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Patriotic Commission Minutes 01-21-2014
January 21, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Kent Carlson, followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

ATTENDANCE: Roger Anderson, Peter Anthony, Gene Botteron, Kent Carlson, Teri Dickey-Gaignat, Bob Hornish, Daria Plummer, Art Sladyk; Guest: Harry White

Motion: Anderson/Hornish:  Move to accept the minutes of December 16, 2013, as printed. Carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Oral report presented by Kent Carlson; accepted by consensus.  
o       To date, budget remains on target.

o       In receipt of Policelli Award application.

Essay Contest: Roger Anderson
o       2014 Essay Contest flyers printed and distributed in elementary schools; available at TEMS and SWHS; contacts made in each school
o       Suggestion made to have a link on the website to flyer
o       SWHS Social Studies coordinator, Greg Franks, will be invited to participate in essay question discussion for 2015

Evening In The Park: Kent Carlson: No report at this time
Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony: Len Glasser
o       $100 deposit for WW I ambulance will be sent, if ambulance secured
o       Invitations to participate in the 2014 parade being sent soon

Flag Day flag retirement ceremony:  Peter Anthony—no report at this time.

Veterans Day Parade:  Kent Carlson
o       2014 date to be put on calendar

Veterans Day Ceremony:  Kent Carlson—event completed.

Veterans in the Schools:  Bill Carroll, Jr.
o       2014 date to be put on calendar.

Wreaths Across America: Art Sladyk
o       $745 has been collected for 2014 event
o       2014 date to be put on calendar

Wall Behind the Monument:  Art Sladyk
o       It is anticipated that the first $20,000 will be raised through a local grant, a matching fund, and donations from two patriotic organizations, as well as brick fund money
o       It is the Commission’s wish to have any remaining money donated to the brick fund after the completion of the project.
o       Letter for sponsorship and donations being prepared; mailing to be sent in April to civic organizations, businesses, and to South Windsor veterans.

OLD BUSINESS:  No report at this time  (Flags around town center; signage for Memorial Day Parade—to be discussed at the February meeting.)
o       A write-up regarding the meaning of the “V” in VMP (Veterans Memorial Park) will be shared with Ray Favreau, Director, SW Recreation Department, for the town website. It is the intention of the Commission for residents to understand the true meaning of the name: Veterans Memorial Park.
o       Herb Asplund working with Councilwoman Pendleton on the reading of names of South Windsor residents serving in the armed forces.
o       Daria made a presentation regarding the proposed elementary school referendum.


The next meeting will be held Tuesday, February 18, 2014, at 7:30.

Adjournment: 8:30, on a motion to adjourn. Motion: Botteron/Anderson.  Carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Daria Plummer, Secretary