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OSTF 11-1-2004

                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of November 1, 2004

Meeting Called To Order:  5:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:02p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans,                       Carol Heffler, Mike Gantick, Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT: Herb Asplund, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen

PUBLIC PRESENT:  Rob Mannarino

·       Minutes from the October 4, 2004 were unanimously accepted.

·       The Joseph Lane subdivision open space, located on Nevers Road, was reviewed.  The property rated slightly above mid-range for this one and one-half acre parcel. The consensus of the group was this would be a very desirable parcel for the Town to own.  A letter of our findings will be sent to the Town Manager.

·       The Task Force reviewed the six acre Giannamore parcel on Sullivan Avenue and Route 5 (behind All-Phase Electric Co.) that is offered for donation to the Town.  This property did not score well and it was unanimously felt this property is undesirable for Town ownership.  It was suggested that the State may be interested in this parcel as it seems to match their vision and goals to link Scantic River corridors.

·       It was suggested by Banach that Farm Development Rights workshop, to be scheduled with the Council, be pursued by the South Windsor Land Preservation Committee.  Warren will pursue this and the likely speaker will be Jay Dipple from the State Agriculture Department (Note:  It was erroneously reported that Mr. Dipple was with the Department of Environmental Protection Agency in the Task Force October 4, 2004 minutes).  The OSTF will simultaneously sponsor a workshop for the Council regarding other methods of land preservation.

Botteron will follow up with the Task Force, and suggested that David Platt of Murtha Cullina, LLP, would be a likely candidate to address the Council on other methods and means used for conservation.  

·       No one from the Task Force attended the 2020 Vision For South Windsor Community Forum For Tomorrow, which was held on October 14, 2004.

·       Gantick thanked the members for their participation at the Major Michael Donnelly Land Preserve Open House that was held on October 24th.  A great number of residents turned out for this event and many made positive comments about the Preserve and what has been accomplished on this property.

·       Osborne asked what the oily looking substance on some water ways is on the Donnelly property.  Reichle responded it is a naturally occurring bacterium that produces such an effect on the water surface.

*       Snow reported that Chief Gary Tyler and four residents came to the Park and Recreation Commission meeting and asked if there was a possibility of putting in a dog park at Rye Street Park.  This would be an area where dogs are free to run.   Snow will keep us informed as to the response to this request.
·       Reichle attended a symposium on Invasive Plant Species and gave an overview of what had been discussed.  He will give interested members copies of the listing of invasive plant species in Connecticut.

Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2004