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Open Space Task Force Minutes 12-1-2003
                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of December 1, 2003

Meeting Called To Order:  5:37 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:37 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Herb Asplund, Pat Botteron, Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Roy      Normen, Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren


·       Minutes from the November 3, 2003 Open Space Task Force Meeting were unanimously accepted.  

·       Gantick distributed maps outlining the Shepard properties and surrounding properties located on Main Street.  Tim Shepard was present at September 8, 2003, OSTF meeting, where he indicated that he and some of the surrounding property owners might be interested in selling development rights to the Town. At present the Town only has a letter of intent and written permission for the OSTF to walk the Shepard properties, not the other six properties.  Asplund stated that he would be seeing Shepard and will request that Shepard speak with the other owners and inform them that we need written permission to walk their properties to review them for potential Town acquisition.

·       Warren announced that there is a groundbreaking ceremony for Evergreen Walk on Monday, December 8, 2003 at 9:00 a.m.  Any member interested may attend this event.

·       Botteron announced that there is a Leadership Round Table Meeting on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Ellington Road Fire Station.  Some members of the Board of Education will be present to update the group on the Elementary School Facilities study.  All OSTF members were invited to attend this meeting.

·       Botteron mentioned of agenda item on tonight’s Council meeting: a resolution to name the Kelley/Waldron/Willard properties Wapping Park.  

Normen noted that this would be an opportune time to suggest to the Council that they reserve an area of land such as a walking trail or tree stands as a place of remembrance to those who served in the community.   

Normen felt this area could be at Kelley/Waldron/Willard property or any of the other Town owned open spaces.  He would go before Council with his suggestions.

·       Gantick reported that walking trails and a fishing pier was being constructed at the Major Michael Donnell property located on Sullivan Avenue.  This is being done with grant monies and assistance from the Boy Scouts.  Gantick showed what has been proposed and what has been accomplished thus far.

·       Botteron told members that she is sending a letter to the newly elected Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission reminding them that the Task Force will need a replacement for Evans.

Evans’ service to this Committee was exemplary.  She has shown interest in continuing to serve on the Task Force. It is the feeling of this Committee that Evans’ expertise in conservation, preservation and educational matters is too valuable to lose.  It was suggested by some members that Evans could serve in the capacity of a residential representative.  This would replace an unfilled vacancy left by the resignation of Kerensky.

The Task Force agreed that a letter of intent would be sent to the Council for their review and approval for potential appointment.
·       Gantick presented a nomograph scale for use with our revised property rating.  This is a scale used in engineering.  Gantick prepared a sample, using properties that have been rated in the past, to show its accuracy.  This will be reviewed at a future meeting.

Next regular meeting is January 5, 2004