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PZC Minutes 11-20-01
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Kevin McCann, Louise Evans, Marshall Montana, Sue Larsen, Patrick Kennedy, Suzanne Choate, and Tim Wentzell


STAFF PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                        Barry Guliano, Town Attorney



The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman McCann.


There was no public participation.


Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending claims and litigation with Town Attorney Guliano at 7:03 p.m. was made by Evans, seconded by Wentzell. The vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.

Motion to go out of Executive Session at 8:40 p.m. was made by Evans, seconded by Montana. The vote was unanimous, and the motion passed.

ITEM:  New Business:

Alan Lamson re: use of existing building at 90 Buckland Road, Gateway zone. Alan
Lamson of FLB Architects indicated that his client Evergreen Walk LLC would like to
use the existing, boarded-up dwelling at 90 Buckland Road for very limited office use.
The group would clean up the premises, reinstall the heating system (stolen from the
boarded-up building), add three or four parking spaces, and use the dwelling for their
weekly client meeting plus occasional potential tenants. A motion to approve the
limited office use was made by Wentzell, seconded by Kennedy. It was agreed that
Lamson would work with staff on the parking area construction details. The vote was
unanimous, and the motion passed.

Plan of Conservation and Development, TPA Consultants. Val Ferro from TPA handed
out the next section of the Plan and explained the changes. After a short discussion, the
Commission indicated that they need a workshop to discuss the evolving plan document.
Evans noted that an outline of items to come would be helpful, as it is difficult at this
stage to know whether material might be in future sections or needs to be brought up so
it doesn't get left out. Ferro agreed to provide one. McCann noted that the actual public
participation was limited to several hundred people, so we must be careful not to
presume that it is representative of the entire Town. It was suggested that the process
that was followed for soliciting input be discussed in some detail in the Plan, to reflect
the large effort that was expended on seeking public input via various venues (such as
the library, web site, appearances at events, etc.) It should also be noted that discussions
have been held with other boards and commissions; and that Commissioners' experience
plus the consultants' professional experience, were all drawn upon in formulating the

McCann also noted that the Plan statistics show increased population but a slight decrease in the number of businesses in Town, yet the Plan indicates that South Windsor residents are satisfied with the diversity of business. Ferro responded that the number of businesses is not very reflective of the diversity. Several people noted that the types of businesses have changed over the years, and that neither number of businesses nor number of jobs created are necessarily reflective of the tax impacts of today's modern technology businesses. It was agreed that the Plan needs to reflect this changing reality.

ITEM:  Other Business:

Holiday party. Evans volunteered to host the Holiday party at her home on December
20. The format will be a cocktail party with hors d'oeuvres. McCann requested that
Evans and Montana coordinate details for the party.

Leadership Roundtable. The Commission received an invitation from Town Manager
Galligan for two Commissioners to attend the upcoming Leadership Roundtable on
November 29 at 7 p.m. Correspondence indicated that the Chair and Vice Chair are the
suggested representatives. McCann and Montana will attend.

Representatives to other groups. Larsen volunteered to continue as the Commission's
representative to the Regional Planning Commission. Choate agreed to be the alternate
representative. Montana will continue as the liaison to the Redevelopment Agency, and
Evans will continue to represent PZC on the Open Space Task Force.

ITEM:  Adjournment:

Motion to adjourn at 9:50 p.m. was made by Kennedy, seconded by Evans. The vote was unanimous and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Banach
Director of Planning