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PZC Main Street Subcommittee 03-06-14 Minutes

THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2014                                                                                          
6:30 - 8:00 P.M.

Members present: Bart Pacekonis, Daryl Ramsey, Ginny Macro, Stephanie Dexter, David Raymond
Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.



  • Discussion with Brad Schide, Circuit Rider for the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, regarding the public process taken by the Town of Lebanon.  

Mr. Brad Schide, Circuit Rider for the Ct Trust began his presentation by introducing himself and his background.  He stated that the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation is not a regulatory authority, but works with communities in attempts to protect historic assets.

Mr. Schide spoke specifically about a grant program that is offered through the CT Trust called the Vibrant Community Initiative.  This grant supports five CT municipalities chosen annually through a competitive application process. Each chosen municipality is generally awarded a $50,000 grant for a planning study of a defined area with the goal of preservation of valued assets while allowing growth to continue.  The grant funds a team of multi-discipline professionals, through a RFP process, to work with a steering committee (appointed by the Town), the PZC and the residents of the defined area to develop a plan and make recommendations to create the vision expressed through the planning process.

The development pattern of the Main Street area makes for a very distinctive look. It is very traditional in character with buildings located to face the street.  Different zoning approaches could include a rezoning of the area, adding uses and criteria to the text or an overlay zone that includes different uses or standards.  Another alternative would be for the PZC to rezone the area as a Village District Zone (allowed through enabling legislation) which could include specific requirements and review standards for proposed changes. This approach was created primarily to allow for a mechanism to protect the visual character of an area. It does require the Town to set up a ‘Design Review Board’ with an architect as a member.  The PZC could use an existing Design Review Board if it wanted. The pros and cons of creating a Village District Zone could be explored through the Vibrant Communities Initiative as well as the creation of design guidelines that could address the streetscape as well as the architecture.

Lebanon received a CT Trust Grant to use the Vibrant Communities Initiative to work with residents, town boards and designers to modify zoning and control development. They looked at build out scenarios, zoning changes and threats to the historic character. They worked with setbacks, parking locations behind buildings, design and types of uses and consulted with property owners for compatible uses that might preserve the integrity of the area.

Other surveys and potential grants were discussed. The Watson House was cited as the nicest example of a federal building in the State. CT Trust easements and historic preservation easements are private mechanisms to employ. The State offers tax relief for properties in restoration for residential or commercial purposes.

  • Discussion of Committee goals and next steps

The Committee discussed the Vibrant Community Initiative grant.  It was the consensus of the group that it was worth considering further.  Mr. Schide indicated that he would be able to provide the group with some guidance if it was something the Town decided to pursue.  It was suggested that Mr. Schide meet with a couple of members of the Committee and take a tour of the Main Street area.  Daryl Ramsey was to facilitate the visit.

At the next meeting the Committee will brain storm possible uses that it may want to consider and will review further the parameters and goals if the Town were to pursue the Vibrant Community Initiative grant.

Planner Michele Lipe offered to contact representatives from the Town of Lebanon to discuss further the process they recently went through and the regulations they adopted.


OTHER BUSINESS:  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2014.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner