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OSTF - Minutes 2-7-05

                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of  February 7, 2005

Meeting Called To Order:  5:32p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:47p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Pat Botteron, Carol Heffler, Louise Evans,                          Mike Gantick, Roy Normen, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT: Marcia Banach, Sue Larsen, Betty Osborne

·       Minutes from the January 3, 2005 were unanimously accepted.  

·       Botteron reported that she spoke with Town Manager, Matt Galligan regarding ATV and snowmobile activity on Wapping Park.  The South Windsor Police have been called many times but because of lack of specialty equipment (i.e.:  ATV’s of snowmobiles) have been unable to catch and site the encroachers.  At an earlier meeting, Gantick reported that the Department of Environmental Protection Agency’s focus is to stop encroachment on state owned properties (Wapping Park was purchased, in part, with DEP grant monies).  The DEP is better equipped to try to stop the ongoing encroachment.  Galligan gave Botteron his permission to report to and ask the DEP for help with this problem.

·       Gantick had reported in November that Reporter Scott Haynie from Channel 3 News did a small segment on the Donnelly Property.  Botteron called Channel 3 News and requested a copy of the tape, however, Botteron was told they do not keep those tapes.

·       Snow reported that he had not heard anything more regarding the South Windsor Police and some residents requesting a dog park , where dogs are free to run, at Rye Street Park.

·       Gantick reported that the same real estate agency which is in the process of selling the Nagy parcel (approximately one acre parcel on Salley Drive) is now involved in selling a 2.6 acre parcel near I-291.  This parcel is land locked, but previously the owner was considering donating it to the Town.

·       Warren reported that she had not spoken with Jay Dipple of the State Department of Agriculture regarding speaking about Agriculture Development Rights Purchase before the Town Council on February 22nd.  However, she was informed that someone would  be available to address the Council on that date.

·       The Task Force reviewed what they would like Attorney David Platt of Murtha Cullina to talk to the Council about on February 22nd.  It was concluded that other techniques, means and options be addressed during this time.  

·       Botteron will call the Town Council Clerk and finalize arrangements and time allotments for each speaker.

·       Gantick reported that he had a phone call from a Town resident that wished to have her June wedding at the Donnelly Property.  The property could possibly hold the wedding ceremony.  Gantick told her they did not have restroom facilities or room for tents and that alcoholic beverages could not be served on this parcel.  Therefore this would be an unlikely sight for the wedding reception.  He suggested that she give consideration to Nevers Road Park for the wedding reception.

·        Botteron noted on the Council Agenda, for this evening, a discussion item by Councillor Streeter was listed.  The item was a proposed resolution providing that an Open Space and Land Acquisition Referendum be submitted to Town electors in conjunction with the Town election to be held November 8, 2005.
The Town Manager did not feel it necessary for members of the Task Force to come before Town Council tonight, however, the Open Space Task Force and South Windsor Agricultural Land Preservation Commission will be very involved in the upcoming months.

Banach had spoken with Botteron that Rob Mannarino, Developer of the Joseph Lane property, wishes to come before the Task Force and request a building lot in the subdivision open space.  The Task Force reviewed this parcel and gave our recommendations to the Council in December.

The consensus of the Task Force is that our decision remains unchanged to recommend to the Council to accept the 1.8 acre parcel and not allow any further building lots on this open space.

                        Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2005