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OSTF Minutes05-05-2009

                                      OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                            Minutes of the Meeting
                                                    May 5, 2009

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Herb Asplund, Betty Osborne, Betty Warren, Carol, Heffler, Karl Reichle, Sue Larsen

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:37.


Minutes of the April 6th meeting was accepted as amended.


Pat Botteron reported on Jim Snow. He is still recuperating at Salmon Brook in Glastonbury.

Mayer Cary Prague and Councilor  Kathyrn Hale joined the task force in a discussion on open space.  Pat Botteron gave the mayor a map of the Priest property.  The Mayor discussed the concept of bike trails on the property. Betty Warren was concerned about erosion on the property due to bikes.  

Mayor Prague discussed the appraisal values for the Jurgelais and Nelson properties.  Betty Warren is concerned that if the town council does not act with due diligence the property may be lost.  

Mayor Prague asked if we wanted a referendum in the fall.  Pat thought we still had approximately $1,200,000 in the fund.

Louise Evans asked Karl Reichle if there were still plots available in the community garden.  Karl said there were still plots available and soon they would allow a second plot once everyone has had an opportunity for one.  Louise said we have a great program in South Windsor with water and compost available.

The discussion then turned to Foster Farm access.  The task force was unanimous in supporting the 5 year lease to the Fosters.  Karl Reichle said a working farm and the

public don’t go together.  The town already has beautiful parks for the public to enjoy. The farmer needs to be able to utilize equipment, plant and harvest  without people walking around.  The liability for this would be another factor. Betty Warren mentioned the cycle of planting so a farmer would need to know 5 years in advance what seeds to plant to best utilize the land.   Carol Heffler said that one major issue of high priority in the town surveys is the rural character of SW.  We would lose a large chunk of it if we lost more farming.  Herb Asplund said that if the town has no plans for Foster farm, we should no impede the farming .

The mayor was asked how much money was coming out of Open Space funds for the Firehouse property .  He thought around $130,000.

Town Manager, Matt Galligan, joined the meeting.  He said he has the authority to sign the lease unless the Town Council says no.  The contract says the town purchased the property for agricultural or passive recreation.  Matt also said that farming and walking trails are not compatible.  The town had plans for Major Donnelly and Wapping Park but there are no plans for Foster Farm.  The driveway would be a major consideration on the property for public access off Avery Street.  The town needs to be careful of what it takes on as far as maintenance.  Lawrence Road is an example of not maintaining the property.  

The appraisals for the Jurgelias and Nelson properties were shown to the task force.  The mayor would like a more aggressive approach to properties the task force recommends.

Councilor Hale will be the liaison to the task force.

Matt Galligan says we have $850,000 left in the fund. He also said approximately $130,000 could be used for the firehouse property but he was trying to utilize the land as offsets for developers.

Pat Botteron and Betty Warren will speak to the council this evening on approving the lease for the Foster Farm.

OLD BUSINESS           

Pat wanted to discuss the Wapping Park Open House.  We will be responsible for coffee, donuts, tents, chairs, etc.  We will need more money in the budget for next year.  

We will have a 15 minute meeting on June 1st and then adjourn to walk the property.

Heritage Day is in October and we will once again have an informational booth there.

The revision of the rating sheets will be tabled.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue W. Larsen