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OSTF Draft Minutes 12-10-2010
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        December 10, 2010
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Herb Asplund, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Vinnie Wilson, George Caye, Betty Warren, Jeff Folger, Carol Heffler
Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the November meeting were approved.

New Business

Betty Warren said 490 letters would be sent out to the owners in January.

Roy Normen spoke with Jonathan Foster about development rights and land acquisition.  Both men agreed that there should be a joint meeting of groups with similar goals.  Mike Gantick would like to see a round table discussion similar to the leadership round table the town once had.  The Task Force should speak with Matt Galligan again about a meeting with an attorney and a financial advisor to educate everyone on the benefits of development rights.

Jeff Folger handed out a revised financial report showing all income and expenses since the first referendum.  Jeff will get answers on two questions: 1) why does short term interest come out of our fund? 2) What is the Bond Counsel payment of $12,416?

Mike Gantick reported on a forest symposium.  Conversation to Conservation hopes to preserve 70% of the forests in New England.

Carol Heffler reported that the Conservation Commission wants to stay with Inland Wetlands.  

Old Business

Pat Botteron reported that Melanie Crucetti said that there would be no sales tax if we were to sell brochures.

George Caye reported on the Family Walk.  Approximately 75 people came out on a windy,cold day. Great job was done by all involved.  George also spoke about the Scantic River Watershed Association coming to Park & Rec in January about a grant in South Windsor.  Pat Botteron will email George the properties Open Space Task Force has walked.
Jeff Folger has bought two white folding tables.  He worked on the matrix of the town map.

Mike Gantick and Marcia Banach received the 2010 Tree Program Award for the Earth Day Celebration.

Pat Botteron noted that during the GIS presentation at Town Hall, Marica Banach spoke about OSTF being the first to use it.

Louise Evans motioned to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing future land acquisition.  The motion was seconded by Vinnie Wilson.  The vote was unanimous.
We went into executive session at 6:38 and returned at 6:49.

Jeff Folger led the discussion on the breakout of open space at 765 Sullivan Avenue.  The improvements to the open space area were based on the Inland Wetland presentation that the land was going to be town owned open space.  Subsequently, it was decided to include this land as commercial property with the anticipation that the purchaser would use the land to calculate impervious coverage and therefore get greater coverage in the buildable areas.  Louise Evans motioned to extend the meeting 5 minutes. Herb Asplund seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously.  Louise Evans discussed the drainage issues if the builder concentrated the development and suggested finding a way to alleviate the drainage from going into the Open Space.  



Other Business


Our next meeting will be January 3rd.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:07p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen