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PZC Minutes 10-2-01

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Louise Evans, Marshall Montana,
                                 Sue Larsen, Tim Wentzell,  Patricia Porter

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Doug Manion, Patrick Kennedy sat for Kevin McCann

STAFF PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
Chairman Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


There was no public participation.


Item 1: Preliminary Discussion re:  Fuel Cell installation at South Windsor High School:  Postponed at Town Manager Galligan's request.

Item 2: Plan of Conservation and Development Discussion - TPA Consultants

Val Ferro, TPA, provided a status report regarding progress on the Town Plan of Conservation and Development. The text for the plan is being prepared, and Val expects to have a working draft the week of October 15.

Ferro noted that she wanted to review two items with the Commission this evening: the "PA Bluprints" interactive CD program that demonstrates results of different land development patterns; and a series of slides depicting both good and bad examples of land development.

The PA Bluprints program was prepared by Penn State University College of Arts and Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture, to demonstrated the results of various land development policies, such as amount of parking lot landscaping and signage controls, on maintaining community character. The Commission reviewed some of the topics on the CD, which is available in the Planning Dept. for anyone who wants to work further with the program.

Ferro then reviewed a series of slides with the Commission. The purpose of the slide presentation was to demonstrate areas where South Windsor could benefit from revisions to land development policies, and to display examples of excellent developments/buildings from the region. Of particular note were examples of South Windsor subdivisions with straight, wide streets, minimal street trees, and minimal or no perimeter screening.

A meeting date of October 30 was set for the next Plan discussion.


Appl #01-12, Deming Hill Estates, Section 6, request a 90-day extension for filing mylars. Motion to grant 90-day extension was made by Evans and seconded by Montana. The motion passed and the vote was unanimous.


Motion to adjourn was made by Evans and seconded by Porter. The motion passed and the vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia A. Banach, Director of Planning