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PZC Minutes 6-5-01
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Louise Evans, Patrick Kennedy, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen, Patricia Porter

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Patrick Kennedy
STAFF PRESENT:                  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning

Evans called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. There was no public participation.

Evans turned the meeting over to Val Ferro and Pat Heslin, TPA Inc., consultants for the Town Plan of Conservation and Development. Ferro provided to the Commission two binders each of (1) smart growth and development practices, and (2) stormwater management materials. Ferro noted that the Commission might want to develop stormwater management specifications that illustrate exactly how the Town wants stormwater managed, e.g., if we want sheet flow and biofilters, we should specify sheetflow and biofilters in our regulations.

Ferro provided a handout and initiated a discussion regarding Plan format (see attached). Commissioners noted that the heart of the plan should be up front, and statistics and similar in-depth details should be in the back. It was suggested that the Plan should include recommendations for “corrective” zone changes to correct situations where a property is mostly zoned in one district, but a small sliver of the rear of the property is zoned in a different district. Also, “leftover” very small areas of a zone surrounded by a different zone should be cleaned up.

The concept of mixed uses was explored. The Commission needs more information about mixed uses to determine whether mixed use development is desirable in South Windsor.

Ferro next handed out “Guiding Principles” (attached) and asked the Commission if this is the method the Commission wants used to develop the Plan. The Guiding Principles are very broad policy statements that capture the “big picture” of where the Commission wants to go and. Each Principle then has Action Statements that provide direction to get there. The Commission agreed that this methodology is appropriate and suggested some modifications to the proposed Principles.

A “Potential Actions” handout was provided by Ferro (attached) that begins to identify the framework for actions the Commission could take to address its Guiding Principles.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Banach, Director of Planning