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Patriotic Commission Minutes 01/20/2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened by saying the pledge of allegiance.


Kent Carlson, Robert Moeller, John Stonoha, Terri Kyc, Herb Asplund, Peter Anthony.


The minutes of December 15, 2008 were approved.


E-Mail from Mayor stating he wants to talk about Evening in the Park, giving it more publicity and turning it into a bigger event. Possibly funding by donations?

Mayor Prague wants to renew names of Commission members.

E-mail from out of town students attending South Windsor schools. Are they eligible for essay contests? Commission agreed the spirit of the contest is students in South Windsor (to include home school students).

Start:                                           $13,500.00
$250.00 (wreaths for veteran’s day)
$2500.00 (deposit for fireworks)
Balance:                                         $10,750.00

Veteran’s Parade: November 8, 2009. Need to contact police department color guard of new date.

Veteran’s Day Ceremony: November 11, 2009

Essay Contest:  
Kent reported that the posters had not been received at the high school and middle school. A suggestion was made to extend the deadline at the middle and high school. Motion approved to extend until February 28.
John will contact Board of Education and:
1. Fix the problem (get the posters to the schools) and
2. Determine where the failure to communicate was so it doesn’t happen in the future.

Evening In The Park: May 16, 2009

Invitations will be sent out in February. Check for fireworks and contract just sent out.

Memorial Day: May 25, 2009

No action.

Flag Day: June 14, 2009

John Stonoha asked about changing the site of the flag burning from the Fire House to the Strawberry Festival at Nevers Road Park. After discussion, this idea was rejected because of need for special permits and the festival is a political fund raiser.
John will be contacting all Scout organizations in ton and Veteran’s groups for participation.


Kent will invite the Hartford Middle Magnet School to march in the Memorial day Parade. This would replace the SWHS marching band, which does not exist this year. We will still invite the S. W. Middle School band and the high school chorale and brass for the Taps and National Anthem.

Kent will contact the Superintendent of Schools about the condition of the American flags in the schools. It was reported that many are in poor condition.

Kent will contact the Superintendent about reports of some schools not having a program on Veteran’s Day. When the decision to have school on Veteran’s Day, the schools agreed to have a program to educate students and to honor Veterans.


The question was asked of when Commission member Scott Simmons returns from military deployment. Bob thinks it will be in April.
Peter stated the flags on Old Main Street are in poor condition Bob said he would talk with Kevin Foley about it.

Kent asked Herb if he knew why Teri Dickey-Gaignat has been absent since October. Herb said he would talk to her at the Republican Town Committee meeting on the 22nd of January. If not, Kent will call her.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Our next regular meeting will be TUESDAY February 17, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,

Kent Carlson