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PZC Minutes 3-13-01
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Louise Evans, Marshall Montana, Tim Wentzell, Sue Larsen, Kevin McCann, Patricia Porter

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Doug Manion, Roger Cottle, Patrick                                              Kennedy

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning
                        Jerry Iazzetta, Town Engineer

Public Hearing

Chairman Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

1.      Appl 01-01P, Lanza, Resubdivision and Special Exception to Article 4.6.1, to create a new interior lot, 57 Bourbon St., RR Open Space zone

This application has been postponed.

2.      Zoning Map—conversion of official zoning map to computerized format (commission sponsored)

Lipe reviewed the draft for the commission, which staff has incorporated onto the town’s Geographic Information System.    She thanked commissioners Mealy and Evans who gave their input during the process.  Lipe stated that most of the adjustments have been finalized, but there might be zoning changes added at a later time.
The commissioners had the following questions/concerns:

Could the zone be brought up for any specific address?

Lipe answered that will be available in the next four months through new software that is being customized.

Larsen stated that the town needs this digitized zoning map.

Evans commented that there are sites along Rte. 5 that are lots that have remained the same zone but other parts of the lots have changed.  She suggested PZC review these sites and make the appropriate changes.

McCann noted this digitized map would be a very useful tool.  He also noted that it might be difficult to differentiate between zones since some of the colors are so closely related.  McCann suggested keeping both the digitized map and the map that identify zones by number and letter.

Lipe responded that we have the electronic capability to produce a map such as McCann referred to as well as produce a black and white map.  She noted that additional work would need to be done on the color scheme of the map.  She asked McCann not to disregard replacing the black and white version because it is not as accurate as this.

Montana suggested putting numbers and letters on the colorized version.

Cottle inquired if the draft version would be the size sold?

Lipe answered there will be a larger version available for sale similar to the size sold now.

There was no public participation on this item.

The public hearing was closed on this item and closed at 7:45 p.m.


The regular meeting was opened at 7:50 p.m.

Chairman Mealy asked if there was anyone from the public who wished to speak on items that are not on the agenda.

Arthur Bisson, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, South Windsor, extended an invitation to the commissioners for a luncheon at the China Rose restaurant in South Windsor on March 14, 2001 at 12 p.m.  

ITEM:  Executive Session

Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation was made at 7:55 p.m. by Commissioner Porter and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to go out of Executive Session was made at 8:30 p.m. was made by Commissioner McCann and seconded by Commissioner Evans.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Miscellaneous

Motion to change item numbers one and three of the regular meeting was made by commissioner Montana and seconded by Commissioner Wentzell.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  New Business

Preliminary discussion with Evergreen Walk, LLC, re property on the westerly side of  Buckland Rd. – see attached letter

Alan Lamson, Principal with Frazier, Lamson & Budlong, was present for the preliminary discussion and to get feedback from the commission. He stated that no building layouts would be presented only an overview how the developer would like to utilize the land.

Mr. Lamson overviewed the 232-acre site. From Buckland Rd. to the rear of the property is comprised of mostly farmland.  The developer would like to have retail establishments at the southwest corner of the parcel.  They would incorporate a village green at the center of the retail stores.  They are also proposing all streets interconnect on the parcel.  Civic uses, restaurants and entertainment would also be included.

An office building one to three stories surrounded by a park like campus is being considered for the northeast portion of the property.   The center of the site would combine mixed uses such as a hotel, a small conference center and a health facility.  These buildings would be set back from Buckland Rd. where the grade is lower so the multi-level buildings won’t tower over other buildings on the site.  

The developer would like to incorporate upscale residential housing along with the other uses.   They are aware that the regulations would need to be amended to accomplish the housing portion of this plan.  

Additional residential units are suggested for the southwest corner of the parcel.  Mr. Lamson explained that full access through the site has not yet been determined.

Mealy stated that adequate buffering to Smith St. would be very important to the plan.

The commission had the following questions/concerns:

Wentzell asked how many residential units are planned?

Mr. Lamson answered he didn’t have that information available tonight.

Would it be in the vicinity of 200-500 units?

Mr. Lamson replied there would probably be more than 50 units of single family housing.

Larsen stated she was concerned with allowing residential housing in the Buckland Gateway zone.  She commented that PZC had always planned on the Buckland Gateway zone being used as commercial environment, which would help upgrade the Town’s tax base. If residential units are allowed, this is going to pose additional burden on the town for services, etc., which is not going to improve tax base.

Kennedy commented a regulation change to the RR zone is going to burden the school system.  

Montana asked if there would be a complete road system between all parcels?

Mr. Lamson answered yes.

Has thought been given to incorporate wetland areas into the park areas?
Mr. Lamson replied yes.

Evans stated she was concerned with the residential aspect of the plan.  She asked Mr. Lamson to give the commission some idea of some similar type units that currently exist in the Hartford area.  

Mr. Lamson answered he didn’t have than information available yet but would in the future.

Does the applicant plan on coming in with an amendment to the regulation and a site plan at the same time?

Mr. Lamson answered that he would leave that decision up to his client.

Chairman Mealy suggested the two applications be done separately.

Manion inquired what types of civic uses are being envisioned?
Mr. Lamson answered outdoor band concerts, health club, etc.

McCann also stated that the magnitude of the residential aspect of the plan is a concern. The Buckland Gateway zone was designed for commercial development not residential. He did say he would like to see more of the mixed type uses.  

Mealy commented that Mr. Lamson had previously come forth before the commission with a proposal of eight units per acre, and the commission did not receive that favorably.

Cottle stated that he would not want to see a facility similar to the Meadows complex in Hartford on this parcel.

Montana suggested the developer keep in mind that there is a view from Clark St.

Mr. Lamson stated he didn’t think there was but Plum Gulley Brook is in the area.

Porter asked if the applicant was planning a village type plaza?

Mr. Lamson replied it might be considered.

Chairman Mealy asked for public participation on the plan.

Peter DeMallie, Principal with Design Professionals, Inc., asked if any of the streets within the complex would be public streets?

Mr. Lamson replied no.

Bill Krawski, 130 Buckland Rd., asked how the developer plans to sewer the parcel?

Mr. Lamson answered that the Town of South Windsor has done a study, which the developer would use. A sewer line not would need to be installed for this use.

Mr. Krawski asked who would shoulder the financial burden if sewers were run on the easterly side of Buckland Rd.?

Chairman Mealy informed Mr. Krawski that he would need to get that information from the Water Pollution Control Authority.  

Vicky Margiott, Sele Dr., asked how many stories the hotel would be?

Mr. Lamson answered approximately six stories.

M. Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning and J. Iazzetta, Town Engineer, had no comments.

Would there be any access to other roads in the area?

Mr. Lamson stated there is the possibility of access from Deming St. but not from Smith St.

Mr. Krawski  commented that this is a viable project for South Windsor.

Montana suggested that if the developer applies for a zone change, they inform the commission as to the number of units proposed for the development.

McCann stated there seems to be two ways that would allow residential use in the Buckland Gateway zone.  One, to amend the regulations or two, carve out a new zone. Once a zone change is passed there is nothing to stop developers from adding more residential units.

Montana commented that limiting the number of units would mean less impact to the community.

Wentzell suggested the developer apply for both the regulation amendment and site plan concurrently.

Mealy suggested that the commission might want to consider a Buckland Gateway zone East.

The commissioned recessed at 9:15 p.m. and resumed at 9:20 p.m.

2.      Appl 00-57P, Sullivan Town Homes, Regulation Amendment to Section, multi-family residential zone to increase the maximum room count to allow one additional room for each unit type when the multi-family housing is deed restricted require that at least one resident of each unit must be 55 years or older

McCann noted that the commission might be approaching this application in the wrong manner.  He stated that this application if for a Senior Residence Development (SRD) and should be addressed through the SRD regulations.  He voiced concern with this particular application and said we might want to review the SRD regulations for our intent is to allow larger senior housing projects.

Mealy quoted from our zoning regulations, section pertaining to multi-family uses.

Wentzell stated he understood McCann’s viewpoint but thought this could pose problems.

Mealy read the proposed amendment.  Exhibit 1.

The commission discussed the multi-family vs. the SRD zone.

Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Montana.  

Regulation amendment to Section, multi-family residential zone to increase the maximum room count to allow one additional room for each unit type when the multi-family housing is deed restricted require that at least one resident of each unit must be 55 years or older.

The motion passed, and the vote was as follows: 6-1, Mealy, Evans, Montana, Wentzell, Porter, Larsen, aye; McCann, nay.

3.      Appl 00-58P, Sullivan Town Homes (Strawberry Fields), resubdivision, zone change and general plan of development to create a multi-family complex located on the westerly side of Sullivan Avenue (Action by 3/22)

A discussion ensued on the well water of the surrounding homes and how it would be impacted by this development.   

Montana asked when the issue of the well water should be addressed?

Lipe answered that this should be addressed at the time of the site plan.

There are a many residents with small wells, and they should not have to connect up to Connecticut Water if they don’t wish to do so.

Evans commented that there is a lot of conflicting information from the applicant on this application.

Concern arose about the fact that the Town Council had not discussed the driveway easement location.  

Lipe stated if they acted on the application in front of them, they would not be able to require the applicant to use an alternate drawing.

Chairman Mealy asked if the applicant would agree to an extension on the application.
Attorney Jacobson answered they would agree to an extension through 3/27/01.  

Motion to table Appl 00-58P, Sullivan Town Homes (Strawberry Fields) was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Larsen. The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Extend meeting

Motion to continue the meeting until the agenda is finished as made by Commissioner Wentzell and seconded by Commissioner Evans.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Minutes

The commission agreed by consensus to approve the January 31, 2001 Minutes.

ITEM:  Miscellaneous Business

Lipe asked the commission if they would consider allowing day care centers in residential zones other than RR?

The commission agreed that this would not be in the best interest of the Town.

A letter from CRCOG dated 2/20/01, regarding the Gateway Plaza Subdivision pending in the town of Manchester was shared with the commission.  The commission will be kept up to date with information regarding this.

J. Iazzetta, Town Engineer, passed out packets to the commissioners on “Off-Street Parking and Loading” He informed the commission that he would like to discuss this at a meeting in May.  Exhibit 2.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. was made by Commissioner McCann and seconded by Commissioner Porter.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous  

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah L. Favreau
Recording Secretary