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Patriotic Commission Minutes 05-20-2013
May 20, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Kent Carlson, followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

ATTENDANCE: Roger Anderson, Peter Anthony, Herb Asplund, Gene Botteron, Kent Carlson, Billy Carroll, Len Glasser, Bob Hornish, Daria Plummer, Art Sladyk, James Throwe.

Motion: Anderson/Asplund. Move to accept the minutes of March 18, 2013, as printed, with the note that Jim Throwe was in partial attendance on April 15. Carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Written report presented by Kent Carlson.  
o       Budget remains within parameters of anticipated programs; $12,512 of $13,500 budget expended.

 o     Commission received a copy of P/Z’s Plan for Conservation and Development; Herb to review the plan.
  o    Commission invited to participate in a Historical Society event 6/14.


Essay Contest: Roger Anderson: January-March 1, 2013
  • Peter, Teri, Jim, and Daria to assist Roger at Town Council meeting, 6/3, 7:30.
  • Gift cards, certificates of participation being prepared.
  • Once parent permission given and essays received electronically, Reminder to print.
Evening In The Park: Kent Carlson; May 18, 2013
       o   After action report sent by Kent and Herb for review for 2014. Issues of booth placement, increased food quantity and quicker accessibility to food (more grills needed), work detail lists, and clean-up assistance discussed.
       o Additional food sources discussed, as:  Kettlecorn, cupcakes, fried dough.
 Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony and flags on graves: Len Glasser; May 27, 2013
o       Eight essay winners attending; to be introduced during ceremony; cars arranged.
  • Wreaths have been ordered by Bob Hornish.
Parade divisions and staging areas reviewed; chaplain (D. Rouse) being contacted.
Flag holders arranged (12 new purchased); 24 scouts will do flag placements.
Music arranged; taps to be played; vocalist (Kaitlyn LaBonte) confirmed.
New bricks will be installed 5/22/13.
  • 2014 suggestions: Large signage, with date toppers (to be researched by Art/Billy); scout research on veterans of flag placements; Identify Gold Star and Blue Star mothers; music selections by Community Chorus and/or SWHS music groups.
Flag Day flag retirement ceremony:  Peter Anthony; June 15, 2013
o       Firehouse, Ellington Road, 10 AM; formal ceremony; scouts invited.

Veterans Day Parade:  Kent Carlson; November 2013
  • Event status quo at this time.
Veterans Day Ceremony:  Kent Carlson—November 11, 2013—no report at this time.
Veterans in the Schools:  (Bill Carroll, Jr.)  
        o Dave Archibald retiring; Greg Frank will be new contact for our Commission.

Wreaths Across America: Art Sladyk; December 2013;
o       Local ceremonies: 12/8, Cabella’s; 12/9, State Capitol; 12/14, South Windsor.
o       Report on the proposed wall at VMP: Art Sladyk
  • Peter DeMaille now involved; Folsom construction will do engineering report (slabs, weight, footing needs)
O    Fundraiser will be needed.

o       Flags around the center of SW; (Billy Carroll)
O 24 nine foot flags, est. cost: $17,000.
  • Consensus: VMP wall comes first; then flag consideration.
  • Each committee chair responsible for check list for each event so that materials, when handed to a new chair, will be self explanatory/complete.

The next meeting will be held Monday, June 17, 2013, at 7:30.

Adjournment: 8:48, on a motion to adjourn. Motion: Sladyk/Glasser.  Carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Daria Plummer, Secretary