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OSTF Minutes 02-02-2009
                                               OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                    Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                                                         February 2, 2009

Attendance: Pat Botteron, , Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Marcia Banach, Karl Reichle, Carol Heffler, Jim Snow, Betty Warren, Herb Asplund, Michael Gantick

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
   Minutes of the January meeting were accepted.
New Business
   A consensus was taken to break at 6:00 p.m. to listen to the Governor’s address.
Old Business        

         Pat Botteron reported that the Nelson & Jurgelis properties were going to be discussed this evening by the town council in executive session.
         Herb Asplund discussed the modifications to the ratings sheet.  He categorized the ratings into 5 categories utilizing the same criteria as previously used.  Cateogory 1 Land Size:  allowed for more value in property size, vistas will be in one location with more value and increased the value for farmland. Category 2 Buildings: Added structures on the property which can add or detract for the value. Category 3 Master Plan: lowered value. Category 4 Development Risks: no major changes. Category 5 Other Considerations: value change.
     The members liked the additions of structures but wanted a range on all three categories of buildings to recognize the condition of the building and its possible uses including the sale of the buildings. Several members were concerned about the property size rating because many properties are so close in size that the rating doesn’t reflect a true value. Roy will develop ranges of sizes and values for the next meeting. Marcia Banach and Herb Aslpund discussed the rating sheet being scaled down to a 100 point system, making it easier to relate to.  Betty Warren said we all should take about 3 properties and compare the new ratings to the old. It was discussed that we should add a commercial property value.  Karl Reichle said this would create a problem with the rating sheet because we have no idea what the potential for the property would be. Carol Heffler discussed the idea that the rating sheet be simply  background information and the Summary Sheet along with the chairman’s letter should be the basis of the recommendation sent to the town council. Everyone seemed to agree on that. All members need to work on the weighting of the categories on the summary page for the next meeting.
      Thank you to Marcia and Herb for the work done on revising the rating sheets.
      Pat Botteron handed out copies of the pamphlet on Roberts Rules.
      Chris will be asked to send out the latest e-mail addresses to everyone.

The next meeting will be March 2nd .

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen