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OSTF Minutes 04-04-2011
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                        Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        April 4, 2011
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Karl Reichle, Jeff Folger, George Caye, Betty Warren, Herb Asplund, David Romejo, Betty Osbourne, Roy Normen, Carol Heffler, Viney Wilson

Guests:  Wayne McKinney, Ray Favreau, Caleb (Boy Scout)

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm.

Public Participation
Wayne McKinney spoke to the group about registering South Windsor as a certified habitat community.  The town needs 150 certified homes and small businesses.  Wayne currently has two volunteers (Jeff Folger & Barbara Kelly) but needs at least 8 more.  
The volunteer needs include fund raising and grant writing, press releases, work with  
schools, set up a website, and organize events.  24 States already have the program.    

A motion was made by Viney Wilson.  The Open Space Task Force indorses the initiative for Habitat for Life.  The second was made by Carole Heffler. The vote was unanimous.

Ray Favreau came to speak as Director of Parks and Recreation.  The task force was aware of the barn collapse on 390 Deming Street.  Ray explained the area was fenced off with a no trespass sign.  The job is too large to be done in-house so 5 contractors were notified and 3 bids received.  The old farm equipment inside is being moved by the owners of the equipment. To date, no asbestos has been found.  The issue is whether or not the money to remove the barn should come from the referendum money.  Betty Warren had a copy the referendum description and it decided that money could be taken from the account. The bids have been between $11,000 and $14,000.

Herb Asplund made the Motion.  Open Space Task Force supports the use of the Open Space fund to be used for the demolition of the barn on 390 Deming Street to correct the safety hazard on the property.  Betty Warren seconded.  The motion passed.

 Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the March meeting were approved.

New Business

Pat Botteran asked if everyone had received the invitation to the Volunteer Reception on May 13th.  She hopes everyone will be able to attend.

Old Business
Jeff Folger said he attended an event sponsored by the Farm Bureau on Agriculture and Land Use Planning. He said that SW is far ahead of most towns.

Pat reminded everyone about the CT Walk day on June 5th from 1 -4 p.m.  She will send everyone information on the other days if anyone is interested in attending the events on June 4th.

The boardwalk on the Priest property has not been started yet.

Pat sent a letter to the Mayor to assign a new counselor.  No action has been taken yet.

Jeff is still working on the updated maps.

We did not get the grant for the laminator.

Pat Botteron had no property updates to report.

Roy Normen asked if towns were eligible for the Northeast grants and Jeff said yes.

The medical facility proposal  on Sullivan Avenue will disturb some wetlands and they are compensating by putting in 400 ft of raised boardwalk.

The Cornerstone open space violation is still being decided by the town attorney.  The issue is whether it is a zoning violation or a violation under the Open Space ordinance.  The ordinance has fining ability but the zoning violation would not.  Several members expressed concern that the town attorney should act quickly.

The committee putting together the informational meeting, will meet again.  They are hoping for the last week in April in the council chambers or the friends room.

Jeff Folger needs help repairing some of the bridges.

The magnet school proposal on Chapel Rd. has been withdrawn.  

Other Business

Our next meeting will be May 2nd.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen