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Open Space Task Force Minutes 1-5-2004
                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of January 5, 2004

Meeting Called To Order:  5:38 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:06 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Mike Gantick,  Roy Normen, Betty Osborne, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT: Carol Heffler, Karl Reichle

QUEST PRESENT:      Louise Evans, Resident

·       Minutes from the December 1, 2003 Open Space Task Force Meeting were reviewed.  They were edited and should reflect the following corrections:

Normen noted that he would attend this evenings Town Council meeting to support the naming the Kelley/Waldron/Willard Properties as Wapping Park.

Normen discussed the idea of designated areas on Town owned properties to be reserved as a place of remembrance for persons of our community.

Normen felt this area could be at the Donnelly Property or any of the other Town owned open spaces.  This could be discussed at subsequent Open Space Task Force meetings.

·       Botteron stated that she had received signed letters of intent to sell various Main Street properties for development rights to the Town along with permission for the Open Space Task Force to walk the properties.  The properties are:  Shepard, Nicholson, Speilman, Clark, and Mahr.  Tim Shepard had spoken with Banach and stated that he had not as yet obtained written permission from the Kasheta family for the OSTF to walk their property, and at this time OSTF should disregard that parcel.  

A date and time was set to walk the above referenced properties.

·       Louise Evans gave Botteron a letter to the Town Manager indicating that she would like to continue serving on the Task Force.  Botteron will deliver this letter to Town Manager along with a letter of support from the Open Space Task Force. Evans who previously served on the Task Force representing Planning and Zoning, would now serve as a citizen representative.

·       Both Botteron and Banach had spoken with newly elected Chairman Wentzel of Planning and Zoning about sending a replacement for the vacancy left by Evans.  He indicated that he will do so.

·       Normen brought up the concept of a Remembrance Park .  This was discussed along with other ideas.  Gantick related that Town staff has compiled a site-specific list of potential improvements such as trails that would be good additions to the various Town parks and open spaces.  These could be opportunities for naming and could also be done as memorial gifts.  Normen advised that the Council’s Naming Committee has drafted a Naming Policy which is being reviewed by the Town Attorney.  The consensus was to obtain a copy of the draft policy and review the list of potential imrovements to determine if this would complement the policy.  The combination could provide the opportunity for naming recognition and memorial gifts and fulfill the concept of the Remembrance Park.

·       Botteron asked if the Town has received payment of the DEP grant monies.  Gantick reported that as of this date the Town still has not collected on the above promised grants.  He understands that State Representative Nancy Kerensky has spoken to State Treasurer Nancy Wyman about the delay and the monies should be forthcoming.

·       Warren asked if anyone knew when signage would be placed on the newly named Wapping Park.  From the $15,000 put aside for signage, Gantick did not know if there was funding left for signage. Town staff are building signs for Wapping Park. Gantick indicated he would speak with Jeff Folger about what was intended and the status.

*                       Next regular meeting is February 2, 2004 at 5:30 p.m.