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Patriotic Commission Minutes 12/20/2010
REGULAR MEETING – December 20, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.


Teri Dickey-Gaignat, Kent Carlson, Herb Asplund, Leonard Glasser, Robert Moeller, Roger Anderson. Doris Avery and Jim Throwe are ill.


The November 15, 2010 minutes were approved after making the following corrections:  Under attendees, add Roger Anderson. Under Essay Contest, change “contest will run to February 1st to “contest will run to “January 31st” .

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Balance $13,478.00. Outstanding bills include wreaths from Veterans Day ($325.00), bus for parade (around $600.00), and contract for fireworks ($7500.00). That leave about $5053.00 not earmarked yet, with Evening in the Park (around $1500) and Memorial Day (around $1500).  

CORRESPONDENCE:  No external correspondence.

Essay Contest:  

Roger Anderson reported that the entry forms and posters were delivered to Dave Archibald, his POC who said they would get to the schools. It was suggested that Roger deliver some to each of the school offices and Town Manager’s office. Roger agreed. Kent sent the publicity to the Reminder, the Journal Inquirer, The Hartford Courant, and the South Windsor Life publications. Kent agreed to send it again to the JI, Reminder, and Courant, hoping for another shot in the papers. Roger is asking the town to put it on their Public Access channel 16 announcements. It was suggested that Roger contact area magnet schools and private schools, even though they have not participated in the contest before. Roger agreed to explore and consider it, noting the publicity stated the contest was open to ALL South Windsor students.

Evening In The Park:  May 21, 2011

Kent noted he has the fireworks contract and would get it to the Town Manager to sign and send the deposit. Herb stated that the attendance could be better if we had better publicity and highlighted the fireworks. Kent stated that we were hampered by inability to hang our banners at the four corners and that he put advertising in all the local papers and placed lawn signs at 12 locations around town. Teri suggested we place posters in local establishments that get high traffic. E-mails to civic groups and personal appearances at Chamber of Commerce and civic group functions was suggested. Flyers in the schools was suggested. The flat and well lit area behind the Community Center was the venue for another fireworks display and should be looked into as a possible location for us. Bob remarked there were logistical issues with changing the location. Kent remarked that the lack of public participation in the event could be placed on poor publicity, which was noted in last year’s after action report, and something to draw more people. It highlighted the need for a motivated Publicity person. The discussion will be continued.

Memorial Day Parade: May 21, 2011

Len Glasser will soon be sending letters out looking for a speaker for this event. Kent mentioned we need to order flags and Len said he would figure out how many we needed.

Herb mentioned that one new brick was ordered and some location changes need to be made to some of the bricks placed for Veteran’s Day.

Flag Day Ceremony:  June 21, 2011 – No report

Veteran’s Day Parade:  2011

No action yet.

Veteran’s Day Ceremony:  November 11, 2011

No action yet


Herb reported that Billy Carroll Jr. has been appointed as an Alternate to the Commission. He had a conflict that prevented him attending this month but should be available in January.

Kent said we need more new members. Gary Waterhouse and Eugene Botteron were mentioned as possible.

Wreaths Across America was discussed. Tremendous success thanks to the hard work of Art Sladyk. This is an American Legion project that we supported.

Herb stated he has started to update the “Residents serving” board in the town hall. He is contacting individuals to see if they are still serving and want to be listed. The next step is to update the list on the Patriotic Commission site.


Len Glasser noted that Bob Moeller, former Chairman of the Patriotic Commission, was inducted into the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame in November. Outstanding tribute for a true champion of Veterans.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

The next meeting will be January 18, 2011 at 7:30 PM

For the secretary,

Kent Carlson

Patriotic Commission Chairman