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OSTF 04-01-13 Draft Minutes
Open Space Task Force
April 1, 2013

Attendance :  Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Herb Asplund, George Caye, Roy Normen,  Jeff Folger, Bart Pacekonis, Sue W. Larsen, Betty Warren, John Caldwell
Town Council Liaison – Dr. Saud Anwar

Guest – Mayor Tom Delnicki

Pat Botteron, Chair, opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


The minutes of 2/4/2013 were accepted with the correction for Hole not Holt.

Public Participation

Mayor Delnicki came to speak to the group concerning the letter sent to Matt Galligan on February 12, 2013 concerning Lot 064 John Fitch Blvd.  The letter stated the property has conservation and habitat qualities along with drawbacks.  Mayor Delinicki wanted to discuss with the group the drawbacks and the consideration of the property as a donation to the town.  John Caldwell said the drawbacks were the maintenance and the liability of the property.  There were no curb cuts to the property and the property has a lot of wetlands.  Roy Normen commented that along with the costs to maintain, if the town were to sell the property, a referendum would have to occur which is costly. Both Herb Asplund and Roy Normen spoke on the possibility of a conservation group taking the donation.  Louise Evans said the property is zoned RO.  With the wetlands regulations as they are today, there is little risk of development. Betty Warren and Sue Larsen spoke that habitat was a strong consideration in their vote against the motion.  Ownership of the property has been questioned since Mr. Mangene’s name is currently not on the title and this may be premature until probate has been settled and ownership is determined.  The group discussed legal responsibility if signs were posted.  Pat Botteron wanted to know if Open Space referendum money would be used at any time but that was unclear since this was a gift.  Pat asked if an executive session would be held to discuss the property but Mayor Delnicki didn’t see the need for one since no negotiations were being held due to it being a gift.  The Mayor thanked the Task Force for sharing the information and felt he had enough to go to the Council with.  If it gets on the agenda, Open Space Task Force should attend the meeting.

New Business

Betty Warren spoke with Mrs. Galvin in reference to the Krawski property near Foster Farm. They will not be doing anything right now but if the Town acquires the front of Foster Farm, they might reconsider.

Dr. Anwar wanted to discuss the ordinance revisions before he had to leave.  He asked that we reconsider doing anything right now.  The types of things we would like to do could be done through correspondence with the Town Manager. Jeff Folger felt the major issue he perceived when joining the group was the role of Open Space Task Force and that some members felt that we went into areas belonging to other commissions like Conservation.  This could be an internal discussion. Louise Evans wants a review of the scope of the task force in order to put the energy of the group more focused.    

Roy Normen questioned why any tree removal was necessary on Dzen property since Rob Mannerino spoke to the group a few months ago.  Jeff Folger said there was a wrinkle in the situation due to soil testing.  The pond is OK for the Fishing Derby.

Pat Botteron spoke with a young woman interested in working on town projects so Jeff Folger will be giving her projects for the summer.

Old Business

Open Space Task Force will have a booth at the CT Trails Day.

The Gorski property will be discussed at the Town Council Meeting tonight.

King Street property still has title issues.

Louise Evans and Pat Botteron sent the P&Z Commission their comments on the draft of the Plan of Conservation.  Jeff sent the task Force copies electronically but if we need a paper copy, let him know.

Other Business

The next meeting will be May 6, 2013

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue W. Larsen