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Patriotic Commission Minutes 05-21-2012
May 21, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Kent Carlson, followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roger Anderson, Peter Anthony. Herb Asplund, Len Glasser, Bob Hornish, Kent Carlson, Jim Throwe, Art Sladyk (alt.).

The minutes of April 16, 2012 were approved. Motion: Asplund/Hornish. Move to accept the minutes as written.  /Carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Presented by Kent Carlson; we are under budget at this time.  A few items (advertising) over budget and we need to buy regular flags. Approved by consensus.

CORRESPONDENCE: Invitation received to the Connecticut Veterans Day Parade. Kent filled out and sent back so we are committed to it.


Essay Contest, (Roger Anderson)
o       Winners have been contacted.
o       Winners will come before the Town Council June 4, 7:45 PM, to share posters and first place essays will be read.
o     Gift cards will be presented after the town council meeting. Kent will purchase.
O  Roger has requested an easel for the poster contest winner.

Evening In The Park: (Kent Carlson) May 19, 2012
o       Kent reported is our most successful year yet.  About 800 to 1000 people at event and maybe 1000+ more watching the fireworks.
o       Kent read an after action report and suggestions were made to add another inflatable, change the zoo time to 5:30, and send invites out earlier. Some groups said invite earlier and they could come.
o       Fireworks were spectacular.
O   Our new food vendor, Bobby T, was good. Had 7 employees and was extremely busy. Next year he will have more help.
o       Publicity was great. Journal Inquirer and Reminder ads were great. Both ran articles with regular news and town news.
o       Town employees were fantastic! They went above and beyond in support of this event and represented the town well. The light tower was fantastic.
o       We had more civic groups and organizations. Veterans groups  were well represented. The military displays were weak. The commercial vendors did very well. There was a lot to see and do.
o       We received several very positive comments about the event from the community.  Many long time residents have never attended and they were very impressed.
Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony and flags on graves: May 28, 2012
 (Len Glasser and Art Sladyk are working on this)
o       Boy scouts have picked up flags for
o       Len will have parade order ready by Friday.
o       Everything set except music for ceremony.
o       We do not have a marching band. High school band is disbanded.
o       Six new bricks will be placed at VMP before Memorial Day.
o       Kent will get lawn signs for the different divisions of the parade.
o       Bob Hornish volunteered to work with Kent setting up the flag holders this week.
o       We need better publicity. Suggestion was made to put an ad in  the reminder next year.  Cost is minimal and payback good.
o       Flyover not sure thing yet.

Flag Day flag retirement ceremony:  (Peter Anthony ) June 16, 2012
o       Peter confirmed that the flags would be burned on June 16, behind Firehouse #1.
o       Jim Throwe and Bob Moeller will help.
o       Kent asked if the scouts were invited and if there would be publicity. Peter said not yet so Kent said he would send info to the papers and invite the scouts.
o       Jim said if there were others attending, he would use a standard flag retirement program.

Veterans Day Parade:  (Committee member)November 4, 2012
The date is the 4th and we are committed.

Veterans Day Ceremony:  (Kent Carlson)November 11, 2012
We will have a ceremony on 11 November. Kent will start process of getting a speaker.

Veterans in the Schools: (Bill Carroll Jr)Date uncertain, as Veterans Day is a Sunday.

Wreaths Across America: (Art Sladyk)December 15, 2012.

Report on the proposed wall at VMP made by Art Sladyk
o       A contractor is working on a model of what needs to be done and has agreed to do the site work for free. He is seeking other contractors to volunteer and done time and labor or materials.
o       Wall will be concrete and will eventually be faced with stone. Similar to what is at VMP now.
Report on pins
o       Pins have arrived. Only 10. We will order more.

o       Herb has updated the Wall of Honor at the town hall.

The next meeting will be held Monday, June 18th, at 7:30.

Adjournment: 8:31, on a motion to adjourn. Motion: H. Asplund/R. Hornish. /Carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Kent Carlson