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PZC Minutes 11-27-01
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Kevin McCann, Marshall Montana Louise Evans, Tim Wentzell, Suzanne Choate, Sue Larsen, Patrick Kennedy

        Doug Manion

STAFF PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning


ITEM:  Executive Session to discuss pending claims and litigation

Motion to go into Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to come out of the Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Public Hearing – Council Chambers

Commissioner McCann called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Appl #01-41P, Horseshoe Lane Associates, LLC, request for a Zoning Amendment to Section 4.1.12 c and h to increase the maximum unit size to 1,800 square feet in Senior Residence Developments and to increase the total cap from 150 to 200 units

Peter DeMallie of Design Professional, Inc. represented this application to increase the maximum unit size to 1,800 square feet in Senior Residence Developments and to increase the total cap from 150 to 200 units.  DeMallie stated the town should encourage variety in senior housing in the market place and there should be a variety of size, styles, prices, and locations.  In speaking with architects the larger units would allow for a more spacious floor plans, with one floor living space. By developing this type of condominium and townhouse would allow owners not to be concerned with the exterior of the building and maintaining snow removal, raking leaves, cutting the grass, etc.  All of these developments are privately owned they do pay taxes and do not generate school children they are net income generators for the town.  It is not required to build units all at 1800 square feet, but it does give flexibility.  As far as the demand for the increase in the number of units to 50 is acceptable.

Marcia Banach, Director of Planning read the Planning Department report:

Request for zoning amendments to Section 4.1.12 c and h of the zoning regulations to raise the cap on the total number of Senior Residence units from 150 to 200 units; and to raise the maximum unit size allowed from 1400 square feet to 1800 square feet.
There are currently 118 SRD units built or under construction, and 20 units in Shady Brook, for a maximum total of 138 units allocated. If the Shady Brook appeal is successful, there are 32 additional units possible under the current cap. If the Shady Brook appeal is not successful, there are 12 additional units possible.
When the SRD regulation was enacted in November 1992, the number of units to be allowed was capped at 115. That number was subsequently raised to 150 in November 1997 at the request of an SRD developer.
The maximum unit size of 1400 square feet was enacted in order to keep the units moderately priced. The original application for approval of the SRD regulations had included a provision that some units of the SRD could be dedicated to the Town’s Moderate Price Housing Program, and thus would be deed-restricted to keep them affordable to moderate income seniors. The Commission eliminated this provision from the proposal upon adoption.
The Town Plan has two goals that directly address senior housing:
Develop housing to meet the needs of the entire community, including but not limited to the elderly and various income levels;
Develop a full range of housing styles, types, sizes, densities, affordability, and forms of ownership in order to meet the housing needs of the community.
In the adoption of a zoning amendment, the Commission is acting in its legislative capacity.  This is the time to consider all of the implications of the proposed amendment, such as:
Whether the Commission is satisfied with this style and density of housing;
Whether it is a financial benefit to South Windsor (the Commission may want to request a cost-benefit analysis from the applicant);
Raising the maximum unit size by 29% will still meet the original intentions of the SRD regulation, or whether conditions have changed such that the new limit would be more appropriate than the old limit;
Whether the increase in unit size would change the complexion of the developments such that they are not in compliance with one of the stated purposes of the SRD: “to foster small senior developments which can be nestled into neighborhoods with minimal impact on surrounding properties;” and,
Whether existing unmet housing needs in South Windsor will be served in the best possible manner.
The zone change request was referred to CRCOG as required. CRCOG.  Banach read the report from CROG. The staff of the Regional Planning Commission has reviewed this referral and has found no apparent problems with regional plan and policies.
8.      If this amendment is approved, the Commission must state on the record that they have found the amendment to be consistent with the plan of development.
The staff also requests that his public hearing be held open until December 11, 2001, as the legal notice advertising the amendment advertised it as raising the minimum unit size to 1800 feet not the maximum size and that legal notice needs time to be corrected in the newspaper.

Chairman McCann asked for public participation opposing the application.

Savva Savvides, 187 Hilton Drive, opposes this zoning amendment and states there are too many condos and townhouses in South Windsor and it is ruining the character of the town.  Savvides commented that he felt that the size of the units would be unaffordable for seniors.

Mike Chaves, Sharon Drive, opposes the increase of size of 1800 sq. ft. and feel it would open the door to developers create developments in areas that may not be of the same size.  Would like to recommend that commission consider creating a regulation prohibiting developing senior residence developments where there are industrial zoned properties abutting.

The Commission had the following questions/concerns:

Commissioner Larsen asked Banach the reason the mixture of size units not being approved.

Banach indicated the size1400 sq. ft. was established to keep the units affordable.

Commissioner Montana asked Banach if the size were increased to 1800 sq. ft. would we end up with a larger project than in the past.

Banach responded it would be larger units closer together.

Commission Evans commented on the single units and multi units being in the same development and asked DeMallie for his comments.  

DeMallie responded it could be possible to have a mix of units with a lower density.

Commissioner Evans asked Banach how often have we have put waivers on the sizes of the units.

Banach stated waivers have been on the Design Residence Zones but have not had any
waivers on a Senior Residence Developments

Commissioner Wentzell questioned the current density of units per acre.  An increase in unit size is being requested by 25% and Wentzell feels we should look at the density requirement.  The question was asked to DeMallie if the density was been considered when asking for an increase in unit size.

DeMallie indicated he feels the density should not be a problem and Banach also stated
the density is built in with the unit size

Commissioner Cottle commented that if the units are increased to 1,800 sq. ft., all units would come in at 1,800 and it could eliminate a segment of the senior population to not be able to afford to live in South Windsor.

Chairman McCann commented there should be a variety of housing for seniors and would not like to see every unit built to the maximum of 1,800 square feet.  McCann asked DeMallie what would happen if no changes were made to the regulations what would be the restrictions on developer to come in under the Multi Family Regulations.

DeMallie responded that it would require 15 acres or more in every instance.  It is
important to allow the market place to play a role in what should be developed.

Bernard Hebert, 123 Hilton Drive, concerns are the increased traffic in the area, the size of the units being larger and the increase in the number of units.  Hebert feels the homes are too expensive.

Savva Savvides, concerns is the character of the town will suffer by increasing the number of units.

Mike Chaves commented that increasing the size may not fit into the environment with the exiting neighborhoods and has concerns with the density of the development.

DeMallie stated that allowing a buyer to select a size and style would meet the various
prices ranges and style request.  It is possible to have a development that will not all be
built to the maximum unit size.

Motion to continue Appl #01-41P, Horseshoe Lane Associates, LLC until December 11, 2001 was made by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried
And the vote was unanimous.

There was a five-minute recess before the regular meeting.


Executive Session to discuss pending claims and litigation

Motion was made to go back into Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. was made by Commissioner Evan, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to come out of the Executive Session was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Continuation of the Regular Meeting

Motion to hear new business item #2 before item #1 was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Montana.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Attorney Edwin Lassman, re: Property on Oakland Road (Preliminary Discussion - 15 minute max)

Attorney Edwin Lassman addressed the Commission with a proposal of elderly rental housing on a parcel of land on Oakland Road.  This housing would be a co-application conjunction with the South Windsor Housing Authority and the same developer as the Watson Farm project on Deming Street.

Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc., re: Property on Barber Hill Road
     (Preliminary Discussion - 15 minute max)

Peter DeMallie discussed with the Commission a proposal of single-family homes in the Barber Hill Road area.  The subdivision would be larger home on larger lots in the rural residential zone.

Motion to hear new business item #2 before item #1
Was made by Commissioner Evans
Seconded by Commissioner Montana
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

ITEM:  Extension of Meeting

Motion to extend meeting beyond 10:00 p.m.
Was made by Commissioner Montana
Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:09 p.m. was made by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Wentzell.  The motion carried and the vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelli Gaetano, Recording Secretary