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PZC Main Street Subcommittee 05-22-14 Minutes

THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014                                                                                         
 6:30 - 8:00 P.M.

Members present: Bart Pacekonis, Daryl Ramsey, Stephanie Dexter, David Raymond, Karen Isherwood, Ben Wheeler, Jim Throwe

Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None                               


  • Discussion of the Vibrant Community Initiative Grant  - See attached description
Mr. Brad Schide, Circuit Rider for the Ct Trust began his presentation by introducing himself and his background for the benefit of those who did not attend the March meeting.  He stated that the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation is not a regulatory authority, but works with communities in attempts to protect historic assets.

Mr. Schide spoke specifically about the CT Trust grant program called the Vibrant Community Initiative.  This grant is funded with state monies.  He provided a handout (attached) of the criteria that were used for the last round of grant applications and indicated that the anticipated due date for grant applications would be some time in mid-July. The CT Trust, however, will accept applications on a rolling basis.

Mr Schide indicated this grant supports five CT municipalities chosen annually through a competitive application process. Each chosen municipality is generally awarded a maximum $50,000 grant for a planning study of a defined area with the goal of preservation of valued assets while allowing growth to continue.  It is important that the project is structured to be a community based project that will be guided by the stakeholders identified.

The grant funds a team of multi-discipline professionals, through a RFP process, to work with a steering committee (appointed by the Town), the PZC and the residents of the defined area to develop a plan and make recommendations to create the vision expressed through the planning process. It is important for the group to identify to the greatest extent possible the goals of the project as well as the expected deliverables of the consultant.   The exact scope of the work will be further defined at the time of the RFP.
  • establish project boundaries
The group discussed the boundary that should be considered and it was the consensus that all of Main Street should be considered as the study area.

  • determine goals of the grant
The goals of the grant were discussed.  Some of the goals include evaluating different zoning approaches and could include a rezoning of the area. Adding uses and criteria to the text or an overlay zone that includes different uses or standards were discussed.  

Another alternative would be for the PZC to rezone the area as a Village District Zone (allowed through enabling legislation) which could include specific requirements and review standards for proposed changes. This approach was created primarily to allow for a mechanism to protect the visual character of the area. The pros and cons of creating a Village District Zone could be explored through the Vibrant Communities Initiative as well as the creation of design guidelines that could address the streetscape as well as the architecture.

Another goal could be to examine expanding the boundaries of the national registered historic district that currently exists on Main Street and prepare information as to the benefits of such designation. The community would ultimately decide whether or not to submit for such designation.  

A goal could be to look at some of the existing non-residential buildings that may be rehabbed for a future use and have the consultants develop a potential plan for the properties.
  • identify properties of special interest to be included
Some of the properties to be identified included the Union School, the Wood Memorial Library and the BOE facility.  The committee will determine what other building may be appropriate.

  • steering committee membership
The membership of the steering committee should include: Planning and Zoning Commission, Economic Development Commission, South Windsor Historic District Commission, South Windsor Historical Society, South Windsor Land and Agricultural Preservation Society, South Windsor Land Trust, Wood Memorial Library representative, study-area residents and other interested residents.

  • review time frame for the project
It was suggested that the project duration should be a six month period.  Realistically it will take a 1- 3 months to issue an RFP, conduct interviews and get the consultant team on board.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 14, 2014.  Planner Lipe indicated that she will be working on a draft of the grant application and will send it out for some initial comments next week.  After initial feedback is provided, another draft will be produced for discussion at our next subcommittee meeting.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner