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OSTF 12-2-13 Minutes
Open Space Task Force
Minutes of the December 2, 2013 Meeting

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Betty Warren, Roy Normen, Sue Larsen, George Caye, Herb Asplund, John Caldwell, Michele Lipe ( Town Planner), Stephen Wagner (Council Liaison)

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pat Botteron at 5:30 p.m.

Public Participation
Stephen Wagner will be the new Liaison from the Town Council.  He spoke on the issue of Japanese Knotweed which is an invasive species.  The only way to rid an area of it is by excessive mowing.  Louise Evans thought it might be a good idea to have an article in the Park & Recreation booklet.  The article could tell people what it is and what to do if you have it.  Betty Warren said it is a long process and it took 6 years to get rid of it on her property.  The town may need more staff just to try to rid the town of it.  Betty stated Autumn Olive is another problem.  John Caldwell and Louise Evans felt Autumn Olive was easier to get rid of than Japanese Knotweed.  

John Caldwell said the sign at Wapping Park was run over but is being replaced.

The minutes of 9/9/13 were accepted as written.

New Business
Herb Asplund reported on the Mangene property.  The Land Trust is having a tax issue.  Tim Shepard is trying to get a tax abatement to cover the back taxes on the property.

Michele Lipe spoke about the new checklist being developed for the purpose of attaining open space. The Town Attorney is reviewing it now.  King Street is being held up while the review is going on.  The Jones property will have to follow the new rules.  Herb Asplund asked if all the owners of the Jones property were on board.  Michelle said they were.  Steve Wagner said there would be a greenway possibility.  The property could have passive recreation and maybe connect to Orchard Hill.  Michele Lipe said the woods were too heavy.  John Caldwell said there are horseradish plants back there.

Betty Warren would like the Council, SWALPAC and OSTF to jointly meet to discuss development rights.  Louise Evans thought the issue would be that the development rights were too close to purchase costs.  Betty Warren disagreed. The town could do whatever they wanted if they purchased but it would be just farming if development rights were purchased.  Betty said that new money was being allocated from the State.  Louise wants to assure that contracts are followed so that passive recreation remains passive.  Roy Normen would like more information on the financing.  He also feels we should talk to the Food Alliance and get them on board.  Pat Botteron asked for a consensus by the committee.  All agreed to support the effort.

Pat Botteron stated Michele Lipe was updating the Master Plan and Jeff Folger was doing a spreadsheet on active farmland.  South Windsor has about 1,500 acres of open space but that includes subdivisions and schools.  Pat reported that the Patch was interested in how the town got its open space.  Pat saw Mr. Russik, the former owner of King Street, who said the equipment in the pond was removed and the quality of the water tested was good.

The 20th Anniversary of Open Space is this year.  We need to start developing a plan for an event in the fall like a garden tour or maybe do a scavenger hunt.  Michelle will put some money in the budget for this.  

Mayor Anwar is developing a 5 year plan.  Part of the plan includes a location for the Wapping Fair.  The Barton property may be a possibility.  It needs a lawn area and electricity.  

The Chamber is deciding on a replacement for Betty Osbourn.  

SWALPAC had talks on the Clark Street property.  The asking price is currently $1.3 with 9 acres in South Windsor and 7 acres in Manchester.  

The sedge property is still available.

The Town Manager has fielded some interest in the commercial piece near the new Firehouse.

Old Business         
Inland Wetlands looked at three lots on Quarry Brook.  The owner wants to build on one and donate the other two.  There is no link to any other open space.  It is wet.  Jeff Folger will update us next month.

One of the goals for this year will be a DVD to be used in the fall.

Other Business
Herb Asplund asked if it was written anywhere what the duties of a liaison is.  Michele Lipe will research this.

The round table may begin again.

John Caldwell said there may be a spending freeze.  He is not sure how this will affect us.  The Duck Pond has vines growing which are tearing down the fence.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:54 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sue W. Larsen