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PZC Minutes 12-12-00
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Marshall Montana, Louise Evans, Tim Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Patricia Porter, Sue Larsen

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Patrick Kennedy, Roger Cottle, Doug Manion

STAFF PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
        Jerry Iazzetta, Town Engineer

Public Hearing
Chairman Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

1.      Appl 00-49P, Pond Estates at Red Rock, resubdivision of 25 acres to create 18 lots on the southwest corner of Deming St. and Slater St., AA-30 zone
Jay Giles, Vice President with Fuss & O’Neill, presented the application for John Finguerra & I-84 Associates.  Mr. Giles informed the commission that this subdivision was previously approved 8 years ago in 1992 for a 20-lot subdivision.  

The parcel is located on the corner of Deming St. and Slater St. and consists of 25 acres.  Because of a conservation easement the applicant placed on the south part of the property and open space located in Manchester, a conservation easement was granted, in conjunction with the Target store, which left the site short of mitigation.  The subdivision needed to be reconfigured.  The following changes have been made: the lots were shortened and the number of lots has been reduced to18; the road name was changed to Redrock Lane since the original name selected, Rockwell Rd., was used elsewhere in town.

The smallest lot size will be 30,000 sq. ft. with the largest being 39,000 sq. ft.  This subdivision is slated to connect to the Deming Hill Estates subdivision.  Deming Street is slated to be widened.  Curbs, sidewalks and public water will be available.  Sewers are also available and will be split between South Windsor and Manchester with the southern portion being served by Manchester.  Storm water will drain toward Deming St. and to existing sewer in Manchester.

Open space is 20%, or 5 acres, of the overall area.  The applicant is proposing 8.5 acres be deeded to the Town.  

Landscaping will consist of trees that will match those planted in Deming Hill Estates.  
Three 5-6ft. blue spruce will be planted at each intersection.  

M. Banach reviewed the Planning Department report:

Application for an 18-lot conventional subdivision located on the southwest corner of Slater Street and Deming Street, AA-30 zone. Site size is 25 acres. Proposed lot sizes range from just over 30,000 square feet to 49,000 square feet.
Pond Estates at Red Rock Subdivision was originally approved for 20 lots plus effective in 1992; and a three-year extension was granted in 1997. The subdivision approval expires in May 0f 2002. This new subdivision application now includes a wetlands mitigation project approved by IWA/CC, in conjunction with approvals on Northern Hills sites. The IWA/CC approval required a mitigation project including additional open space along the Town Line, 200 feet deep, to connect to the existing Deming Hill Estates open space. The mitigation project affected several lots in the existing subdivision, resulting in a redesign of this section of the subdivision. As a result, the subdivision configuration has been modified to incorporate the additional open space and eliminate two lots, for the current 18-lot configuration.
There are regulated wetlands on site. This application has been approved by IWA/CC with a $5000 bond and no unusual approval conditions. IWA/CC notes that the berm that parallels the wetlands is a very important berm and should not be disturbed or destroyed by construction.
Public water and sewer are available. WPCA approval is required, and the Supt of Pollution Control notes that the sewer plans should be reviewed by Manchester also.
Two frontage lots on Deming Street are proposed, with separate driveways onto Deming Street. The previously approved plan had only one lot with a driveway directly onto Deming Street. Staff suggests a shared driveway to minimize driveway cuts on this collector street.
The subdivision plan includes widening of Deming Street along this property’s frontage, and an intersection improvement at Slater Street to improve the existing intersection configuration within the area of this applicant’s control.
Sidewalks are proposed for both sides of the new streets and along the Deming Street frontage, wrapping around the corner onto Slater Street.
Open space required under the subdivision regulations is 20% of the land to be subdivided, or 5 acres. The subdivision regulations also state that any land reserved for surface water runoff, such as detention basins, regulated wetlands, waterbodies, brooks and streams, shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of open space, except when in the judgment of the Commission such land is deemed to be of benefit to the recreation areas in town and/or upstream or downstream watersheds. In no case shall more than one-half of said land be considered for open space requirements.
As per the subdivision regulations, the Town Council reviewed the proposed open space in order to provide input to the Commission regarding the desirability of the proposed open space as Town-owned land. The Council followed their usual procedure of referring the proposed open space to the Open Space Task Force for a recommendation. The Open Space Task Force recommended that the proposed open space be accepted as open space, and that it be offered to the South Windsor Land Trust for ownership first. If the Land Trust declines the property, the OSTF recommended that the Town take ownership. The Town Council passed the following resolution:
See Council resolution
The Capitol Region Council of Governments reviewed this property as required and submitted the following report:
See CRCOG Report.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept. requests that the zoning data table include the open space required and provided.
We have reviewed the revised sheets 5, 6 and 7 dated 12/11/2000 for the proposed Watson Farm Site Plan.  The profiles of both roadways do not meet the Town Standards as our standards utilize 35 miles per hour for the design criteria for local roads.

We have been informed that the Watson Farm roads are designed utilizing a 20-mile per hour design criteria with the exception of four (4) of the vertical curves that do not meet the standards for this design criteria.  If the Planning and Zoning Commission is to approve this application, the Commission must indicate that a design exception is granted and this exception stipulated as part of the approval conditions.

In addition, the design engineer must re-evaluate the roads’ cross-sections, especially around the horizontal curves, and a revised plan submitted for approval.

Public Participation:
Peter DeMallie, Principal with Design Professionals, Inc., stated that Fuss & O’Neill and Design Professionals would communicate throughout the project since the two neighborhoods will be linked. Loomis Way, Section 6 of Deming Hill Estates will be the roadway connection. Mr. DeMallie would like Fuss & O’Neill to bring their road to the property line and they, in turn, will bring our road to the property line.
Anna Mae Davis, 9 Ridge Rd., asked if the proposed road would cut through to Manchester.
Mr. Giles replied no.
The commission had the following questions/concerns:
Will the spruce trees at the intersection block the sight lines?
Mr. Giles replied that as far a he knew the trees are behind the sight line.  If not, they will be moved.
How will the conservation easement be marked?
Mr. Giles responded that markers would be placed along easement.
Concern was voiced about the sight lines for the two homes located on the corner.
Banach stated that they are requesting a shared driveway for those two houses.
Could one of the drives from the shared driveway run out to Slater St. instead of Deming St.?
Mr. Giles answered yes.
Appl 00-53P, Watson Farms, Special Exception to Article 4.1.11 and site plan for 72 unit adult housing northerly side of Deming St. and easterly of Foster St., RR zone – continued from 12/5/00
Edwin Lassman, counsel for the applicant, Geoff Sager and Peter Dunn of Metro Realty, and Ray Jefferson, of Jefferson Landscaping, attended.  This hearing was continued from December 5, 2000 to give the applicant time to revise their plans.
M. Banach had no additional comments but did inform the commission that revised plans have been submitted to the Town Engineer and Planning.
Attorney Lassman informed the commission that changes to the plans include: the clubhouse was moved 12ft, the parking area around the clubhouse has been removed; Porter Share residents were contacted by Metro and they gave input as to additional plantings within the buffer area. Town Engineer, Jerry Iazzetta, met with Metro and all questions have been addressed except for the driveway issue.  
Ray Jefferson, Landscape Architect, reviewed changes to landscaping.  Additional evergreens are proposed for the buffer area.  The parking area has been removed from around the clubhouse.  Shrubs will be planted at the rear of the property.
A stone retaining wall to protect trees.  
Mr. DeMallie read a letter into the record.  Exhibit 1.  He also submitted additional drawings showing the community hall retaining wall. See file.  
J. Iazzetta stated that he did ask that the hearing be continued from 12/5/00 until tonight so he would have a chance to review the plans that came in late Tuesday afternoon, December 5.  
He reviewed Engineering comments:
We have reviewed the revised sheets 5, 6 and 7 dated 12/11/2000 for the proposed Watson Farm Site Plan.  The profiles of both roadways do not meet the Town Standards as our standards utilize 35 miles per hour for the design criteria for local roads.

We have been informed that the Watson Farm roads are designed utilizing a 20-mile per hour design criteria with the exception of four (4) of the vertical curves that do not meet the standards for this design criteria.  If the Planning and Zoning Commission is to approve this application, the Commission must indicate that a design exception is granted and this exception stipulated as part of the approval conditions.

In addition, the design engineer must re-evaluate the roads’ cross-sections, especially around the horizontal curves, and a revised plan submitted for approval.  

Public participation:  
William Coughlin, 39 Buckland St., stated he is in favor of the application.
Jim Meister, 35 Shares Lane, commented that he appreciated Metro’s efforts and meeting with Porter Share residents regarding the buffer and other issues.  He does still have concerns with the density of the project and he asked Metro to consider reducing the plan by 10%.  
Margaret Tedone, 29 Shares Lane, asked if the number of units could be reduced.
Chairman Mealy informed Ms. Tedone and other residents of Porter Share that zoning for this type of dwelling had recently been reduced to 9 or 10 units per acre.  They need to keep in mind that the property is owned by someone who does have the right to do what they wish as long as it meets the regulations for that particular zone.  
He inquired if Metro would consider building only 65 units?
Attorney Lassman answered no.
The commission had the following questions/concerns:
The 35-mph speed limit is not being met on the roads within the complex?
Jerry Iazzetta responded that this is true, there are four small curves that don’t meet the 35-mph speed.
Karen Isherwood stated that they are planning on having posted signs with 10-mph speeds and they feel comfortable with the plans as submitted.  She sees no problem with the speed since it is not a public roadway.  
Mr. Iazzetta also stated that there is concern with the sight lines. He also said that if the commission felt it was in the best interest the regulation criteria could be relaxed with respect to the speed but the sight line criteria is appropriate.
Is the applicant still requesting concrete sidewalks?
Mr. Iazzetta answered that the criteria states concrete should be used, but the decision was up to the commission.
Why would you agree to waive the concrete sidewalks?
Mr. Iazzetta responded because there are no straight roads in the complex, this is an enclosed community and there are no young people.
Chairman Mealy stated that this land has been slated for elderly housing for quite some time.  He asked Janet Pryor what the density of Flax Hill is?  
Janet Pryor responded that Flax Hill is situated on 7 ½ acres with 40 one-story units.  
How far is the Deming St./Oakland Rd. intersection from the main driveway?
J. Iazzetta responded approximately 500-600ft.  
Would it be possible to scale down the project?
Mr. Sager responded that the application has already been submitted to CHFA.  Making changes, after CHFA has already started reviewing the project, might very well jeopardize funding for the project.  
Would CHFA penalize you if the number of units were reduced?
Mr. Sager informed the commission that many people vie for CHFA funds, and he has been rejected in the past for changing plans.  
Chairman Mealy stated that this land was sold to the Town at a reasonable cost specifically to be used for elderly housing.  
The public hearing was closed on this item.

ITEM:  Executive Session

Motion to go into the Executive Session was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Porter.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to come out of the Executive Session was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Porter.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.


Appl 00-56P, Kebalo T&C, request for a 2 year temporary and conditional permit for a construction office at Kebalo Electric, 176 Smith St., A-20 zone  

Motion to approve with conditions was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner McCann.  

This approval is for two years and will expire on December 12, 2002.
The existing Kebalo Electric office to serve as a construction and sales office for Wheeler Estates.
The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 00-53P, Watson Farms, Special Exception to Article 4.1.11 and site plan for 72 unit adult housing northerly side of Deming St. and easterly of Foster St., RR zone

Motion to approve with conditions was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner McCann.

An amendment to require that the sidewalks must be concrete was made by Commissioner Wentzell and seconded by Commissioner Porter.

Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including a bond in the amount of $20,000 for erosion and sediment control, and a bond in the amount of $25,000 for the establishment of the stormwater control structures (detention basin and vegetative swale).
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.10 of the Zoning Regulations.
Footing drains are required if the building has a basement.
A landscape bond in the amount of $10,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
WPCA approval is required.
The building(s) street number must be included on the final plan.
Town Engineer’s review comments dated December 1, 2000 must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
Required restrictive covenants to the South Windsor Housing Authority must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Attorney.
Decorative grills are required over wall condenser units.
Proposed buffer along the east site boundary (abutting Porter’s Share) must be enhanced with additional screening plantings. The Commission accepts the applicants’ offer to install supplemental buffer plantings on property of Porters Share.
A retaining wall is required along the driveway in close proximity to the north property boundary in order to preserve existing large trees. The large trees to be preserved should be individually identified on the site plan and flagged in the field, with approval from Town staff prior to tree cutting. Field changes may be required during construction in order to ensure adequate protection of the large trees.
A bypass must be provided on Route 30 at the entrance to the development (subject to Conn DOT approval)
The sidewalk must connect more directly to the clubhouse.
Buffer planting must be in place prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for the final building. In the event that the final building is completed during non-planting season, final section of final building CO’s will be withheld until planting is complete.
A waiver is granted to allow an exception to the standard specifications for the internal roadway profile.
The motion passed.  The vote was 4-2 in favor; Larsen, Cottle, Porter Wentzell, aye; Evans, McCann, nay.  The original motion was called.  The motion passed and the vote was unanimous.

Cottle sat for Montana.

ITEM:  Extend meeting

Motion to continue the meeting to complete the agenda was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Porter.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 00-28P, Wheeler Estates—final plans review and request for approval of model homes

Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Larsen and seconded by Commissioner Cottle. The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Bonds and Extensions

Appl 00-03P, Constitution Landing

Motion to set the bond at $896,000 and to reduce the bond to $214,000 was made by Commissioner Larsen and seconded by Commissioner Cottle.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 00-28P, Wheeler Estates

Motion to extend the mylar filing 90 days was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Appl 00-03P, Constitution Landing

Motion to extend the mylar filing a second 90 days was made by Commissioner Larsen and seconded by Commissioner Cottle.  The motion passed, and he vote was unanimous

Appl 00-39P, Reynolds

Motion to extend the mylar filing was made by Commissioner Larsen and seconded by Commissioner McCann.   The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m. was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Cottle.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah L. Favreau
Recording Secretary