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OSTF Minutes 04-05-2010
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        April 5, 2010

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Betty Osborne, Betty Warren, Herb Asplund, Louise Evans, Karl Reichle, Mike Gantick, Viney Wilson

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm.

Public Participation
   Councilor Kathy Hale said the Neiderwerfer Property was on the Council agenda tonight for discussion.  Councilor Hale asked for a consensus on another piece of property the town manger was working on. A third piece of property was being reconfigured and would be back for discussion at a later time.  
     Earth Day was discussed.  The events planned so far are tree dedications, Clean Energy, Fishing Derby, Down to Earth Garden Club exhibit, Walk, Wheels and Ways Club tours, Electronic Recycling Collection.  Other ideas were bottle recycling for the teen center and Info shredding paper.   We discussed again the Public Works water works display but the cost is prohibitive.  
      Councilor Hale will find out what has been proposed for the budget.

Acceptance of Minutes
   Minutes of the March meeting were accepted as amended.
New Business
     Earth Day:
    Schedule:   Bagging on Friday April 23rd     Pat Botteron
                                                                           Louise Evans
                                                                           Herb Asplund
                  Bring scissors                                   Betty Warren
                                                                            Sue Larsen
                                                                           Betty Osborne
                                                                           Roy Norman
                     Fishing Derby Saturday April 24th   Sue Larsen
                                                                               Betty Warren
                     Pavilion                                            Viney Wilson
                                                                              Karl Reichle
                                                                              Betty Osborne
                                                                              Louise Evans
                                                                              Pat Botteron
                                                              Sue & Betty will join them after the fishing derby

Old Business  

   Roy said the sign on Wapping Park is excellent.
      Pat reported quickly on property updates.

      We will meet on Monday at 2:30 for a property walk.
Other Business       

    Our next meeting will be May 3th.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen