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Patriotic Commission Minutes 10-24-2011
REGULAR MEETING: October 24, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kent Carlson, Peter Anthony, Roger Anderson, Jim Throwe, Billy Carroll, Gene Botteron, Herb Asplund, Teri Dickey Gaignant.. Len Glasser called in sick. Bob Hornish was not present.

The September 19, 2011 minutes were approved.
Start: $13,500.
Spent: $3750 (½ of the $7500 fireworks bill)
Balance $9750.
Outstanding and anticipated bills: $100 (plaque for Veteran’s Memorial Park with Doris Avery’s name on it)
A more detailed report will be available next month.

1. Letter from town council appointing Billy Carroll and Gene Botteron.
2. Letter from Veteran’s Day Parade accepting S Windsor.
3. E-mail Invite to Veteran’s Appreciation Dinner Sunday November 13.
4. E-Mail requesting speakers for Veteran’s day at high school.
5. E-Mail stating plaque was installed at VMP
6. E-mail updating Parade information
7. E-mail from American Legion about Blue Star banners list.
8. Message from resident with food for soldiers collected last year.


Essay Contest:

It was decided to keep the 3 age groups. K-2 will do a poster, 3-5 and 6-12 will do essays. Teri suggested “who is your favorite patriot and why? We have to figure how to work that in with the posters. It was decided that we do not have to decide the topic tonight. Roger stated he will decide on a standard size for the poster. Dave Archambault suggested having the students write about three patriots/heroes. It was decided to require them to write about 1 patriot, not hero. The Veteran’s Day Parade essay contest had them write about “why should we honor veteran’s”. that was something we will consider. By November meeting we will have decision about the topic.   

Evening In The Park:  May 19, 2012

The contract is signed and the deposit is done.

Memorial Day Parade: May 28, 2012
No report.

Flag Day Ceremony:  June 10, 2012
Pete announced he collected a large amount of flags from the repository at the library.

Veteran’s Day Parade:  November 6, 2011
Received approval of our application. Everything is in motion but we are waiting on more details.

Veteran’s Day Ceremony:  November 11, 2011
Jim Throwe announced that our speaker would be Colonel William Adams. Everything else is in the works.

Veterans in the Schools: November 11, 2011.
Billy Carroll stated he had no volunteers yet. Several members stated they would volunteer. Kent said he would try to get some volunteers.

Wreaths Across America: December 11, 2011.
Kent reported Art Sladyk was running the event through the American Legion.


Publicity: Kent has submitted information about Veteran’s Day activities to the JI, Courant, Reminder, and South Windsor Life magazine.

The town website is still not accurate. Kent has requested it be updated. Herb’s list of veterans was dated 2008.

The election of officer was held.
Kent Carlson was reelected, unanimous, to Chairman.
Len Glasser was reelected, unanimous, to Vice Chairman.
No one would volunteer to be the Secretary. Kent stated what the job entailed. Kent said he would continue to do the job, but that he would really like to someone to take it the job. The post is vacant. Kent asked Teri Dickey Gaignant to be the secretary before the meeting and she declined, stating she was already assistant secretary of another committee that meets on the same night. It was decided to leave the post vacant and Kent will ask Bob Hornish if he would do it.

Kent took a count of who will be on the bus for the Veteran’s Day Parade.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Kent Carlson