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PZC Meeting 2-15-00
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Marshall Montana, Louise Evans,                           Tim Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen

ALTERNATES PRESENT:Doug Manion sat for Patricia Porter
STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning

Public Hearing

Chairman Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

1.      Appl 99-86P, United Pentecostal Church Special Exception to Article 4.1.8.b and site plan to convert existing building into a church, 100 Long Hill Rd., RR zone

Peter DeMallie presented the application.  Also in attendance were Reverend John Pertoskey, of the Pentecostal Church, and his son.  Their church would like to lease the vacant  building and have it remodeled to make the building appropriate for church services.
The building is situated on 6.44 acres and split into two parcels, parcel A, which is 5.74 acres and parcel B, which is .70 acre.  The Pentecostal Church intends to sign a long-term lease for both parcels.  A small area of wetlands, approximately 1/3 acre, is located on the site.  The IWA/CC approved this application on January 19, 2000.
The driveway will need to be widened 10ft. on each side for a total width of 30ft.  The parking lot will be expanded on the north side of the building to accommodate 40 parking spaces. Approximately 30 families are expected to attend church services here.

Sue Hopkins, Project Engineer for Design Professionals, Inc., reviewed sewage disposal and erosion controls at the site.  The septic system located on the north side of the building has been approved by the Health Department.  The proposed parking area will be gravel and graded to flow away from the leaching fields.  

Mr. DeMallie informed the commission that the applicant has submitted a proposed sign, 20ft. from the street, green in color and unlit. The application will have little impact to the surrounding residents. Mr. DeMallie also submitted for the record a letter in favor of the application. Exhibit 1.

M. Banach reviewed the Planning Department report:

Application for a special exception to Article 4.1.8.b and site plan of development for the conversion of an existing building previously occupied by a machine shop into a church on an existing lot at 100 Long Hill Road, RR/I-291 Overlay zone.

The special exception criteria for churches in residential zones include:

Traffic impacts will not be detrimental to the residential character of the neighborhood;
There will be no adverse effects on existing uses in the area;
Surrounding property values will be conserved and the character of the neighborhood will not be unduly disrupted;
There will be no adverse impacts on the capacity of present and proposed utilities, streets, drainage systems, sidewalks, and other infrastructure;
The land is physically suited to the proposed use and no adverse environmental impacts are created; and
Due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.
Site size is 5.74 acres.  Proposed building coverage is 2%; 10% allowed.  Proposed impervious coverage is 11%; 50% allowed.

The applicant is proposing to widen the existing drive from Long Hill Road and construct a gravel parking area.  The number of parking spaces required for this facility is 40 spaces (1 space per 3 seats); 40 spaces have been provided. Required size of parking spaces is 10 x 20 feet. The applicant has requested a waiver to allow the spaces to be 9 x 18 feet.

There is no 100-year floodplain on the property.  There is an area of regulated wetlands, however there is no disturbance planned in regulated areas.  The IWA/CC approved a conservation plan for this site on January 19 with no unusual approval conditions.

The site will be served by well water and an on-site septic system. The site was originally sewered, but the construction of I-291 severed the sewerage connection, and sewers are inaccessible on the north side of I-291. Bob Deptula, the Environmental Health Officer, approved the new septic system that has been installed.  He has stated that the well must be tested prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy on the site.

The applicant has not shown an area for a dumpster on the site. If there is a dumpster, it must be located on a concrete pad and screened.  

The building is set back approximately 300 feet from Long Hill Road.  Parcel B, which is shown in the front of the site with frontage on Long Hill, is currently under the same ownership (but lot lines are not going to be dissolved) and is an existing building lot in the RR and I-291 Overlay zones.

Lighting is shown on the existing building. The lighting must be downward baffled and there cannot be any light trespass off of the property.

The applicant has not shown the location of a new sign. The sign regulations permit 32 sq. ft of freestanding signage at the main entrance. We have received a sign design; there are no dimensions shown, but it will need to meet the sign requirements.

If this application is approved, the planning department has no requested modifications except for those already discussed:

Public comment:
Gary Pitcock, 87 Long Hill Rd., concerns were the negative impact to his home, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, signage for the building and the widening of the driveway.  He also spoke on behalf of his neighbor, Jean Klene, whose home is situated very close to the church and is also on the National Register.

Commissioner Evans read into the record two submitted letters regarding the application. Exhibits 1 & 2.

The Commissioners had the following questions/concerns:

Commissioner Larsen inquired if the sign would be facing the road or perpendicular to the road?

Mr. DeMallie answered perpendicular, and his applicant would work with town staff to ensure signage meets regulation standards.

Commissioner Montana asked what kind of vegetation is growing along this portion of Long Hill Rd. and could care be taken to limit the number of trees that are removed?

Mr. DeMallie answered that this area is covered with mostly deciduous type trees, and he will ensure that the driveway is not wider than 30ft.  
Commissioner Evans asked if a house could be built on the vacant lot if the lot boundary between Parcel A and Parcel B is not being dissolved?
Banach answered yes.  The owner, Caron, LLC, wants the property boundary preserved for possible future use.

Commissioner Evans asked how close in proximity the driveway is to the Klene house?

Jean Klene replied that her house is approximately 10 feet from her property boundary. (The driveway itself is about 150 feet away.)
Commissioner Manion asked why the applicant is renting parcel B if there is no building on it?

Mr. DeMallie answered that the owner, Dave Caron, has no immediate plans for the parcel, and Caron would like to keep both parcels together.  
Chairman Mealy reviewed section 4.1.8 of the regulations and stated that although Mr. Pitcock’s and Ms. Klene’s homes are registered with the National Register of Historic Places they are not located in a historic district.

Banach commented that she believes Mr. Pitcock’s concern is with a house being  built on the vacant parcel.
Gary Pitcock commented that residents who own homes that are registered with the National Historic Register should have a chance to respond if the immediate area is going to incur change.
Chairman Mealy commented that the commission is considering any detrimental impacts that might occur due to the application.
Mr. DeMallie commented that Reverend Pertoskey would work with the abutting neighbors on the project.  

The public hearing was closed on this item.



1.      Manarinno road name change

Motion to approve the name change from Butler Drive to Cornerstone Drive was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Plan of Development Scope of Services

M. Banach informed the commission that all items the commission had requested have been addressed. Banach said that the commission’s approval would be needed before a contract is signed.

Commissioner Evans suggested that the Hartford Courant be used for informational purposes.  
Banach agreed.

Commissioner McCann suggested the consultants confer with the Park & Recreation Commission to ensure their input goes into the plan.

Motion to approve the Scope of Services was made by Commissioner Evans
and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.
3.      Buckland Gateway Zone Subcommittee interim report

Chairman Mealy informed the commission that this subcommittee does not have a full report yet, and he would like to wait until a complete report is available before discussing.  

Commissioner Evans inquired if copies of the report would be available for review before the discussion takes place.
Chairman Mealy answered yes.

Motion to table the item until 3/21/00 was made by Commissioner Montana and seconded by Commissioner Wentzell.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM: Old Business

1.      Appl 99-54P, East Hartford Sand and Gravel, request for renewal of an earth removal of 9+ acres under Section 15.3 for property located on the westerly side of Strong Rd. and easterly of Route 5, RR & I zones

M. Banach reviewed the remaining items that needed to be addressed.

Motion to approve with conditions was made by Commissioner Montana and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.

This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including a letter of credit in the amount of $91,000 for wetland mitigation.

2.      All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.

3.      This permit is valid for a period of one year.  The permit expiration date is February 15, 2001.  The permit must be renewed prior to expiration if sand removal operations are to continue.  An annual progress as-built plan is required with the permit renewal application.

4.      Use of the driveway between the Sylvestri residence and this site by commercial/industrial vehicles is prohibited, in accordance with Section 3.4 of the zoning regulations.

5.      The material storage area shown in the RR zone on the plans is not approved.  Sales of materials not originating on site are prohibited unless and until a Special Exception permit and an Industrially-zoned-location are obtained.

6.      The sequencing of excavation shown on the approved plans must be adhered to.

7.      The existing bonds in the amount of $5,000 for site reclamation and $20,000 for erosion and sediment control must be maintained.
The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Commissioner Evans abstained from the vote.  

2.      Appl 99-86P, United Pentecostal Church Special Exception to Article 4.1.8.b and site plan to convert existing building into a church, 100 Long Hill Rd., RR zone

Motion to approve with conditions was made by Commissioner McCann and seconded by Commissioner Larsen. Motion to amend the original motion was made by Commissioner Wentzell to have the signage approved by town staff and that the sign not be any larger than 12 sq. ft. and seconded by Commissioner Manion.

The motion to amend passed, and the vote was as follows: Montana, Manion, Wentzell, and Evans -aye; McCann, Mealy – nay.  

1.      Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.

No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission.

An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of
a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.10 of the Zoning Regulations.

All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.

A waiver is granted to allow 9’ x 18’ parking spaces.

Well must be tested for potability and approved by the Environmental Health Officer prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.

If there is a dumpster, it must be located on a concrete pad, screened and located on the side of the building not facing the abutting National Register Historic property.

Prior to driveway widening, trees to be cleared must be marked and inspected by Town staff.

In recognition of the historic residences located in close proximity, the freestanding sign is restricted to 12 sq. ft. with no lighting.  The sign design and materials must be approved by the Director of Planning prior to issuance of a sign permit.

The amended motion was called and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Subdivision Bond

Appl 99-47P, Neary

Motion to set the bond at $5,100 for subdivision improvements was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.


Appl 96-29P Crandall & Daughter; Appl 97-71P, Summerville Assisted Living; Appl 96-06P, SW Golf Course

Motion to reduce all of the IWA/CC bonds to a balance of $0 was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Wentzell.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Manion.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Lynn Wark
Recording Secretary