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OSTF Minutes 09-12-2011
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                        of the Meeting                                               
                        September 12, 2011
Amended 10/3/2011
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Betty Osborne, Sue Larsen, Karl Reichle, Jeff Folger, George Caye, Herb Asplund, Roy Normen, Carol Heffler, Louise Evans, Betty Warren, Mike Gantick, Dave Romejko

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the July meeting were approved with spelling correction.

New Business

Betty Warren told the group that there is one family that may be interested in selling their property.

Pat Botteron ran into Keith Yagloff at the fair.  He spoke about the Schweir property being up for sale and that it might be a great area for the permanent home of the Wapping Fair. The price is approximately $2 million.

Pat took pictures of two women painting the scenery at Wapping Park.

We all received copies of the financial statement for the OS fund.  $11, 000 was taken out to remove the Nelson barn after it collapsed.

Election of officers was held.  Louise Evans nominated Pat Botteron for chair, seconded by Carol. Herb nominated Louise for vice chair, seconded by Mike.  Louise nominated Sue for secretary, seconded by Carol.  Herb motioned to close the nominated and cast one ballot by the secretary.  It was unanimous.

Heritage Day:  8:30 Set Up   Herb, Pat, Gene Botteron
October 1        9:00 – 10:00  Pat, Carol
                       10:00 – 11:00 Pat, Betty O.
                       11:00 – 12:00 Pat
                        12:00 – 1:00  Pat
                       1:00- 2:00 Pat
                       2:00 – 3:00 Pat, Betty W.
                       3:00 – 4:00  Pat, Sue
                       Teardown  Pat, Gene Botteron,Herb, Sue

Louise will let Pat know when she can come. Also Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the High School on Oct. 1st.

Old Business
Betty W. wanted to know if the town took the Gorski property yet.  Mike replied there  were still lots of issues and it is being worked on.

The Neiderwerfer property is still up in the air.  There is a new president of the Audubon Society and so the town has heard nothing.  There were no discussions with the Land Trust either.

Jeff is working on the property owners’ meeting some time in October.

765 Sullivan Avenue will have a strip of property put aside as Open Space.  625 Sullivan Avenue is still for sale.  

The Matulis property is still in litigation. We may end up having to walk it again.

No one had any information on what is happening on the bike and walking trails on the Priest property.   

Karl reported that the debris from Hurricane Irene is being picked up and transported to East Windsor.  The cost is approximately $150,000.  There was concern about the Nelson property being used for debris but the Town used the East Windsor solution.  Karl said South Windsor needed a backup plan and that is why Nelson and Barber were mentioned.  

Pat met with Dr. Anwar to explain the Open Space Task Force. They reviewed the map and he gave a positive feedback on the work this task force has done.  

Herb mentioned the Boy Scouts releasing the butterflies in Donnelly Park.  It was a joint project with an Advanced Master Gardener, Sue Crombie. Steve Lewis, Scout Leader, would like to make this a bigger project.  
Roy asked if anyone was interested in going to the Longest Table event. He has tickets.

Pat sent a letter to the Thunder Soccer team and congratulated them on their team spirit and sportsmanship.
Other Business

The task force reviewed the bylaws.  There were a few issues that came up but they will be looked at later, when we have everyone in attendance.

Pat Botteron gave glowing acclamation to three members of the Task Force (Karl Reichle, Mike Gantick and Jeff Folger).  All three have gone above and beyond to make the Town of South Windsor a special place to live and we appreciate all their hard work.
Our next meeting will be October 3rd.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen