.  

The CB should be located 10-40 feet south of the crosswalk sign on Avery Street.  This
location is most effective because it is close to a significant change in grade on Avery
Street and it will allow the Town to install additional drainage structures on Avery Street
and tie them into this basin.  Change the outlet pipe from this CB to a 15-inch RCP
because it is shallow and located close to the road.  

Relocate the sidewalk so it cuts the corner and runs along Avery Street (7 feet behind
the edge of pavement) from just north of the crosswalk sign to the crosswalk.  This will
minimize the clearing and grading necessary for this sidewalk.  It will also improve
visibility of and on this sidewalk.  The elevations, slope of this sidewalk and any fill and
grading necessary for it should be shown.

Provide a separate note for the two existing catch basins at the end of Sweet Meadow
Drive; (Relocate or Reset CB as determined in the field by the Town).

Extend the sidewalk on the south/west side of Sweet Meadow Drive so it begins in the

Provide yard drains on Lots 19-24 to catch water on the downhill corner of the front
yards before it runs into the ROW and sidewalk.  These yard drains can be tied into a
collector pipe that runs to the nearest catch basin.  

I did receive drainage calculations which show a reduction in the peak flow at the
channel downstream from this site and Cutler Ridge I, Cutler Ridge II and Chase
Orchards Subdivisions.  However, drainage calculations for these two roads still need to
be completed.  I have not received a written description of the drainage system, pipe
size calculations, a gutter flow analysis, and headwater calculations for the two roads
shown in these plans.  The calculations for the detention basin also need to be updated
to reflect the current size of the detention basin and inlet and outlet pipe sizes and
elevations.  These calculations are to be certified and stamped by a Connecticut
Professional Engineer.

The number and location of the catch basins proposed on the extension of Sweet
Meadow Drive needs to be checked.  CB 6 and 7 should be moved east so they are at or
before the bottom of the 4.9% slope.  The other catch basins should be relocated and
more added as necessary, according to the gutter flow analysis and Town Standards, so
they effectively catch the stormwater in this road.  More catch basins may be needed on
the first 4.9% slope and in the beginning of the cul-de-sac.  

 Straighten the driveway for Lot 15 a little so it comes out on the road by the entrance
to the cul-de-sac.  This will make it easier to turn into this driveway.  

The sanitary sewer needs to be approved by the Town of Vernon.  All other previous
sewer comments need to be addressed prior to approval by the South Windsor WPCA.

A complete set of plans is needed.  

Commissioner McCann asked if there was any public participation for this application.

David Guay, 28 Kingsley Drive, would like the Commission to consider moving the open space back to the original layout placing the open space on the South Windsor/Vernon town line.

Claude Mercier, 193 Talcott Ridge Road, asked the Commission if it is possible for the existing road between Phase I and Phase 2 be utilized for connecting these two phases.  If not, Stone Crossing will access through Talcott Ridge Road which at the beginning is maintained by Chase Orchards Association.  The Chase Orchards Association feels it should be allowed compensation for the use of this roadway because it is maintained by the Association.

Lipe responded to Mercier that the Inland/Wetland Commission would have to approve the crossing between Phase I and Phase II and due to wetlands in the area it is unlikely such a request would be approved.

The Commissioners had the following questions and concerns:

Commissioner Montana asked Mercier if the development to the north (JMJ
development) compensated the Association for the use of this roadway.

Mercier responded JMJ has access to the development from other roadways.

Lipe indicated that the town would accept Talcott Ridge Road when the Chase Orchards
development is completed.

Commissioner Montana would like to see the tree on Avery Street not disturbed when
constructing the sidewalk.  Also mentioned were some concerns regarding Lot 18 not
having enough buffering on the Vernon Town line.

Alford indicated on Lots 18 and 19 the houses could be situated to face away from the Vernon town line.

Commissioner Montana commented that an additional buffer should be required for
these two lots.  It was asked if the water runoff between these two Phases is creating a
problem in Vernon.

Alford indicated the flow of water is reduced and there is a well-defined stream with culverts.
Jeff Doolittle also indicated he has talked to the Town Engineer in Vernon and they have never had a problem with water in the area due to twin 36' culverts across the subdivision in Vernon.

Commissioner Evans concern is the conservation easement along Lots 20, 21 and the
jog into Lot 19, and how this conservation area will be marked.

Alford indicated the conservation easement would be marked with plaques supplied by the Town marking
Lipe also added that there is a new conservation easement document being used that will describe the purpose behind the requirement of the easement.

Commissioner Evans inquired about Phase 1, Lot 1 and the remaining piece of land at
the bottom of Cutler Ridge and asked if it is part of the open space.

        Mannarino responded that it would be deeded to Lot 1.

Alford asked if there were any other Commissioners who had questions or concerns
because he needed to leave for another meeting.

Commissioner Pacekonis inquired about the sidewalk on Avery Street and asked for

Alford indicated that a sidewalk would be built from this subdivision to the crosswalk at Philip R. Smith School.  There is a tree on Avery Street and the sidewalk is being constructed to avoid the tree and the drainage will also be constructed to accommodate the new walk.

Commissioner Bazzano inquired if the cul-de-sac is the same configuration as the
cul-de-sac as Cornerstone.

Doolittle stated the cul-de-sac is the same as Cornerstone with two more feet of pavement on the inside of the cul-de-sac.

Chairman McCann has concerns as to who would be maintaining the sidewalk that is
being deeded to Lot 1.

        Mannarino indicated that the homeowner would maintain the sidewalk.

Chairman McCann made a recommendation that the homeowner could petition the
town to take care of the mowing, and asked Mannarino if he had been approached by
Mercier regarding the Chase Orchards Association.

Mannarino responded that when the development is completed the town would accept the road.  The Chase Orchards Association does not maintain the street; they maintain the sidewalk due to Town Council not approving this area as open space.

Chairman McCann stated that there is requirement in the Open Space Regulations
requiring a developer to submit a plan showing the amount of lots permissible under a
conventional subdivision plan, that plan has been provided.

Chairman McCann asked the Town Engineer if the issues from his February 15, 2002
memorandum been resolved.

Doolittle responded that he has not seen his concerns addressed on final plans, but Mannarino's engineer has agreed to incorporate them into the plans.

Commissioner Evans read a letter into the record regarding the need for a sidewalk on Avery Street, and a memorandum from Betty Warren, IWA/CC, regarding the preservation of the stone wall and the conservation easement.

The letter that Mercier submitted to the Inland/Wetlands Commission could not be incorporated into the Planning and Zoning Commission record because it had not been submitted to the Commission.


There was no public participation

Appl 01-51P, The Metro Realty Group and South Windsor Housing Authority, request for zoning amendments to Section Housing for the Elderly Project Cap to increase the maximum number of units per project to 102 and to increase the total allowed under this regulation to 350 units; Section to allow the 100 foot required frontage to be calculated as an aggregate of project frontage

The Commission had the following discussion:

Commissioner Montana opposes the amendment because the first project (Watson
Farms) is not completed and she would like to see this project before approving
additional housing of the same type.

Chairman McCann asked Commissioner Montana is she had the opportunity to see the
Avon Facility that was constructed by Metro Realty that will be the same housing as
Watson Farms.

Commissioner Montana responded no.

Commissioner Wentzell's comments included seeing the first project completed before
approving additional housing and the density of the project needs to be addressed.

Commissioner Larsen has the same concerns as Commissioners

After a lengthy discussion of the Commissioners regarding the need for additional housing and the interest in this type of housing in South Windsor, the discussion returned to Commissioner comments.

Chairman McCann commented that having the South Windsor Housing Authority
directly involved in this application would give South Windsor residences first priority
in the rental of these units.  There is an obligation under our regulations to provide a
variety of housing in town, and this application would provide for the low-income to
moderate income elderly without a tremendous burden to the town.  Overall there is a
need and McCann would look favorably upon this application.

Commissioner Montana and Commissioner Larsen both commented that the Housing
Authority has never attended any meetings regarding this application nor have they
ever made any recommendations.

Chairman McCann responded that Janet Prior
Authority, job is to make a determination of how much senior housing is needed in
South Windsor and make a recommendation to our Commission.

Chairman McCann stated single family housing developments in the range of $400,000.00 and up are the applications we are seeing.  The commission should take a good look at the elderly housing needs in the near future, due to the availability of land in South Windsor.

A motion to deny Appl #01-51P The Metro Realty Group/South Windsor Housing Authority for the frontage concerns, the density of the units, and not seeing the Watson Farms completed was made by Commissioner Wentzell, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.

Commissioner Montana commented she has no problem with this type of application
but would like to see Watson Farms completed before approving additional housing of
this type.

Commissioner Evans would like to see some comments from the Housing Authority on
the application.

There was a discussion whether or not you can vote separately or need to approve or deny this application with one motion.

A motion to amend the original motion to vote on the two amendment proposals separately, was made by Commissioner Evans seconded by Chairman McCann.  The motion failed.  The vote was 4-3; Montana, Wentzell, Larsen, Pacekonis, nay; Evans, Bazzano, McCann aye

The original motion was called to deny.  The motion carried. The vote was 4-3; Montana, Wentzell, Larsen, Pacekonis, aye; Evans, Bazzano, McCann nay

Commissioner Wentzell left the meeting.

ITEM: Bonds

Motion to reduce Appl #94-08P, Ahearn Resubdivision, IWA Bond in the amount of $4000.00 to $.00 was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried.  The vote was unanimous.

Montana disqualified herself from the vote for Wheeler Estates

Motion to set the bond for Appl #00-58P, Wheeler Estates, SRD at $395,000 and reduce to $183,000 was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried.  The vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m.was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was as unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kelli Gaetano
Recording Secretary