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Patriotic Commission Minutes 06/20/2011
REGULAR MEETING: June 20, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kent Carlson, Leonard Glasser, Peter Anthony, Roger Anderson, Jim Throwe, Bob Moeller, Billy Carroll, Bob Hornish.

The May 16, 2011 minutes were approved.
Start: $13,500.
Spent: $13,000.
Balance $500.
Outstanding and anticipated bills:  $200.

Application for Memorial Day Parade received.
Letter from different fireworks company.
The Avery family sent a thank you for the spray at her funeral.
Kent received the 2011 Veteran’s Day Parade application.

Essay Contest:

All the winners were invited to the Town Hall for tonight. The winners will read their essay (or display their poster) and the other winners will be recognized by the council.

Evening In The Park:  May 21, 2011
Best event yet. A lot of positive feedback was received by Commission members. Attendance was great. The petting zoo, face painting, and bounce houses were big hits with the younger crowd. The publicity was much better than last year. Still needs some tweaking. Next year we should try to get portable lights from the town for the field and parking lot.

Memorial Day Parade: May 21, 2011
The parade was cancelled because of bad weather (thunder and lightning).The ceremony took place with guest speaker, Col William Adams, giving a stirring speech. The family of Doris Avery, recently deceased long time member of the commission, participated in the ceremony.

Flag Day Ceremony:  June 21, 2011
Peter and Bob reported that the scouts had not responded to calls to participate. The event will be held anyway.

Veteran’s Day Parade:  2011
No action yet.

Veteran’s Day Ceremony:  November 11, 2011
No action yet

Kent reported the ads for new members had been run with three people expressing interest.

Herb is still working on the town hall Veterans wall.


Kent will send in the application for the Veteran’s Day parade.

Bob Moeller announced he will not be seeking reappointment at the end of his term in August 2011. The commission members expressed their regret.

Kent welcomed Bob Hornish to the commission, replacing Doris Avery. Doris passed away in May. The plaque in Veteran’s Memorial Park will have Doris’s name added to it.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 to attend town council meeting and honor Essay Contest winners.

Kent Carlson