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OSTF Minutes 6_4_07
                                            OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                           JUNE 4, 2007

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Jim Snow, Roy Normen,Herb Asplund, Betty Warren,
                  Carol Heffler, Michael Gantick, Karl Riechle, Sue Larsen

The meeting was called to order at 5:37 p.m.

The minutes were passed out and read.  The minutes were accepted as amended to read that Louise Evans reported on the Historical Society and not Mike Gantick.

Mike Gantick moved the adoption of the Rules for the transaction of Business as amended to read: Sec 3-Meetings shall begin at 5:30 and adjourn no later than 7:00 p.m. unless extended by approval of every member in attendance. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

A discussion of the Strong Road property was held.  Betty Warren moved not to pursue the parcel. Roy Normen said the property had potential. Mike Gantick said the appraisal value was too high taking into consideration the tear down costs. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.  Pat Botteron will write a transmittal to the Town Council.

Roy Normen reminded the group that we need the payback figures on education.

Strawberry Fest is Saturday and we need to locate the tent. Pat Botteron had a new banner made.  Herb Asplund will make sure we are next to the Public Works tent. Mike Gantick will locate the maps. Jeff Folger should have new pictures of the Major Donnelly Park.

Pat Botteron read the letter on the Leadership roundtable on June 13th in the Council Chambers. Call Kathy Middleton on ext 202 if you are going.

Roy Normen spoke about an article on Suffield buying development rights. Suffield has a great attitude toward farming.

Mike Gantick will send us a form to report turkey sightings in our area.

John Pelkey spoke to Pat Botteron about our possible interest in the 5 acres abutting Wapping Park.

Carol Heffler moved to adjourn at 6:46 p.m.