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OSTF Draft Minutes 11-14-2011
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                        Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        November 13, 2011
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Jeff Folger, George Caye, Herb Asplund, Roy Normen, Louise Evans, Betty Warren, David Romekjo, Carol Heffler, Betty Osborne, Viney Wilson

Not Present: Mike Gantick, Karl Reichle

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm.

Herb Asplund requested we say the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting.  It was agreed upon.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the October meeting were approved.

New Business

Trails and Parks were closed due to Storm Albert. 15 trees were down at Donnelly Park with no structural damage, although shrubs are lying across the trail. Nevers Park has loose limbs hanging down.  Jeff will be going to Wapping Park to assess the damage. The Barton Park has trees down but it is not a walking trail.    

Pat Botteron asked if anyone had any changes to the cell phone listing she had sent to everyone.  Her fax number is no longer working.

Carol Heffler had a copy of the minutes of the Inland/Wetlands meeting in which the firehouse was presented.  It clearly stated open space would be set aside on this parcel. Betty Warren met with Matt Galligan, Town Manager.  His intent is to have a resolution by the Town Council to put land aside but the Town Council may have a different take. “Open space is a give back to the community.”  It is on the record. Jeff Folger also spoke with Matt about the marketability and the development of the parcel.  There are 6.6 acres west of the Podunk that is not wetland and 1 acre east of the Podunk that is buildable.  Louise asked about the traffic light being proposed and Jeff said it would be at Troy Road which is an existing light on Sullivan Avenue.

On November 30th there will be a workshop on the P&Z Plan of Conservation and Development. All are invited to attend.

Old Business

Herb received a copy of Ordinance 162 which he requested.

Pat is asking for an update of the budget.  She has no property updates to report.

The property owners meeting will be held tomorrow from 6-8 pm in the Town Council Chambers.  Roy Normen asked if Bargain Price Sales could be discussed.  

Jeff was asked to add the acquisition date to the description of the properties on the map.

Other Business

Viney wanted to let all of the members know how much she appreciated all the concern we shared for her while she was ill. Thank you so much.

Our next meeting will be December 5th.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen