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OSTF Minutes 02-07-2011
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        February7, 2011
                        Amended and Approved March 7, 2011     
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Louise Evans, Karl Reichle, Jeff Folger, Michael Gantick, Carol Heffler, Viney Wilson, George Caye

Guest: Dr. Saud Anwar
Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm.

Public Participation
Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the January meeting were approved.

New Business

Pat Botteran read the SW Life article with quotes from Joan Walsh.  She would like a permanent location for the Wapping Fair. Joan had spoken to Pat about this.  Jeff Folger said the sledding park would be good but the cost to bring water and electricity would prohibit it.  Viney said this activity should be restricted to land approved for active recreation. Louise feels that we should not be involved in this and that it should be referred to the Town Manager. Pat had already responded to Joan with that advise.

Jeff Folger reported on the Conerstone subdivision in which an owner took it upon himself to hire a landscaper to work in the open space.  The town has hired an arborist to take inventory of the plants removed.  Over 100 plants and trees have been included.  The owner created a hole in the stone wall for the landscaper to work.  The owner was aware the property was town owned.  

We will join Walk and Wheels for CT Trail Days on Sunday June 5th.  

Jeff Folger reported that private funding was available to create trails on the Priest property.  It will be 1,000 ft. of boardwalk for bikers and pedestrians. Louise Evans expressed concerns over having both walkers and bikers on the same small path. This was shared by several members.  
Snowmobiles have been seen on Wapping Park.  It was suggested to send letters to the registered owners reminding them that it is illegal.

Mr. Matulis has passed away and Pat Botteron sent a memo to Rep. Bill Aman since he had spoken to Pat about the town acquiring the property. An appraisal of the property was done about 4 years ago according to Mike.

Jeff Folger gave all of us a copy of the PA 490 letter being sent out to the land owners.

Pat Botteron will contact Roy Normen about the status of the owner meeting to educate all of us on the benefits of development rights, town ownership and other land considerations.

Old Business

Jeff Folger applied for a $475 grant to purchase a laminator.

Pat will be meeting with Matt Galligan on redefining our role in the ordinances.  Matt has said he would like all of us to remain on the task force.

There is still no conformation on 675 Sullivan Avenue or the Neiderwerfer property.

Jeff Folger is still working on the simplified version of the map.  He should have something for us to review next month.
Other Business

Our next meeting will be March 7th.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen