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OSTF 06-07-2004

                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of June 7, 2004

Meeting Called To Order:  5:33 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

·       Minutes from the May 3, 2004 were unanimously accepted.

·       Botteron invited all members to the Leadership Round Table meeting to be held on June 23, 2004 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the South Windsor Fire Headquarters, Ellington Road.

·       Reichle spoke of a communication that he received from Mr. Tom Fleury on 35 Cadbury Lane (Country View Estates Subdivision) informing Reichle that someone had put up a fence on what he believes to be Town owned subdivision open space. Reichle could not accurately determine if the fence was on private or Town owned property.  He will investigate this further.

However, Reichle did note there is illegal dumping of debris as well as other infractions such as mowing on this Town owned subdivision open space.  The Task Force discussed methods of eliminating residents’ annexing Town open space as part of their individual lots. Possibilities include police and zoning enforcement; resending the Task Force’s educational brochure townwide; sending a letter accompanied by the Town Owned Subdivision Rules and Regulations to those residents living in that subdivision. It was noted that Public Works does not have the resources to reclaim the open space from the residents at this time, as it would require both manpower and funding to accurately locate and mark the boundaries of the Town-owned land, then follow up with enforcement. This discussion will continue at a future meeting.

·       Botteron had spoken with Mrs. Murrill Mahr regarding the inclusion of her property within the Main Street area that has been offered by Tim Shepard to the Town for the purchase of development rights.  Mrs. Mahr stated that neither she nor her son, Dr. Nicholas Mahr, is interested in development rights or sale of their property.  She told Botteron that Dr. Mahr was not available because he was in the process of moving from Florida to Tennessee, however, they had discussed this matter and she was relaying his intent.

·       Members reviewed the draft copy of the letter regarding the Main Street properties for potential development rights purchase.  After much discussion it was agreed that Botteron and Normen would write the final copy of this transmittal, then forward on to Banach for distribution to the Town Council and Town Manager.

·       Methods to inform the Council about the advantages of development rights were discussed.  It was decided that Botteron would contact Mr. Jim Gibbons of the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension System or someone with expert knowledge about development rights and request that they speak at a Council Work Session.  Botteron will make these arrangements.

·       Reichle displayed a map of the Donnelly Land Preserve showing the improvements that have been accomplished on this parcel.  He spoke about the plantings, footbridges, stocked pond, and gazebo that are being installed. Gantick is also exploring the feasibility of erecting a viewing tower. There will be an open house with tours of this property on Sunday, October 24, 2004.  

*       Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2004 at 5:30 p.m.