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OSTF Minutes 10-04-2010

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Herb Asplund, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Vinnie Wilson, Betty Osborne, George Caye, Karl Reichle, Betty Warren, David Romejo

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm.

Minutes of the July and September meetings were approved as amended for attendance.
Vinnie Wilson still has trouble getting the agenda.

Pat Botteron emailed the flyer for Family walk at Wapping Park.  We will have an informational booth from 1:00 to 4:00.  Jeff Folger will be doing parking and Louise will be the tree expert.  Betty Osborne will be there from 1:00 – 2:00, Sue Larsen will be there 2:00 – 3:00, Roy Normen will be there 3:00 – 4:00 and Vinnie Wilson will be there 1:00 – 4:00.  George Caye will go between the two groups.

Roy Normen has a concern that the Conservation Commission is not involved.  Betty Warren said that Jeff Folger keeps them informed.

Pat Botteron reported there were no changes on the Nelson property.  A resolution to the Peck property has come about.  There has been no word on the Neiderwerfer property.

Pat brought up some issues with the map.  The task force discussed the coloring of the agricultural land and how we could portray it in a more informational way.

Karl Reichle wanted a discussion on the Open Space task Force becoming the Conservation Commission.  Roy Normen said Avon has both but you need strong leaders.  He does not feel this group would be a natural fit due to its diversity. This history behind this group was that its mission was to address violations on open space in subdivisions and it has expanded from there.  Louise said there are points of overlap and that maybe a subcommittee could be formed.  The main thought was to focus on kick starting the Conservation Commission.  The chairs could get together and share ideas and activities along with goals and objectives.

The Ordinance change appears to be directed at the process of maintaining open space by abutters in a subdivision.  The OSTF recommends that nothing change. We do want updated membership rules and definition of the current status of the Open Space Task Force.

Roy Normen mentioned concerns about the parking area near Major Donnelly Park since he was not present at the time Jeff spoke about it last month. The discussion is tabled until Jeff is available.
Rep. Aman spoke with Pat Botteron about the Matulis property.  He would like us to review it again.  Several members were aware of the situation and that it is not in our hands.

Our next meeting will be Nov. 1st.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:07p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue W. Larsen