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Patriotic Commission Minutes 05-16-2011
REGULAR MEETING – May 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kent Carlson, Leonard Glasser, Peter Anthony, Roger Anderson, Jim Throwe, Bob Moeller, Billy Carroll.

The April 18, 2011 minutes were approved.
Start: $13,500.
Spent: $5,500.
Balance $8000.
Outstanding and anticipated bills:  $7000.

Application for Memorial Day Parade received.
Letter from different fireworks company.

Essay Contest:

All the winners had been notified and the participation certificates were delivered to the schools. Kent will purchase the gift cards (for the winners) and be reimbursed. Roger arranged for the winners to appear at the town council on June 6th. The top winners will read their essays, display their poster, and all will receive certificates from the council. Everything is all set for the winners to ride in the parade. Kent will do publicity for the event.

Evening In The Park:  May 21, 2011
Everything is moving forward. Food vendor is set. Fireworks are set. Band is all set. Bounce house all set. Invitations went out. Permits for pavilion and chairs all set. Publicity is set. Councilman Carey Prague got the signs set up. Looks good. Bill Carroll suggested a thank you to Carey would be nice.

Memorial Day Parade: May 21, 2011
Len Glasser reported he has confirmed Colonel William Adams as the guest speaker. Kent will reconfirm the convertibles for the essay contest winners with Chris Lariviere. Kent and Len will distribute flags to Scouts the Monday prior to Memorial Day.

Flag Day Ceremony:  June 21, 2011
Kent reported that Randy Olson of Troop 186 has agreed to do ceremony. Pete Anthony said he has lots of flags and will contact the fire station in case the counts fell through.

Veteran’s Day Parade:  2011
No action yet.

Veteran’s Day Ceremony:  November 11, 2011
No action yet

Kent showed a proof of an ad for the recruitment of new members. It was approved to run.

Herb is still working on the town hall Veterans wall.

Herb stated we need another brick for the Memorial Arch at Veterans Memorial Park.

Billy stated it would be nice if we had jackets or something to identify members of the Patriotic Commission. Bob stated we had pins, but they are gone. Tabled to next month.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.