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OSTF Minutes11-09-2009

Meeting of November 9, 2009

Meeting Called To Order:  5:43 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:  7:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:   Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Carol Heffler, Louise Evans, Michael Gantick, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Betty Warren

MEMERS ABSENT:  Herb Asplund, Jim Snow

•       Botteron brought sparkling cider and cookies to toast the hard work and success of the Open House at Wapping Park and the passing of the $2M referendum.

•        Normen said the minutes should reflect, on the Master Plan map that shows future properties for conservation/preservation titled prospective properties instead of targeted properties.   Banach requested that members with minor changes to the draft Master Plan send changes/revisions to her via e-mail.    

•       Botteron told of how the residents spoke so highly and raved about the Open House at Wapping Park.  Gantick reported there were 175+ attendees.

•       Botteron brought up the idea of having an Adopt-A-Trail for business and groups.  This will be discussed at a later meeting.
•       Botteron read a letter from Rev. Kevin Saunders, Victory Ministries, this property is located a Crow Park Rd., Banach brought out maps.   A time and date was set to walk the property, Evans and Warren believed the Town refused this property in 1998-1999.  Banach though if this property is not suitable for Town ownership it should be referred to the Department of Environmental Protection who have purchased land nearby that abuts the Scantic River.  Normen saw an opportunity for a Scantic River Greenway.    
•       Botteron reported that Councilor Hale forwarded a list of grant monies available through Land Trust organizations.  Botteron then forwarded it to Asplund, the representative from the Land Trust to the Open Space Task Force.  

•       Botteron brought up the idea to send Hartford Courant reporter, Peter Marteka an invitation to walk our Open Space properties.  He has written an article on the Niederwerfer Wildlife Sanctuary this summer.  Banach thought this would be a good idea for a Springtime project.       

•       Gantick attended a conference in Ashford, CT.  He will get information for the Task Force (ie:  brochures) on ways and means of conservation/preservation of open space.  He stated that the Joshua Trust is prominent in conservation/preservation.  Botteron suggested that it would be advantageous to have the speakers Gantick encountered to speak about methods/ways of conservation/preservation of land and water to the Council and viewing public..  

•       Botteron presented two maps and the Master Plan for the South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways Committee.  They have proposed biking and walking throughout Town.  Botteron was concerned that some of the bike trails would have a negative impact on the environment, especially on Town Owned Open Space.   Their main goals is roadway bike paths and under power lines.  Normen is also a member of this committee and he feels that CL&P may approve such trails.   Reichle voiced that while walking on trails that allow also for bikes it is very disruptive for those on foot to have to move off the path and yield to the bikers.  

Banach believes that trails under the power lines may take awhile to implement due to permission and possible easements from private owners.

The Open Space Task Force will endorse their Master Plan with a letter.

•       Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

                Next scheduled meeting will be December 7, 2009