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OSTF 06-01-15

OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE DRAFT MINUTES               June 1, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairperson Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Jeff Folger, Bart Pacekonis, George Caye, Herb Asplund, Betty Warren, John Caldwell


Chairperson Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to accept the minutes with additions by Pacekonis, second by Warren.  Motion carried. Vote: Unanimous

New Business:
The Member listing was reviewed and updated.

Participation in the Trails Day event at Nevers Road Park on June 7th was agreed upon.  Larson will bring the town van to and from the event.  Members signed up for tasks and times to contribute.

Councilor Wagner mentioned the possibility of a private solar field being placed in the vicinity of the electrical power substation at Barber Hill Road.  The proximity to the substation makes this area desirable to locate a solar array.

Wagner left the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Botteron reviewed the acquisition of the Ireland property with the members in case questions were asked by the public during Trails Day.

“Target Property” maps were distributed for review.  Recently acquired properties were shown.  Discussion on adding additional priority properties ensued.  Decision made to have the next meeting to be a “work session”.  Members should review the distributed maps and select properties to be considered for future acquisition prior to the meeting.

The members agreed to continue to attend the Heritage Day event in the fall.

Old Business:
Discussion on last month’s opposition to posting tick signs.

Comments to move this section above “New Business” on future agendas.

Other Business:
Discussion on the opposition to the proposed Community Gardens on the Nelson Property on Deming Street.  Warren urged the Task Force to attend the Council meeting on the 15th to support the placement of the gardens at this site.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Was made by Folger; seconded by Caye
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted:
Jeffrey Folger