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PZC Minutes 3-27-01
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Louise Evans, Kevin McCann,                               Tim Wentzell, Patricia Porter, Sue Larsen

ALTERNATES PRESENT:  Patrick Kennedy, Roger Cottle

STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning

Public Hearing

Chairman Mealy called the public hearing to order at 7:30 p.m.  Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Appl 01-04P, Imagination Station, special exception and site plan modification for expansion of an existing day care facility, 60 Deming Street, RC zone

Debbie Freeman, owner of the Imagination Station and Ray Nelson, Engineer for Messier & Associates, presented the application.

Ms. Freeman explained that her facility provides day care for children 6 weeks to 12 years of age.  She has been in business five years and grown each year.  The facility is currently operating at full capacity and additional space is needed, in particular to accommodate the older children that have siblings in the facility.

Ray Nelson reviewed the plan. The proposed addition is 40ft. x 80ft and will be added on to the back of the building. Parking has been increased to service emergency parking and will be placed at angled.

Staff has requested that the dumpster be screened.  Current landscaping is adequate at the site.  

Drainage will drain into existing catch basin that flows onto the Deming St. system.  

Town Engineer, Jerry Iazzetta, has asked that the driveway be widened by 20ft.

Ms. Freeman answered the following questions that had been raised by staff:

1.      What are the number of additional children that will be allowed at the facility and the total number of children for the entire facility?
30-35 with a total of 70.

2.      How many full/part time employees do you employ?
Seven full time employees and two part-time employees

3.      How many additional trips to the facility will this addition generate? Our concern is whether the parking area is adequate for the size of the facility.
Ten additional cars but drop off for the children does not occur at the same time.

Ray Nelson reviewed the architectural design of the proposed addition.  The design will stay in keeping with the main building. Light gray vinyl siding with blue doors and trim will be the color scheme.   Screening is planned for each side of the yard.  

Michele Lipe reviewed the Planning Department report:

1.      Request for Special Exception to article for a day care and site plan modification for a 38 X 40 ‘ (1520sq ft) addition to the Imagination Station day care at 60 Deming Street, RC zone. The original special exception and site plan were approved in December 1995; with additions approved in 1997 and 1998 ( a 600 sq. ft addition was approved in June 1997, 1000 sf in 11/98.) With this addition, the facility will be 4,584 sf in size.
2.      There are specific criteria for a day care use in the RC zone. They include:
-       no safety hazards are created, particularly with respect to access into and out of the site and building;
-       outdoor play areas must be located on the site in an area which is removed from any possibility of encroachment by vehicular accidents on adjoining streets;
-       there must be adequate parking to accommodate any anticipated heavy patronage functions, such as open house, recitals, plays, etc.;
-       a school bus turnaround must be provided if any of the children will be brought to the site by bus;
-       the surrounding environment must be reasonably industrial/commercial pollutants and must be physically and verbally non-threatening to children and staff at the time of application and there must be a reasonable expectation that the surrounding area will remain non-threatening in the future.
3.      There are no regulated wetlands on the site; and a conservation plan approval is not required.
4.      Public sewer and public sewer currently serve the site. Water Pollution Control Agency approval is not required.
5.      Proposed impervious coverage is approx. 22.4%; 60% allowed.
6.      The proposal calls for the addition of 5 parking spaces along the easterly boundary, bringing the total number of spaces up to 19.  The five new spaces are shown designated as employee parking. Staff has some concern regarding the adequacy of the parking area and adequacy of the drop/pick up area for the expansion. We have has asked the applicant to answer several questions regarding the expansion including:
7.      What is the number of additional children that will be allowed at the facility?  And the total number of children for the entire facility?

8.      How many full/part time employees?

9.      How many additional trips to the facility will this addition generate?
Our concern is whether the parking area is adequate for the size of the facility.

10.     In conjunction with previous approvals, a stockade fence was constructed along the west property boundary as screening for the abutting neighbor.  No additional planting is proposed with this application.
11.     The ADRC reviewed the proposal on 3/22/01 and had the following comments: the Committee discussed the proposal.  They agreed that either white or gray would be satisfactory for the color and felt that blue trim would be more attractive. Many members were unfamiliar with the site and requested they be able to visit the site and comment at the next meeting.
If this application is approved, the Planning Department requests no modifications.
·       Dumpster area presently is not fully screened.  Please provide adequate provisions to screen the new area proposed.


The Engineering Department requested that the existing 15-foot wide driveway be widened to 20 feet to accommodate the additional traffic in and out of the site.
He also questioned the ability of cars to be able to get out of the proposed employee parking spaces 15 – 19.  It appears that the cars would either have to back out into an open space in the existing parking area or would end up backing out onto Deming Street.
Lipe repeated the Town Engineer’s concern with cars exiting the site.

There was no public input on the application.

The commission had the following questions/concerns:

?       Evans asked if the play area would remain the same size?
Ms. Freeman answered that it would be expanded to accommodate the additional children.

?       Wentzell voiced concern that the parking spots would be very difficult to get out of.  He asked if any other parking arrangements have been considered?  
Ms. Freeman answered that staff parking would go into the angled parking spots.  Cars will be parked there when no one else is there.  She suggested that the employees could back into the spaces.  

Ray Nelson also informed the commission that the minimum parking area requirement has been met.
Lipe stated that the plans before the commission are revised plans, and the town engineer has not had a chance to review them since he is on vacation.  

Wentzell asked if it were possible to have the town engineer’s comments before action is taken?
Lipe responded that the hearing could be held open.

Ms. Freeman informed the commission that the daycare is operated with the children’s safety as the primary concern.  Stringent precautions are taken for the children’s safety in the parking lot, putting children on buses, etc.  She informed the commission that cars would not be moved while children are outside.

McCann noted that this seems to be a very narrow lot and isn’t 150 ft. the required?
Lipe answered this is a legal non-conforming lot, and in the past a special exception for this use was approved.  

Where do the school buses pick up the children?
Ms. Freeman answered that children are walked out by staff and put on the buses in front of the facility.  

McCann commented this facility might have outgrown its use at this particular site.  
Ms. Freeman respectfully disagreed with McCann.

McCann noted that Ms. Freeman’s solution might not be at this site.

?       Kennedy inquired if the children are brought to the daycare on the bus?
Ms. Freeman answered yes.

?       He asked how the long the criteria for school buses have been in the regulations?
Lipe replied sometime around 1995.

?       If school buses don’t enter the site, is the school bus requirement waived?
Lipe answered that not all sites are set up for bus transportation or alternative arrangement off site are considered acceptable i.e. walking to the street.

Mealy informed the commission that the Director of Planning asked him to observe traffic patterns at the site and note any traffic concerns.  Mealy went to the site Friday, April 23, 2001, from 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.  Mealy noted that between the hours of 8:20 a.m. and 8:39 a.m., 14 cars entered the site and by 8:23 a.m. all parking spaces were vacant. There were never more than five or six cars in the parking lot at one time.  His opinion was that just because 30 more children are expected to attend the daycare facility does not mean that 30 more cars will visit the site.   He also noted that four school buses stopped to pick up children in front of the day care on Deming St.

The police have reviewed the plans and are suggesting that sidewalks be incorporated along the site frontage.  required at all sites slated for improvements.  Staff is in agreement and asks the commission to endorse this.
Ms. Freeman informed the commission that she would designate parking space #19 as her parking space.

McCann voiced concern with the project and said he would like to hear comments from the Town Engineer before action is taken.  He suggested the public hearing be kept open.

Motion to continue the public hearing was made by Commissioner McCann and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion passed, and the vote was as follows: 5-2 passed; Porter, Larsen, Evans, Wentzell, McCann, aye; Kennedy, Mealy, nay.

Appl 01-06P, Rockville Bank, resubdivision to create one new lot and site plan for a 3,500 sq. ft. office building, easterly side of Clark St. and the northerly side of Deming St., RC zone

McCann recused himself from the application.

Peter Alter, counsel, for Alter & Sherwood; Jay Giles, Engineer and Betsy Kammerlain, Landscape Architect, both of Fuss & O’Neill, were present.

Attorney Alter briefly reviewed the proposal.  The application consists of two parts one, the resubdivison, which would create one new lot and secondly, a site plan for an office building.  He requested that the applicant be allowed to present the two parts together.

Attorney Alter informed the commission that Lot B is comprised of 2.57 acres and Lot A is 8.35 acres.  Lot A is where the new Rockville Bank is located. A 2600 sq. ft., two-story office building is being proposed on lot B, which meets all regulations of this zone. Building design will be a red brick with white trim and have the same architectural design as the adjacent Rockville Bank.  The building will house small office uses.  

They are proposing the driveway location be directly across from the Clark St./Deming St. intersection.   Twelve parking spaces are proposed with additional three spaces using grass pavers being requested.  Public water and sewers are available to service the site.

IWA/CC has approved the application.  The applicant has been before ADRC and has incorporated their comments into the revised plan.  Concern was voiced for future types of development that might occur at the site.

Jay Giles stated that all engineering comments have been addressed however, the town engineer is concerned with the driveway location.  The concern being that people might think the driveway is a continuation of Clark St. and enter it in error.   Mr. Giles stated there are two solutions the applicant is proposing to this problem: incorporate a concrete apron at the beginning of the driveway and/or install a sign at the entrance.  Either of these solutions should make drivers aware that the road does not continue into the site.

Ms. Kammerlain reviewed landscaping proposed for the site.  The site was treated as residential type structure and the landscaping has been kept in conformance with this.  Foundation plantings, perennials, flowering cherry trees and evergreens will be used.   The existing screening between the post office and the proposed building will remain.  Evergreens will surround the trash area.  Planting beds will be used between the parking lot and the street.  

Commissioner Cottle arrived at 8:35 p.m.

M. Lipe reviewed the Planning Department report:

1.      Request for two approvals: (1) resubdivision of approximately 10.5 acres into two lots for property located on the southerly side of Ellington Road, northerly side of Deming Street and easterly side of Clark Street, RC zone; and (2) site plan of development approval for a small office building. The resubdivision would create a new building lot of 2.78 acres, and a remaining lot of 8.35 acres, which contains the Savings Bank of Rockville building currently finishing construction. A similar request for subdivision approval was denied by the Commission in November 2000. At that time, the Commission found that the potential for a viable building lot outside of regulated wetlands is minimal due to extensive regulated wetlands; the location for a driveway was poor, and there was a concern for traffic safety due to the inadequate driveway location. The applicant has attempted to address the Commission’s concerns by providing a site plan of development.
2.      The site plan of development is a proposal to construct a 2600 sq. ft two-story office building. Lot size is 2.7 acres; minimum lot size required is ¾ acre. Frontage is 468 feet; minimum required is 150 feet. Front yard setback is 65 feet, 65 feet required. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%, 7.5% proposed. Public water and sewer are available in Deming Street.
3.      There is a substantial amount of regulated wetlands on the building lot proposed, with a very minimal buildable area. The IWA/CC granted approval for this site plan on February 21 with no special approval conditions.
4.      Twelve parking spaces are required for traditional office use, and 12 spaces have been provided. Three reserve spaces with grass pavers are proposed. We do note that a recurring theme in South Windsor seems to be the initial design as traditional office space, then future conversion to medical office space, which has a greater parking demand. This site does not appear to have much space for parking expansion.
5.      Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this proposal on March 15. They requested that a PZC condition is placed on the plans requiring the reduction of the lighting level at 10:00 PM.; and signage must return to this committee for review.
6.      Decorative parking lot lighting with 12’ poles is proposed. The fixtures are cutoff fixtures, and lighting level is 1-2 fc in the parking lot.
7.      There is residentially zoned property across the street from this site. A variance was granted to this property in 1988 to eliminate the 50-foot buffer requirement along the street frontage.
8.      South Windsor Police Department reviewed the application. They are not very comfortable with the driveway location across from the island in Clark Street. They are also concerned with the slope of the driveway and want to be sure the slope is level or very nearly level at the street. They also suggest sidewalks along the site frontage.
9.      Water and sewer are available. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required.
10.     There are no dumpsters proposed. Trash removal will be accomplished with screened trashcans since this is such a small site.
If this application is approved, Planning Dept. requests the following modifications:
Note variances received on the plan
Lipe informed the commission that the town engineer has not had a chance to review the revised plans since he is on vacation.  She reviewed his comments of 2/15/01.

“We have reviewed the drawings for the proposed Savings Bank of Rockville Resubdivision dated September 2000 and the Site Plan dated Oct. 2000 and have the following comments: 

Plot Plans should have match lines shown.
Plot Plan sheet 3 should have a monument shown where the new ROW curve meets the existing curve and where the curve meets the tangent near SNET pole #324
Coordinates should be shown for all monuments, especially those proposed to be set.
The topographic plans should show the sanitary lateral to the Post Office property and should show the Post Office building and driveway cuts.
The topographic plans should also show match lines.
All plot plan and topographic plan sheets should have the proper certification (A2/T2).

Site Plan
Comments 2,3 and 4 under Subdivision plans apply to the site plan as well.
Sheet 4 should be certified by a Licensed Land Surveyor to A-2 and T-2 accuracy.
Sheet 4:
Parking lot and driveway are not dimensioned.
The proposed driveway location:
This location is shown over an existing catch basin.  It is proposed to convert this to a flat top basin.  This will not work at this location.  An alternate should be proposed.
Sight distance is not identified.  Also, the design speed or 85% speed should be indicated.
The location directly opposite Clark Street may be confusing to some drivers as they may think they can go straight ahead rather than having to make a left turn to continue.
The driveway should have spot grades.
Catch basins should be placed on the driveway at the road.
Is sidewalk to be required along Clark Street?
Some contour elevations are written upside down.
Footing drains are not shown.  The floor plan shows a basement or partial basement.
The sanitary lateral invert at the building is not shown.
Sheet 5 does not show a construction entrance pad.”

There was no public participation.

Commission questions/concerns:

?       Kennedy suggested that the sight lines should be shown on the plans, so the commission can see if a problem exists.  

?       Evans inquired if this was the largest size building that could be built on this site?
Attorney Alter stated he believed a larger footprint could be used, but this would require another permit from the Inland Wetland Agency.

Evans commented the application was approved it would be done so with the stipulation that Rockville Bank would not expand any further on this site.  

Is this the only location for the driveway?
Giles responded no, but staff felt this location was better.  They believe this location is a better one since it is more like an intersection.  Other areas have wetland constraints.

Attorney Alter stated no sign is proposed but if one were wanted, they would need to go through the approval process.  

Cottle asked if the sight lines are adequate?
Mr. Giles answered sight lines are 335ft. in both directions with cars traveling at speeds of 35 mph.

Attorney Alter informed the commission that the applicant would address all concerns noted by the Town Engineer and respectfully requested the commission act on the application tonight.

Wentzell inquired if sidewalks would be required?
Lipe responded that the Police have reviewed the application and are requesting sidewalks.

Public participation:

Mr.  Kebalo, Deming St., asked who would have the right of way if a car is waiting at the Deming/Clark street intersection to take a left-hand turn and a car is taking a left-hand turn from the site parking?

Mealy answered the motorist on the public roadway would have the right of way.

The public hearing was closed on this item.  

3.      Appl 01-09P, Total Fitness, Special Exception to Article and site plan for a 11,800 sq. ft. facility at 274 Nutmeg Rd. South, I zone

Peter DeMallie, Principal with Design Professionals, Inc., and John Valles, owner of Total Fitness, were present.  The proposed facility is located on Nutmeg Rd. South, lot no. 6 of the newly approved Constitution Landing Subdivision and sits on 1.9 acres.  The applicant is requesting a parking waiver of four spaces. Mr. Valles employs approximately 20 employees.

The applicant has been before both ADRC and IWA/CC.  IWA/CC approved the application on March 21 2001, placing a bond in the amount of $3,000. The Town Engineer’s comments of 3/7/01 have all been addressed.

The proposed building will be comprised of office space, a display area, a storage area and a wrestling area.  The total facility will be approximately 12,762 sq. ft.  Only three vehicles will be parked overnight at the site.

A variety of shrubs will be used for landscaping such as spruce, evergreen, maple trees, daylily, hosta, pachysandra and rhododendron.

John Valles overviewed his program for the commissioners.  

David Holmes, Architect, reviewed the building design.  Mr. Holmes used neutral colors with a metal roof.  Signage will consist of a bronze aluminum sign that currently exists across the street.

Lipe reviewed the Planning Department report:

Application for special exception to article site plan approval for an industrial building, approximately 11,400 square feet, for property located on the easterly side of Nutmeg Road North, I zone.  The proposal is for 3,166 sf of office area, 1,000 sf youth wrestling facility and 7,600 of warehousing.

The special exception is being requested for the part of the facility, which will be used for youth wrestling.  The applicant recently was successful in changing the regulations to allowing this type of facility to open to individuals of all ages.  The special exception criteria in the industrial zone include:

The goals and objectives of the Plan of Development are met
Adverse traffic impacts are not created;
Negative impacts on property values are not created;
The land is physically suited for the proposed use;
Adverse environmental impacts are not created;
There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs;
Present and proposed utilities, streets, drainage systems, and other improvements have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use;
Historic factors are adequately protected; and
The overall physical appearance of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood/corridor.

Site size is approximately 2 ac.  Proposed building coverage 15.2%; 50% allowed.  Proposed impervious coverage is 38.8%;65% allowed.  The required parking spaces are 25; the applicant is showing 23 spaces.  The applicant is requesting a waiver for 2 spaces.  It appears that all other zoning requirements have been met.

There are regulated wetlands on the site.  The applicant has received wetland approval from the IWA/CC on 3/21/01 with the recommendation of a $3,000 bond for E and S and wildlife plantings.

There is public water and public sewer available to the site.  WPCA approval is required.

The Architecture and Design Review Committee has reviewed the plans. They had the following recommendation:

        Lighting details are needed; the light pole in the parking lot should be bronze
        Additional landscaping should be placed on the westerly property boundary to screen the overhead doors from views traveling north on Nutmeg Road South. (wrapping around the corner of the parking area)
        Location of mechanical units should be identified on the plans
        Sizes and quantities should be added to the plans (sizes may affect quantities needed)
        The double door entrance closes tot he front should have glass in it

If this application is approved, the planning department has no requested modifications.

Mealy asked Mr. Valles if he would agree to a curfew of 9 p.m. a start time of 10 a.m.?  Mr.
Valles replied that a start time of 10 a.m. might create scheduling problems especially on  Saturday mornings.

The public hearing was closed at 9:30 p.m.

Cottle left at the end of the public hearing.  


The regular meeting was called to order at 9:40 p.m.  

ITEM:  Public participation for items not on the agenda

Dennis Platt, of Vernon, CT, and owner of Floral Expressions, 490 Buckland Rd., is requesting to relocate his business onto Buckland Rd.  The commission determined that staff should handle this matter.  Staff will handle the matter.

ITEM:  New Business

1.      Appl 01-04P, Imagination Station, special exception and site plan modification for expansion of an existing day care facility, 60 Deming Street, RC zone

Since the public hearing was continued, there was no discussion on this item.

Appl 01-06P, Rockville Bank, resubdivision to create one new lot and site plan for a 3,500 sq. ft. office building, easterly side of Clark St. and the northerly side of Deming St., RC zone

McCann recused himself from the application.

Larsen asked that the commission not act on the application, so she would have a chance to review it and visit the site again.  Mealy suggested Larsen keep in mind in that the application has been available for review for some time.  Evans suggested the commission approve the application with conditions set.  Kennedy agreed.  

Wentzell commented that since this area will probably see future growth, sidewalks should be required.  

Lipe replied impacts would need to be minimized sidewalk installation.  She also requested the
commission to keep the resubdivison and the site plan separate when acting upon each.  The commission agreed.  

Motion to approve the resubdivison to create one new lot was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  

Drainage and construction for this subdivision is subject to the approval of the Town Engineer.
All lots shall be serviced by the Town of South Windsor sanitary sewer system and are subject to the approval of the Water Pollution Control Authority.
Water shall be supplied to this subdivision by public water.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
All easements for conservation purposes, drainage or utilities, that may be required in connection with the approval of this subdivision, must be submitted on standard Town easement form where appropriate, to this Commission prior to filing the mylars and issuance of building permits. All deeds for open space, public improvements and roadways must be submitted prior to request for Town acceptance; all deeds must be in accordance with the policy for accepting deeds and must be approved by the Engineering Department and Town Attorney.
Quantity estimates must be submitted to the Town Engineer (on the enclosed form) for the purpose of determining subdivision bonding. All bonds shall conform to the enclosed bond policy and shall be posted prior to filing the final plans in the Town Clerk’s office.
If the developer chooses to submit a Letter of Credit for a one-year term, said Letter of Credit must be renewed on a yearly basis until completion of the development. If a new Letter of Credit has not been received within 30 days before the expiration date, the Commission may, at its option, call the Letter it is holding.
A drainage assessment fee in the amount of $50 shall be submitted to this Commission.
No building permits will be issued until all modifications have been complied with, and the final plans have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
Town Engineer’s review comments dated February 12, 2001 must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
Sidewalks are required along the street frontage of Deming and Clark Streets.
The motion passed.  The vote was as follows: 5-1 passed; Porter, Evans, Wentzell, Kennedy, Mealy, aye; Larsen nay

The site plan will be put on a future agenda for action.

Appl 01-09P, Total Fitness, Special Exception to Article and site plan for a 11,800 sq. ft. facility at 274 Nutmeg Rd. South, I zone

Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Larsen and seconded by Commissioner McCann.  

Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including a bond in the amount of $3,000.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.10 of the Zoning Regulations.
Footing drains are required if the building has a basement.
A landscape bond in the amount of $3,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
WPCA approval is required.
ADRC recommendations must be incorporated into the final plans.
Engineering comments of 4/3/01 must be addressed to the Town Engineers satisfaction.
A waiver has been granted for 4 parking spaces.
Hours of operation for recreational activities open to the public must take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Miscellaneous

Motion to continue the meeting until the agenda is finished was made by Commissioner Wentzell and seconded by Commissioner Evans.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Other Business:

1.      Preliminary discussion with AMF Property Management Corporation
No one was present for the discussion.

Old Rex Lumber Site – Sullivan Avenue
Lipe asked for commission feedback regarding the Rex Lumber site located on Sullivan Avenue.  They are requesting they be allowed to display sheds on the front portion of the site.   Their business is primarily wholesale, with a small portion of retail.  Lipe cautioned the commission that if they feel this constitutes a retail use, it should not be allowed in the industrial zone.  The commission was concerned with the amount of outdoor display and agreed this was more like a commercial use and asked that staff talk further with them.

ITEM:  Bonds

Pond Estates – calling of bond
Rockville Bank – calling of bond

Lipe informed the commission that the above-mentioned bonds are forthcoming. No action was taken.


The Minutes of 1/16/01, 1/23/01 and 2/27/01 were approved by consensus.

ITEM: Miscellaneous

1.      Manchester Town Hearing
Mealy informed the commission an application pending before the Town of Manchester re a proposed site plan at the Avery/Deming St. intersection has rescheduled the public hearing to April 16, 2001.   

2.      Certificate of Occupancy
Wentzell informed the commission that the Director of Planning asked him to inform the commission that construction signs are being left up after the CO has been issued.
3.      Temple Beth Hillel
The Temple currently has lighting on the back of the building that was not shown on the site plan.  Mr. DeMallie will contact the Temple and inform them a change order is needed.  

4.      Lighting Subcommittee
Larsen stated that this committee would be finished after one more meeting. The finished product will be available for commission review when complete.  

Evans informed the commissioners that Jeff Folger, met with Peter Picone, Urban Wildlife Biologist for DEP, who gave Mr. Folger a list of trees and plants that would be suitable to this area.  The list will be made available to ADRC and PZC.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. was made by Commissioner McCann and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah L. Favreau
Recording Secretary